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Swift Cookbook

Live Edition · Multiplatform · Swift · Editor agnostic

Use Optional Binding in Swift
Written by Team Kodeco

In Swift, optionals represent the possibility of a value being absent. However, in order to use the value inside an optional, it must be unwrapped. Optional binding is a safe way to unwrap optionals, allowing you to check if a value exists before using it.

Here’s an example of using optional binding to safely unwrap an optional string:

let possibleString: String? = "Hello, optional binding!"
if let definiteString = possibleString {
  print(definiteString) // Output: Hello, optional binding!
} else {
  print("possibleString is nil")

In this example, the optional possibleString is safely unwrapped and assigned to a new, non-optional constant definiteString if it contains a value. If possibleString is nil, the code inside the if block will not be executed, and the code in the else block will be executed instead.

It’s important to note that when using optional binding, the unwrapped value is only available within the scope of the if statement, or the else statement if the optional was nil.

Shadow Variable Names

Because naming things is so hard, it’s common practice to give the unwrapped constant the same name as the optional (thereby shadowing that optional):

let message: String? = "Hello, optional binding!"
if let message {
    print(message) // Output: Hello, optional binding!
} else {
    print("message is nil")

Unwrap Multiple Optionals at Once

You can use optional binding to unwrap multiple optionals at once:

let message: String? = "Hello there!"
let favoriteNumber: Int? = 42
if let message , let favoriteNumber {
    print("message: \(message), favoriteNumber: \(favoriteNumber)") // Output: message: Hello there!, favoriteNumber: 42
} else {
    print("One of the optionals is nil")

In this example, both message and favoriteNumber are unwrapped and assigned to new, non-optional constants message and favoriteNumber, respectively.

If either of them is nil, the code inside the if block will not be executed, and the code in the else block will be executed instead.

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