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Swift Cookbook

Live Edition · Multiplatform · Swift · Editor agnostic

Define Swift Closures
Written by Team Kodeco

In Swift, closures are self-contained blocks of code that can be passed around and used in your program. They are similar to functions, but have a more flexible syntax and can be stored as variables or used as function arguments.

Here is the basic syntax to define a Swift closure:

{ (parameters) -> returnType in

Here’s a concrete example of that:

let addTwoNumbers = { (a: Int, b: Int) -> Int in
  return a + b
let sum = addTwoNumbers(3, 5)
print(sum) // Output: 8

Specify the Type of a Closure

To specify the type of a closure, use this syntax:

(parameterTypes) -> returnType

Where parameterTypes is a list of the data types of the closure’s input parameters and returnType is the data type of the value returned by the closure.

For example, the type of the addTwoNumbers closure from earlier would be (Int, Int) -> String.

So you could have written that example as follows:

let addTwoNumbers: (Int, Int) -> Int
addTwoNumbers = { (a: Int, b: Int) -> Int in
  return a + b

Shorthand Syntax with Swift Type Inference

If the compiler can infer the types of the parameters and the type of the return type, you can use a shorthand syntax for closures as follows:

{ (parameters) in

For example, thanks to Swift type inference you can shorten the previous example as follows:

let addTwoNumbers: (Int, Int) -> Int
addTwoNumbers = { a, b in
  return a + b

This works because the compiler knows addTwoNumbers is a closure that takes two Ints and returns an Int from the type annotation, so you don’t need to re-specify that when you declare the closure.

Closures with no Parameters

If a closure takes no parameters and returns nothing, you can use an extremely abbreviated syntax:

let printHello = { print("Hi there!") }

The type of printHello is () -> Void, or in shorthand syntax, () -> ().

Closures are very powerful in swift, they are used in many functional programming techniques like map, filter, reduce and other higher-order functions.

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