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Swift Cookbook

Live Edition · Multiplatform · Swift · Editor agnostic

Define Protocols in Swift
Written by Team Kodeco

Protocols in Swift are a way to define a blueprint of methods, properties and other requirements that a class, struct, or enum must implement.

They allow you to define a common interface for different types of objects, making it easy to work with objects that have different implementations.

Here’s an example of how to define a protocol in Swift:

protocol Driveable {
  var speed: Double { get set }
  func start()
  func stop()

This defines a protocol called Driveable that requires any type that adopts it to have a property called speed (that is gettable and settable) and two methods called start() and stop().

You can now create a struct or a class that conforms to this protocol by implementing the required properties and methods:

struct Car: Driveable {
  var speed: Double
  func start() {
    print("Car started")
  func stop() {
    print("Car stopped")

This creates a struct called Car that conforms to the Driveable protocol and has a property speed and methods start() and stop().

You can now use the Car struct as a Driveable object like this:

func startDrivable(drivable: Driveable) {
startDrivable(drivable: Car(speed: 0)) // prints "Car started"

Defining Static Functions and Properties in Protocols

Static functions and properties can also be defined within protocols in Swift. This allows for reusable code and shared data to be shared across all types that conform to the protocol.

To define a static function in a protocol, you use the static keyword followed by the function declaration. For example:

protocol Driveable {
  static func calculateFuelEfficiency(fuel: Double, distance: Double) -> Double
  static var topSpeed: Double { get }

struct SportsCar: Driveable {
  static func calculateFuelEfficiency(fuel: Double, distance: Double) -> Double {
    return distance / fuel

  static var topSpeed: Double {
    return 150

struct Sedan: Driveable {
  static func calculateFuelEfficiency(fuel: Double, distance: Double) -> Double {
    return distance / fuel

  static var topSpeed: Double {
    return 120

let sportsCarFuelEfficiency = SportsCar.calculateFuelEfficiency(fuel: 50, distance: 500)
print(sportsCarFuelEfficiency) // 10.0

let sedanFuelEfficiency = Sedan.calculateFuelEfficiency(fuel: 40, distance: 400)
print(sedanFuelEfficiency) // 10.0

print(SportsCar.topSpeed) // 150
print(Sedan.topSpeed) // 120

Conforming to Multiple Protocols in the Same Class

It’s possible to use multiple protocols in the same class, struct or enum.

protocol Paintable {
  func paint(color: String)

class Truck: Driveable, Paintable {
  var speed: Double = 0
  func start() {
    print("Truck started")
  func stop() {
    print("Truck stopped")
  func paint(color: String) {
    print("Truck painted with color: \(color)")

In this example, the Truck class conforms to both Driveable and Paintable protocols and it has to implement all the required methods and properties from both protocols.

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