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Swift Cookbook

Live Edition · Multiplatform · Swift · Editor agnostic

Use Integers in Swift
Written by Team Kodeco

Integers are whole numbers, positive or negative, without a decimal point. In Swift, integers come in two sizes:

  • Int: The native size of integers for the platform (and what you should use most of the time).
  • UInt: The same size but can only represent positive integers.

To declare an integer variable, use the keyword var or let followed by the variable name and assign it a value.

var age: Int = 25 
let weight: UInt = 150
let favoriteNumber = 42 // Using type inference
print(type(of: favoriteNumber)) // Prints Int

You can also perform mathematical operations with integers such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

var a = 5
var b = 2
var sum = a + b //7
var difference = a - b //3
var product = a * b //10
var quotient = a / b //2

It’s also possible to use shorthand operators to modify the value of a variable by a specific amount:

var value = 5
value += 2 // value is now 7
value -= 3 // value is now 4
value *= 2 // value is now 8
value /= 2 // value is now 4
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