Integrating ChatGPT in Your iOS Apps

Sep 19 2024 · Swift 6, iOS 18, Xcode 16

Lesson 02: Using ChatGPT with iOS


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In this example, you’ll use your ChatGPTClient in an iOS “Help Desk Chat App.” This app will ultimately allow users to communicate with a friendly AI assistant to get help troubleshooting computer-related problems.

var client = GPTClient(model: .gpt35Turbo)
private func sendMessage() {

  // 1
  isLoading = true

  Task {
    // 2
    let message = GPTMessage(role: .user, content: inputText)

    do {
      // 3
      let response = try await client.sendChats(messages)
      isLoading = false

      // 4
      guard let reply = response.choices.first?.message else {
        print("API error! There weren't any choices despite a
          successful response")

      // 5

    } catch {
      // 6
      isLoading = false
      print("Got an error: \(error)")
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