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Prior to ChatGPT, chatbots were written using rigid, rules-based systems. These chatbots relied on simple if-else logic, leading to limited and often unsatisfying user interactions. These systems were constrained by their reliance on predefined rules, making them unable to adapt to the nuances of human language.

By understanding these limitations, you’ll gain a better perspective on how ChatGPT represents a significant leap forward. Unlike its chatbot predecessors, ChatGPT leverages cutting-edge text prediction and deep-learning algorithms, enabling it to generate more natural, context-aware responses that engage users in meaningful and dynamic conversations.

By the end of this lesson, you will have learned to:

  • Identify problems in existing chat interfaces and suggest improvements for seamless ChatGPT integration.
  • Detail a basic chat interface for user interaction with ChatGPT.
  • Describe open-source libraries for interacting with ChatGPT.
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