
ChatGPT is an advanced conversational AI developed by OpenAI. It can understand and generate human-like text based on the input it receives. Behind the scenes, it uses a complex language learning model called “Generative Pre-trained Transformer,” or GPT for short. This enables it to use advanced deep-learning techniques to offer sophisticated language-processing capabilities.

A language learning model, or simply “language model,” is a program that’s designed to understand and generate human language. At its core, it operates by predicting the likelihood of a sequence of words based on patterns it’s learned from a very large dataset. You can think of it as a text-prediction tool that can read, write, and respond in a way that simulates how people communicate.

There are several major versions of GPT, and as of this writing, GPT-3 and GPT-4 are among the most advanced language models to date. GPT is notable for several reasons including its ability to understand complex interactions, perform a wide variety of tasks, maintain context throughout an interaction, ease of accessibility and use, and much more.

Meaning that GPT can understand and answer questions on a broad variety of topics, including medicine, law, real estate, and even programming. GPT 4 is also a huge improvement over GPT 3, and the OpenAI team continues to update and release new versions over time.

Using ChatGPT in Your Own Apps

You can easily interact with ChatGPT using RESTful APIs published by OpenAI, and you’ll learn how to do that in this module. The possibilities for using ChatGPT are endless. It can collect complex information, automate service or sales flows, offer help desk support and generally have any interaction with users.

This module assumes you’re an intermediate-level iOS developer and already familiar with the basics of Swift, SwiftUI, making networking calls and async/await syntax.

By the end of this module, you will have learned to:

  • Explain the core capabilities of the ChatGPT API and its potential for iOS apps.
  • Discuss the security considerations and best practices for integrating third-party APIs.
  • Describe how to build a basic ChatGPT Client that you can use in your own iOS apps.
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