Data Persistence with SwiftData

Mar 19 2025 · Swift 5.10, iOS 17, ipadOS 17, macOS 15, visionOS 1.2, Xcode 15

Lesson 05: SwiftData, Migrations & Working with Core Data

From Core Data to SwiftData Demo

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Moving From Core Data to SwiftData

In the Starter folder, you’ll find another app called CoreData_SwiftUI. This a simple SwiftUI app that uses Core Data as the persistence framework. You’ll convert this app to use **SwiftData** with the knowledge you’ve gained in this course.

import Foundation
import SwiftData

class UserInfoModel {
  var firstName: String?
  var lastName: String?
  var gender: String?

  firstName: String? = nil,
  lastName: String? = nil,
  gender: String? = nil
) {
  self.firstName = firstName
  self.lastName = lastName
  self.gender = gender
import Foundation
import SwiftData

class UserInfoModel {
  var firstName: String?
  var lastName: String?
  var gender: String?

    firstName: String? = nil,
    lastName: String? = nil,
    gender: String? = nil
  ) {
    self.firstName = firstName
    self.lastName = lastName
    self.gender = gender
extension UserInfoModel {
  static var preview: ModelContainer {
    do {
      let container = try ModelContainer(for: UserInfoModel.self, configurations: ModelConfiguration(isStoredInMemoryOnly: true))

      let user1 = UserInfoModel(
        firstName: "Taylor",
        lastName: "SwiftData",
        gender: "Female"
      let user2 = UserInfoModel(
        firstName: "Joe",
        lastName: "Smith",
        gender: "Male"
      let user3 = UserInfoModel(
        firstName: "Jane",
        lastName: "Doe",
        gender: "Female"


      return container
    } catch {
      print("Fatal Error: Could not create preview modelContainer.")
      // Return an empty or default ModelContainer
      do {
        return try ModelContainer(for: UserInfoModel.self, configurations: ModelConfiguration(isStoredInMemoryOnly: true))
      } catch {
        fatalError("Failed to create fallback ModelContainer.")
struct CoreData_SwiftUIApp: App {
 // 1. delete the persistenceController
 let persistenceController = PersistenceController.shared

 var body: some Scene {
  WindowGroup {
      // 2. delete the environment

  .modelContainer(for: [UserInfoModel.self])
@Environment(\.modelContext) private var modelContext
  sort: \UserInfoModel.firstName,
  order: .forward
) var users: [UserInfoModel]
// Update the environment managedObjectContext to this
@Environment(\.modelContext) private var modelContext
/* Replace the current addItem code
let newItem = UserInfo(context: modelContext)
newItem.firstName = firstName
newItem.lastName = lastName
newItem.gender = gender

// remove the do-catch block

let newUser = UserInfoModel(
  firstName: firstName,
  lastName: lastName,
  gender: gender
.sheet(isPresented: $showingAddUser) {
var container: ModelContainer
init() {
  do {
    let storeURL = URL.applicationSupportDirectory.appending(
      path: "CoreData_SwiftUI.sqlite"
    let config = ModelConfiguration(url: storeURL)
    container = try ModelContainer(
      for: UserInfoModel.self,
      configurations: config
  } catch {
    fatalError("Failed to configure SwiftData container.")
print(URL.applicationSupportDirectory.path(percentEncoded: false))
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