Getting Started With SwiftData Conclusion

Once again, congratulations on making a working SwiftData app!

You’ve learned about the main parts of a SwiftData app. Those are the Model, the ModelContainer, the ModelContext, and the views where your data is displayed and managed. You also learned the basics of using mock data as you built your app in Xcode.

You learned how to create records, delete records and how to update records. As a bonus you learned to add images to your data objects. You also started the journey of debugging SwiftData in the previews by looking into the store.

In the next lesson, you’ll learn about sorting and filtering the records. You’ll also learn how to manage relationships between models. In future lessons, you’ll learn about more SwiftData techniques, synchronizing data across systems, migrations as your models grow and requirements change, and updating Core Data apps.

These are some of the powerful uses of SwiftData. When you’re ready, head over to the next lesson.

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