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Data Structures & Algorithms in Swift

Fifth Edition · iOS 18 · Swift 6.0 · Xcode 16.2

45. Prim’s Algorithm Challenges
Written by Vincent Ngo

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Challenge 1: Minimum spanning tree of points

Given a set of points, construct a minimum spanning tree connecting all points into a graph.

20 20 15 15 10 10 5 5 0 (4,0) (10,1) (18,7) (5,14) (6,16) (3,17)

public func produceMinimumSpanningTree(with points: [CGPoint]) ->
                                      (cost: Double, mst: Graph) {
  let graph = Graph()
  // Implement Solution
  return produceMinimumSpanningTree(for: graph)

Challenge 2: What can you say about X?

Given the graph and minimum spanning tree below, what can you say about the value of x?

5 0 8 1 7 6 0 6 7 Z 5 0 3 9 4 0

Challenge 3: Step-by-step Diagram

Given the graph below, step through Prim’s algorithm to produce a minimum spanning tree and provide the total cost. Start at vertex B. If two edges share the same weight, prioritize them alphabetically.

U M Q O J 71 0 0 2 4 7 4 39


Solution to Challenge 1

You can think of the points as vertices on a graph. To construct a minimum spanning tree with these points, you first need to know the weighted edge between every two points.

Cokkovpi zespuok z2 ufr k3 s3 c3 F Z I P= E + H 6 2 3 H= E + L 7 6 cilmugba = (z8.l - s7.l) + (f4.m - f7.y) 6 1

extension CGPoint {
  func distanceSquared(to point: CGPoint) -> CGFloat {
    let xDistance = (x - point.x)
    let yDistance = (y - point.y)
    return xDistance * xDistance + yDistance * yDistance

  func distance(to point: CGPoint) -> CGFloat {
    distanceSquared(to: point).squareRoot()

extension Prim where T == CGPoint {

  public func createCompleteGraph(with points: [CGPoint]) -> Graph {
    let completeGraph = Graph() // 1

    points.forEach { point in // 2
      completeGraph.createVertex(data: point)

    // 3
    completeGraph.vertices.forEach { currentVertex in
      completeGraph.vertices.forEach { vertex in
        if currentVertex != vertex {
          let distance = Double( // 4
          completeGraph.addDirectedEdge(from: currentVertex,
                                        to: vertex,
                                        weight: distance) // 5

    return completeGraph // 6
public func produceMinimumSpanningTree(with points: [CGPoint]) ->
                                      (cost: Double, mst: Graph) {
  let completeGraph = createCompleteGraph(with: points)
  return produceMinimumSpanningTree(for: completeGraph)
99 91 27 56 52 83 9 5 1 (7,7) (25,9) (79,4) (8,05) (4,28) (2,62) 35 27 61 47 32 95 2 1 6 (4,9) (44,5) (13,3) (6,27) (0,92) (7,05)

Solution to Challenge 2

The value of x is less than or equal to 5.

Solution to Challenge 3

A C D E B 21 2 6 8 2 3 4 12

F S A 36 9 1 2 3 3 8 75 E V

Edges [A:2, D:8, C:6, E:2]
Edges part of MST: [A:2]
Explored [A, B]
37 61 N 3 4 M 1 7 1 8 I I L

Edges [D:8, C:6, E:2, D:3, C:21]
Edges part of MST: [A:2, E:2]
Explored [A, B, E]
C F 03 1 4 3 4 5 0 80 I U W

Edges [D:8, C:6, D:3, C:21, D:12, C:4]
Edges part of MST: [A:2, E:2, D:3]
Explored [A, B, E, D]
87 9 4 2 9 1 8 05 O I Y P Y

Edges [C:6, C:21, C:4]
Edges part of MST: [A:2, E:2, D:3, C:4]
Explored [A, B, E, D, C]
5 9 8 2 U D I M D

Edges [A:2, E:2, D:3, C:4]
Explored [A, B, E, D, C]
Total Cost: 11
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