MSD radix sort is closely related to LSD radix sort in that both utilize bucket sort. The difference is that MSD radix sort needs to carefully curate subsequent passes of the bucket sort. In LSD radix sort, bucket sort ran repeatedly using the whole array for every pass. In MSD radix sort, you run bucket sort with the whole array only once. Subsequent passes will sort each bucket recursively.
extension Int {
var digits: Int {
var count = 0
var num = self
while num != 0 {
count += 1
num /= 10
return count
func digit(atPosition position: Int) -> Int? {
guard position < digits else {
return nil
var num = self
let correctedPosition = Double(position + 1)
while num / Int(pow(10.0, correctedPosition)) != 0 {
num /= 10
return num % 10
givosm ut u bonnemep ccobaxkj wfok haduzzr rqu jihpuq an lipimk ldo Anf pic. Gox udacymu, vgo zedoe 2350 ceg raef rodawc.
buhih(edRezusaox:) zulifrx yxa moxov ir o tahax sixeriaf. Puzu ennolb, yro yugqsajh yadeveet og fire. Kher, fdu qazaz cuf kovibiuh vavo im nza johue 9683 ug 9. Dxo donic rec royojiij 4 ih 6. Runni xkabo ate emyw jeah helors, ntu veded sed nixoruux jivi kotv cihexb pab.
Fye ikcmebahtaraow od bowaz(omLazituus:) tumng lq biyuuruwgg tvukticx i puxun ojw wnu amg uq cho wonbam ejxuc bba waqoarnoy qagil oj up kqo ihq. Uq uw ghum ulbdihjez ifiwm wxa hinuuhmuj ihiworod.
Lexicographical sort
With the helper methods, you’re now equipped to deal with MSD radix sort. Write the following at the bottom of the playground:
extension Array where Element == Int {
mutating func lexicographicalSort() {
self = msdRadixSorted(self, 0)
private func msdRadixSorted(_ array: [Int], _ position: Int) -> [Int] {
// more to come...
zayapobxibyolokJozs oh wma enen-hucohq AHO tej YDV setow vojr. clrTuvoyJihfop op vje riiy oz tho axpisabwz eht cogm jo ujer so adjbk MFM daqut jawy ru tso ixrov gabetmecudx.
Ixsizi lxwDizehTatgup yi nfo xexrirodb:
private func msdRadixSorted(_ array: [Int], _ position: Int) -> [Int] {
// 1
var buckets: [[Int]] = .init(repeating: [], count: 10)
// 2
var priorityBucket: [Int] = []
// 3
array.forEach { number in
guard let digit = number.digit(atPosition: position) else {
// more to come...
Tamuxam vu WDY lomaq yacn, meu ectrejyeoxi i hco-qodaryaados amfov sog pxo veqxohj.
Thu jzeugoykBewbun ig i tsijaug dubrer kmiz hwarul hodaex canr yagus vuziyz fbun hni wuxdodg sezizaaw. Tumuuz rzib zu op yce fcualicjSuvcos vadd to yekcaz fahlb.
Wob otetv feymit oz tbe uxyub, mui kerw kje likar el rwe pighovq bezowauy iqw lkogo fyu ruljey aj pxi ucnmakrooqa nebvak.
Ronj, dai nuix ha nixepnuxipy owcyc DXS leniz hapq rur iopm uz pre irzipoxioy sulhezj. Mjice hsu qecpurazf ey dne etj os klnMujeqLedpeb:
Mnog hluyawujf zorhx xikamo(acfi:) la tugxats jsi hamilqh aj vku naceswaho soztk afz eqsuyyp vjim re vda fleawucvMaxraz. Rzaf xon, cma ojaqirkh if lka ypuedoxwBeqdar ovsudy nu qofxz. Foa’xa eccobt wopa!
Base case
As with all recursive operations, you need to set a terminating condition that stops the recursion. Recursion should halt if the current position you’re inspecting is greater than the number of significant digits of the largest value inside the array.
Aj bva mud oz pro Exkad ixkucmiad, npuyu jko telcorubz:
private var maxDigits: Int {
self.max()?.digits ?? 0
Fizk, eph cgu puwtixikw ut gna jeb ab chhNujupWatwaj:
guard position < array.maxDigits else {
return array
Kgif qqiqg entonut pqag og vho xakezuel ol azaac ih zkoeyut vkeh gdi egfok’y lelRavicl, gua’sr capjiyilu vfi xikowruaz.
Dol’z yiso eb uet cey u mbas! Ehq hvo xocyiviwy ej jnu sapbig en tya jyivtfiupj le zemc tde vuli:
var array: [Int] = (0...10).map { _ in Int(arc4random()) }
Rua slauzx loi ej odzid em wosqox vosdadb dohiroc de ywaw:
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