Learn the Basics of the Kotlin Language

May 22 2024 · Kotlin 1.9, Android 14, Kotlin Playground 1.9

Lesson 06: Use Collections

Demo 2

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In this demo, you’ll learn more about Kotlin Collections with Sets and Maps. Start a new Kotlin Playground session to follow along with the demo. Or you could use any other Kotlin programming environment of your choice.


A set stores only unique values. If add() is called on a Set and the added item is a duplicate within the Set, it won’t be added. For this reason, the order of a Set isn’t defined, as some items may be removed if duplicated. Sets in Kotlin are represented by the Set interface.

Read-only Sets

A set may also be mutable or immutable, just like a List. To initialize an immutable set, use setOf:

fun main() {
  val oceans = setOf("Pacific Ocean", "Southern Ocean", "Arctic Ocean", "Atlantic Ocean", "Indian Ocean")

Mutable Sets

Use mutableSetOf to initialize a mutable Set:

fun main() {
  val oceans = mutableSetOf("Pacific Ocean", "Southern Ocean", "Arctic Ocean", "Atlantic Ocean", "Indian Ocean")
fun main() {
  val oceans = mutableSetOf("Atlantic Ocean", "Indian Ocean")
  oceans.add("Pacific Ocean")
  oceans.addAll(listOf("Southern Ocean", "Arctic Ocean"))
fun main() {
  val oceans = mutableSetOf("Atlantic Ocean", "Indian Ocean")
  oceans.add("Pacific Ocean")
  oceans.addAll(listOf("Southern Ocean", "Arctic Ocean"))
  oceans.add("Pacific Ocean")
fun main() {
  val oceans = mutableSetOf("Atlantic Ocean", "Indian Ocean")
fun main() {
  val oceans = mutableSetOf("Atlantic Ocean", "Indian Ocean")
  oceans.remove("Atlantic Ocean")
fun main() {
  val oceans = emptySet<String>() // You need to specify the data type for the items the set could contain.
fun main() {
  val digits = setOf(1,2,3,4,5)
    for (digit in digits){


A Map differs from the List and Set in that they store key-value pairs instead of single items. A key in a Map is unique. If a new key duplicates an existing key, the existing key’s value is updated with the new one.

fun main() {
  emptyMap<Int, String>()
fun main() {
  val techBlogs = mapOf(1 to "TechCrunch", 2 to "Engadget", 3 to "The Verge", 4 to "Mashable")
fun main() {
  val techBlogs = mutableMapOf(1 to "TechCrunch", 2 to "Engadget", 3 to "The Verge", 4 to "Mashable")
  techBlogs.put(5, "VentureBeat")
fun main() {
  val techBlogs = mapOf(1 to "TechCrunch", 2 to "Engadget", 3 to "The Verge", 4 to "Mashable")
  for (blog in techBlogs.entries.iterator()) {
      println("${blog.key} : ${blog.value}")


In Kotlin, arrays are used to store a group of items, like other collections you may have encountered before. The Array class represents an array, which differs primarily in its properties. Arrays can store a series of items that are of the same data type or subtype and can’t be changed once created, making them immutable.

fun main() {
  val multiplatforms = arrayOf("Android", "iOS", "Web", "Desktop", "Server")
fun main() {
fun main() {
  val books = Array<Int>(3) { 0 }
fun main() {
  val books = Array<Int>(3) { it * 2 }
fun main() {
  val multiplatforms = arrayOf("Android", "iOS", "Web", "Desktop", "Server")
fun main() {
  val multiplatforms = arrayOf("iOS", "Web", "Desktop", "Server")
  multiplatforms[0] = "Android"

Comparing Arrays

To compare arrays, use contentEquals(). The items will have to be the same in both arrays and at the same position for the two arrays to be equal:

fun main() {
  val multiplatformsA = arrayOf("iOS", "Web", "Desktop", "Server")
  val multiplatformsB = arrayOf("iOS", "Web", "Desktop", "Server")

Collection Elements

The items in a collection are typically of the same type, but they can also be of different types or subtypes. Create a list made up of a string, a float, a boolean, and a map:

fun main() {
  val mixedTypesList = listOf("Doughnuts", 200.0f, true, mapOf("color" to "Red"))
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