Instruction 4

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Learning About Basic Data Types: Boolean and Strings

In this lesson, you’ll cover the remaining data types - Booleans and Strings.


The Boolean data type can be only one of two types: true or false. This makes it suitable for representing data that can only be in two states. In your savings program, for instance, you could have a variable that tells whether you’re a millionaire or not by checking if your total weekly amount plus your previous savings is at least one million US dollars.

  totalWeeklyAmount = totalWeeklyAmount + WEEKLY_INTEREST

  val currentBalance = 957320
  val totalAmountSaved = currentBalance + totalWeeklyAmount
  val isMillionaire = totalAmountSaved >= 1000000 // Sets isMillionaire to true if your total amount saved is greater than or equal to 1 million
  println("Your millionaire status is: $isMillionaire.")


Characters represent single-character symbols and numbers. They’re represented in Kotlin by the Char class. They’re instantiated using single quotes '. See the following examples:

val grade = 'A'


Strings represent text. Strings are, in effect, a sequence of characters put together. In Kotlin, they’re defined by the String class. They’re initialized with double quotes ". Strings are widely used in software programming. Every object in Kotlin has a string representation.

val message = "End of the program!\nSee you next week." // "\n" is a special character which represents a new line.
End of the program
See you next week.
val message = """
End of the program!
See you next week.
End of the program
See you next week.
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