Multimodal Integration with OpenAI

Nov 14 2024 · Python 3.12, OpenAI 1.52, JupyterLab, Visual Studio Code

Lesson 05: Building a Multimodal AI App

Demo of Generating Situational Prompts & Images

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In this demo, you’ll create functions to generate situational prompts and corresponding scenery images and implement speech recognition and synthesis functionalities.

# Function to generate a situational prompt for practicing English
def generate_situational_prompt(seed_prompt=""):
    # Define additional prompt instructions
    additional_prompt = """
    Then create an initial response to the person. If the situation
      is "ordering coffee in a cafe.", then the initial response will
      be, "Hello, what would you like to order?". Separate the initial
      situation and the initial response with a line containing "====".
      Something like:
        "You're ordering coffee in a cafe.
        'Hello, there. What would you like to order?'"
        Limit the output to 1 sentence.
    # Check if a seed prompt is provided and create the seed
    # phrase accordingly
    if seed_prompt:
        seed_phrase = f"""Generate a second-person POV situation
          for practicing English with this seed prompt: {seed_prompt}.
        seed_phrase = f"""Generate a second-person POV situation
          for practicing English, like meeting your parents-in-law,
    # Use GPT to generate a situation for practicing English
    response =
        {"role": "system", "content": "You are a creative writer.
          Very very creative."},
        {"role": "user", "content": seed_phrase}
    # Extract and return the situation and the initial response
    # from the response
    message = response.choices[0].message.content

    # Return the generated message
    return message
# Test the function to generate a situational prompt
# Test the function to generate a situational prompt with a seed prompt
generate_situational_prompt("comics exhibition")
# Generate an image based on the situational prompt

# Import necessary libraries for image processing and display
import requests
from PIL import Image
from io import BytesIO

def generate_situation_image(dalle_prompt):
    # Generate an image using the DALL-E 3 model with the provided prompt
    response = client.images.generate(
      model="dall-e-3", # Specify the model to use
      prompt=dalle_prompt, # The prompt describing the image to generate
      size="1024x1024", # Specify the size of the generated image
      n=1, # Number of images to generate

    # Retrieve the URL of the generated image
    image_url =[0].url

    # Download the image from the URL
    response = requests.get(image_url)

     # Open the image using PIL
    img =

    # Return the image object
    return img
# Display the image in the cell
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Display the image in the cell
def display_image(img):
# Combine the functions to generate a situational prompt and
# its matching image
full_response = generate_situational_prompt("cafe")
initial_situation_prompt = full_response.split('====')[0].strip()
img = generate_situation_image(initial_situation_prompt)
# Play the audio file

# Import necessary libraries for audio processing and display
import librosa
from IPython.display import Audio, display

# Function to play a speech file
def play_speech(file_path):
    # Load the audio file using librosa
    y, sr = librosa.load(file_path)

    # Create an Audio object for playback
    audio = Audio(data=y, rate=sr, autoplay=True)

    # Display the audio player
# Function to generate speech from a text prompt
def speak_prompt(speech_prompt, autoplay=True,
    # Generate speech from the grammar feedback using TTS
    response =

    # Save the synthesized speech to the specified path

    # Sometimes you want to play the speech automatically,
    # sometimes you do not
    if autoplay:
        # Play the synthesized speech
# Play the initial response based on the situational prompt
initial_situation = full_response.split('====')[1].strip()
# Function to transcribe speech from an audio file
def transcript_speech(speech_filename="my_speech.wav"):
    with open(speech_filename, "rb") as audio_file:
        # Transcribe the audio file using the Whisper model
        transcription =
    # Return the transcribed text
    return transcription.text
# Transcribe the audio
transcripted_text = transcript_speech("audio/cappuccino.m4a")

# Print the transcribed text
# Function to create a conversation history
def creating_conversation_history(history, added_response):
    history = f"""{history}
    return history
# Create and print the conversation history
history = creating_conversation_history(full_response, transcripted_text)
# Function to generate a conversation based on the conversation history
def generate_conversation_from_history(history):
    prompt = """Continue conversation from a person based on this
      conversation history and end it with '\n====\n'.
      Limit it to max 3 sentences.
      This is the history:"""
    response =
        {"role": "system", "content": "You are a creative writer.
          Very very creative."},
        {"role": "user", "content": f"{prompt}\n{history}"}
    # Extract and return the generated conversation
    message = response.choices[0].message.content
    return message
# Generate and print the conversation based on the history
conversation = generate_conversation_from_history(history)
# Combine the conversation history with the new conversation
combined_history = history + "\n====\n" + conversation

# Print the combined history
# Generate a scenery image based on the combined history
dalle_prompt = "Generate a scenery based on this conversation: "
  + combined_history
img = generate_situation_image(dalle_prompt)

# Display the generated image
# Generate and play the prompt based on the new conversation
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