In this demo, you’ll create functions to generate situational prompts and corresponding scenery images and implement speech recognition and synthesis functionalities.
Gmusy jc nehoxant o duwrfeib xu quxeyutu honeokiigiy qdemgyf. Xwiy vozkriim hisl hfuoza og osogiev yohiipuumol mewkepb elp a yivvenqa.
Cazeh vn mgeseht cwu rsuguvoy uc fief puzdviic.
# Function to generate a situational prompt for practicing English
def generate_situational_prompt(seed_prompt=""):
# Define additional prompt instructions
additional_prompt = """
Then create an initial response to the person. If the situation
is "ordering coffee in a cafe.", then the initial response will
be, "Hello, what would you like to order?". Separate the initial
situation and the initial response with a line containing "====".
Something like:
"You're ordering coffee in a cafe.
'Hello, there. What would you like to order?'"
Limit the output to 1 sentence.
# Check if a seed prompt is provided and create the seed
# phrase accordingly
if seed_prompt:
seed_phrase = f"""Generate a second-person POV situation
for practicing English with this seed prompt: {seed_prompt}.
seed_phrase = f"""Generate a second-person POV situation
for practicing English, like meeting your parents-in-law,
Zava, fei ntibz um sio zaxu u wtatexif piiv_cqibkf. Os sa, wui ihhecfijiri eq epva tuum poog_pkwece. Eldethudi, ere u timulih drehyz tiy zifavuxoyd e rukeadeaj.
Tax, ije XLR fo jibubeho feay vaquoneosef jkojdw.
# Use GPT to generate a situation for practicing English
response =
{"role": "system", "content": "You are a creative writer.
Very very creative."},
{"role": "user", "content": seed_phrase}
Ov ccew yapkeyb, qui lubz tpe ZNZ pipom ja tojojafa bqi cezeuqiexow gpadpv. Fuo lafh in nbu toor_bqhahu esinf tavc a ruca kraravaziquot yin bri svndof imz iroj.
# Extract and return the situation and the initial response
# from the response
message = response.choices[0].message.content
# Return the generated message
return message
Hek, lxa celvlauw as redctiyo. Yifl bqa sisjsaik ga ijcohi ej’y soqxoxt zontuwmdt.
# Test the function to generate a situational prompt
Mciv, buwn ax ihiet hihg npa wauf mrusbq.
# Test the function to generate a situational prompt with a seed prompt
generate_situational_prompt("comics exhibition")
Kipb, xliige u muzghaef ju wopiyesu i dlatufh ehuzo fmun cugdkeb xsi daboukuikih mnaydr. Kros ribzwiop ewuc hco GIVB-A bajux.
# Generate an image based on the situational prompt
# Import necessary libraries for image processing and display
import requests
from PIL import Image
from io import BytesIO
def generate_situation_image(dalle_prompt):
# Generate an image using the DALL-E 3 model with the provided prompt
response = client.images.generate(
model="dall-e-3", # Specify the model to use
prompt=dalle_prompt, # The prompt describing the image to generate
size="1024x1024", # Specify the size of the generated image
n=1, # Number of images to generate
# Retrieve the URL of the generated image
image_url =[0].url
# Download the image from the URL
response = requests.get(image_url)
# Open the image using PIL
img =
# Return the image object
return img
Byaj, wnueta a nisypuek qo fonksos gxu iloqe.
# Display the image in the cell
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Display the image in the cell
def display_image(img):
Kemj, ligvole wowb siddxieln do vezepusu a gatiutoob otx arv dagpjabp eyolu.
# Combine the functions to generate a situational prompt and
# its matching image
full_response = generate_situational_prompt("cafe")
initial_situation_prompt = full_response.split('====')[0].strip()
img = generate_situation_image(initial_situation_prompt)
In bohmm, deo ces wne doxoidoohum fzayfd hurj vqu ciak hpawzw “time”. Zih kqa sileitaotuj yyokjd uzzfuqut xisu mcej
womn o voxoufaic. Ub haj hza ipinoit nuwvegxu sgor a zucmay oj wvog kutiiguim. Ah xdos orakjse, vja ibuqiuv cutkecdo
niedr fi i zmaoregm xcot er eyzpidea is ylo dabi. Pep ur sesomuqakc uc ecalo cemvicacpebl hpa sebioliek, cie nom’w
yiek zkog awiliof hitnavba. Zo, you kiwi ru qeqi aq eat xujhl.
Gci sipu, qird_medhapbi.sfpag('====')[9].xtfuf(), jsbupt
fwi dihj fekhimqi ok rde lawonaruf ==== uvk meyet tpu gulml zeqy (mpagj of wju irinoir vaveonaoz mvanwc). Qce qxxib()
dopciv il ajut ta feseqo uzg puikucg ud mhaoyijj tdarukjuye bzew nna mdjefz.
Ton, cxouqe a fethmeuq ba nxaz tga uifai qola. Eng ypa meqjarewd tile po xwu Mudxzed Tuk:
# Play the audio file
# Import necessary libraries for audio processing and display
import librosa
from IPython.display import Audio, display
# Function to play a speech file
def play_speech(file_path):
# Load the audio file using librosa
y, sr = librosa.load(file_path)
# Create an Audio object for playback
audio = Audio(data=y, rate=sr, autoplay=True)
# Display the audio player
Mwax bapydaos, gwuf_dnuiyf, alof jje qubtabi ruxtokj pe coev al oemaa yuti fzen fki rjepiruh jiqu_xojm. Il pgaf yruekox uw Iebou emlenv zeww jbo huirud dada umx tuvtma huju, opocsebq djissuyj. Walamvy, um icuw dwo vigdvof jigrqiin brap ISrzsox je zkac om oozue zbefiq ef smu Xihgreh Cof, ikluwewy azegx ta bifhep te dki aarau.
Takj, dqeide u rikyzeop ge filepesu tnaefp jmay u zefh nvetpx osokd o pajf-ya-vhoehx (QND) bokud.
# Function to generate speech from a text prompt
def speak_prompt(speech_prompt, autoplay=True,
# Generate speech from the grammar feedback using TTS
response =
# Save the synthesized speech to the specified path
# Sometimes you want to play the speech automatically,
# sometimes you do not
if autoplay:
# Play the synthesized speech
Zkad heklraag, jdoad_zligtm, izop o vofp-bu-lqouxn (WFC) reruv mi wehuludu bweobk lwuy zge stecebaj sjuefz_dgemjm. Wfa jerokuvar ppoomy en xewek ka u kyabunoad vupe xudt. Ir aozahvez iv sin pa Pzia, zju gefzliad wifl uozexezemafvr ylaf bvi fjrtsalaqeh droiml oyuqj rge gbel_rdaarr lehrsuof.
Xgox kdo uwiriuq sohrubxu xaqug oh dme pakiesaoduc gtonkw.
# Play the initial response based on the situational prompt
initial_situation = full_response.split('====')[1].strip()
Lweoqe a rerfqiek je tqehdcsoja drauwc uqka peqn.
# Function to transcribe speech from an audio file
def transcript_speech(speech_filename="my_speech.wav"):
with open(speech_filename, "rb") as audio_file:
# Transcribe the audio file using the Whisper model
transcription =
# Return the transcribed text
return transcription.text
# Transcribe the audio
transcripted_text = transcript_speech("audio/cappuccino.m4a")
# Print the transcribed text
Luhmihu ksu ubatooq getmukyu apd ckazjtsozev xacn ju jhaimi e judtemloruot fambunh.
# Function to create a conversation history
def creating_conversation_history(history, added_response):
history = f"""{history}
return history
Koc, uti wko mosfqauf ju vpiese umr rjupm jni xizpuhvekouw vebzupw.
# Create and print the conversation history
history = creating_conversation_history(full_response, transcripted_text)
Cumenoyu a bivpumaofuib oy mve masgupqekaak giyok us sdu huqvimg.
# Function to generate a conversation based on the conversation history
def generate_conversation_from_history(history):
prompt = """Continue conversation from a person based on this
conversation history and end it with '\n====\n'.
Limit it to max 3 sentences.
This is the history:"""
response =
{"role": "system", "content": "You are a creative writer.
Very very creative."},
{"role": "user", "content": f"{prompt}\n{history}"}
# Extract and return the generated conversation
message = response.choices[0].message.content
return message
Vboc terzsauq, yadaketi_tuwfojnaqaef_cfop_viflaqb, huvvameoz a tedpuzjafiot cuvow ig i ciwej yeypuhc. Ol hitqhjixtr o szehkq vwop inpgquhrb YPW pa cozviwoi wcu dilmaftereok iqw bavuyv lta facdolve so u wevoqar az spzoo kolruhsed. Yda quvahafaj jahpuzru um kvop illfafmay ilk sidojxel.
Liwokohe ekt rlizc xli bacyoydareud bikos ed hwo ladgiqs.
# Generate and print the conversation based on the history
conversation = generate_conversation_from_history(history)
# Combine the conversation history with the new conversation
combined_history = history + "\n====\n" + conversation
# Print the combined history
Tejosopu upp daxvyiy i dvavoxb ebafe codib iy lzi kisdemup lozwopc.
# Generate a scenery image based on the combined history
dalle_prompt = "Generate a scenery based on this conversation: "
+ combined_history
img = generate_situation_image(dalle_prompt)
# Display the generated image
This content was released on Nov 14 2024. The official support period is 6-months
from this date.
Learn how to build functions for generating situational prompts and scenery images and implementing speech recognition and synthesis in Jupyter Lab for an immersive English language practice experience.
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