Supercharging Your Xcode Efficiency

Boost your XCode efficiency and learn how to become a coding ninja by following this tutorial. By Jack Wu.

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Where to Go From Here

Congratulations on achieving such a high score!

To sum it up, here’s what you’ve learned and done as you’ve worked through this tutorial:

  1. Modified the layout of Xcode using hotkeys.
  2. Made Xcode change its layout for you based on behaviors you defined.
  3. Made use of the assistant editor.
  4. Learned to use Open Quickly to navigate through Xcode.
  5. Deleted results from the Find navigator.
  6. Made your designer happy by aligning views in the Interface Builder with guides and hotkeys.
  7. Created a Mac OSX service to use in Xcode.
  8. Created and used custom code snippets.
  9. Most importantly, you learned how to become an Xcode ninja.

That was all pretty easy, now wasn’t it? Think of all the cool tricks you have to show your friends and family now! They’ll no doubt completely understand your excitement ;]

There are still plenty of other ways you can improve your Xcode efficiency and up your own personal coolness and ninja factors. A few of them are:

The next step is to go and put your newfound ninja skills to use!

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial. If you have any questions, comments or would like to share a cool trick you know, make sure to leave a comment below!

Jack Wu


Jack Wu


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