3rd-Party On-Device Models

Sep 19 2024 · Swift 6.0, iOS 18.0, Xcode 16.0

Lesson 03: Releasing Third-Party Models in Your App

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Processing With Vision Detect

Now, you’ll process what the model finds in the image. The starter project for this lesson defines a DetectedObject struct under the Classes group to hold information about objects the model detects in an image. This struct stores a label and confidence for each detected object. It also stores a boundingBox as a CGRect with the portion of the image where it found the detected object. Add the following state property after cgImage:

@State private var detectedObjects: [DetectedObject] = []
// 1
if results.isEmpty {
  print("No results found.")
// 2
for result in results {
  // 3
  if let firstIdentifier = result.labels.first {
    let confidence = firstIdentifier.confidence
    let label = firstIdentifier.identifier
    // 4
    let boundingBox = result.boundingBox
    // 5
    let object = DetectedObject(
      label: label,
      confidence: confidence,
      boundingBox: boundingBox
detectedObjects = []
.onChange(of: cgImage) {
.overlay {
  ForEach(detectedObjects, id: \.self) { ident in
    `ObjectOverlayView`(object: ident)
ForEach(detectedObjects, id: \.self) { obj in
  Text(obj.label) + Text(" (") + Text(obj.confidence, format: .percent) + Text(")")
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