Instruction 2

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While working with the models in this lesson, you’ve likely noticed that they can be quite large. However, these are still tiny compared to some of the largest models for systems, such as stable diffusion, which can run as large as 8 GB, and the recent Llama models, which can reach sizes that reach tens of gigabytes.

These large sizes can be a poor fit for mobile devices where storage and RAM are at a premium. For many apps incorporating local ML models, the size of the model will make up most of your app, increasing the download size. Putting off the download until later only pushes the problem into the future without solving it.

Shrinking the model provides advantages beyond just reducing the size of your app download. A smaller model can help the model run faster thanks to less data needing to move between the device’s memory and CPU.

The first approach to addressing this problem is to reduce the model size during training. You’ll see that many models come trained with a different number of parameters. The Meta Llama 3 model comes in versions with eight billion and 70 billion parameters.

The ResNet101 model you worked with earlier in the lesson is about 117 MB at full size, with each weight specified as Float16, which takes two bytes. Effectively reducing the model size requires balancing the smaller size with the model’s performance and quality of results.

Reduction Techniques

There are three primary techniques used in Core ML Tools to reduce model size. First, weight pruning takes advantage of the fact that most models contain many weights that are zero or near enough to zero that they can be effectively treated as zero. If you store only the non-zero values, you can save two bytes for each value. For the ResNet101 model, that can save about half the size. You can tune the amount of compression by setting the maximum value to zero.

Converting in Practice

CoreML Tools supports applying compression to existing CoreML models. Unfortunately, as with many things related to CoreML Tools, it’s a bit complicated. A separate set of packages works on the older .mlmodel type files compared to the newer .mlpackage files. In this section, you’ll work a bit with the latter.

import coremltools as ct
import coremltools.optimize as cto
orig_model = ct.models.MLModel("resnet101.mlpackage")
op_config = cto.coreml.OpLinearQuantizerConfig(
    mode="linear_symmetric", weight_threshold=512
config = cto.coreml.OptimizationConfig(global_config=op_config)
compressed_8_bit_model = cto.coreml.linear_quantize_weights(orig_model, config=config)"resnet101-8.mlpackage")

Reducing an Ultralytics Model Size

Again, the Ultralytics package wraps this complexity for you. Enter the following code:

from ultralytics import YOLO
model = YOLO("")
model.export(format="coreml", nms=True, int8=True)
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