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In this lesson, you explored flat navigation, which in SwiftUI works through the TabView. SwiftUI’s TabView offers a versatile navigation pattern for presenting multiple views:

  • Users can easily switch between nearby views.
  • Tabs allow customization with text, graphics, or badges for additional information.
  • Optionally, use a paged layout to increase content size and reduce navigation area size.

The layout of your views — or view stack — in your app will likely combine what you’ve learned in this module. You might have an initial view using a TabView to show several views. Each view might contain a NavigationStack that lets the user dive deeper into the app. Or you might use a NavigationSplitView as the initial view with detail views that mix TabViews and NavigationStacks to help the user delve deeper into the app’s contents.

Regardless of your navigation design, your overarching goal should be to keep the navigation consistent and intuitive for your user. Switching between different navigation paradigms without warning or context can confuse your users.

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