TabView in SwiftUI

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Using Tabbed Navigation

Open the starter project for this lesson. You’ll recognize it as the project from lesson two changed back to a two-column view. In this lesson, you’ll adapt the list of flights to take advantage of tabs to view different versions of the flight list quickly.

struct FlightList: View {
  var flights: [FlightInformation]
  @State private var path: [FlightInformation] = []

  var body: some View {
    NavigationStack(path: $path) {
      List(flights, id: \.id) { flight in
        NavigationLink(flight.statusBoardName, value: flight)
        for: FlightInformation.self,
        destination: { flight in
          FlightDetails(flight: flight)
  flights: FlightData.generateTestFlights(date: Date())
// 1
TabView {
  // 2
    flights: shownFlights.filter { $0.direction == .arrival }
  // 3
  .tabItem {
    // 4

  FlightList(flights: shownFlights)
  .tabItem {
    Image(systemName: "airplane")
    flights: shownFlights.filter { $0.direction == .departure }
  .tabItem {
.navigationTitle("Today's Flight Status")
  trailing: Toggle("Hide Past", isOn: $hidePast)
Flight status with tabs
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Programmatically Tracking Tabs

When the user leaves and exits the new tabbed view, the app will always start back on the Arrivals tab. Remembering the last viewed tab would be a good interface change. To implement that, in FlightStatusBoard.swift, below the hidePast state variable, add the following line:

@AppStorage("FlightStatusCurrentTab") var selectedTab = 1
TabView(selection: $selectedTab) {
Storing and recalling the last tab viewed
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