Building Robust ViewModels

Feb 28 2025 · Swift 5.9, iOS 17, Xcode 15.3

Lesson 04: Dependency Injection for ViewModels


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Open TheMet app in the Starter folder. CountView and the commented out lines from the final app of Lesson 3 have been removed.

private let service: TheMetService

init(service: TheMetService = TheMetService(),
     _ maxIndex: Int = 20) {
  self.service = service
  self.maxIndex = maxIndex
@Observable class MockMetStore: TheMetStore {
override func fetchObjects(for queryTerm: String) async throws {
objects = [
    objectID: 452174,
    title: "Bahram Gur Slays the Rhino-Wolf",
    creditLine: "Gift of Arthur A. Houghton Jr., 1970",
    objectURL: "",
    isPublicDomain: false,
    primaryImageSmall: ""),
    objectID: 241715,
    title: "Terracotta oil lamp",
    creditLine: "The Cesnola Collection, Purchased by subscription, 1874–76",
    objectURL: "",
    isPublicDomain: true,
    primaryImageSmall: ""),
    objectID: 452648,
    title: "Gushtasp Slays the Rhino-Wolf",
    creditLine: "Bequest of Monroe C. Gutman, 1974",
    objectURL: "",
    isPublicDomain: true,
    primaryImageSmall: "")
ContentView(store: MockMetStore())
final class TheMetTests: XCTestCase {
  var sut: TheMetStore!  // add this line
override func setUpWithError() throws {
  try super.setUpWithError()
  sut = TheMetStore()  // add this line
override func tearDownWithError() throws {
  sut = nil  // add this line
  try super.tearDownWithError()
func testMaxIndexObjectsFetched() async throws {
  try await sut.fetchObjects(for: "cat")
  XCTAssertLessThanOrEqual(sut.objects.count, sut.maxIndex)
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