You’ve learned two ways to implement one-way binding between views and a view model, where a view needs only read-access to a view model object. The next question is, what do you need to do to get two-way binding, where a view can update a value in the view model object? Consider these three cases.
@State in View
You declare and instantiate the view model object in the view. Then somewhere in this view, you want to modify a value in the view model object. The easiest case is to use a binding to the view model object. For example, the view model object has a collection of objects that the view displays in a List, and you want to modify a property of an object in the list:
@State var store = TheMetStore()
List($store.objects, id: \.objectID) { $object in
Passed to View
You declare and instantiate the view model object in a view or in the app struct, then pass it as a parameter to a subview. In the subview, declare the view model object as @Bindable:
// In TheMetApp
struct TheMetApp: App {
@State var store = TheMetStore()
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
ContentView(store: store)
// In ContentView
struct ContentView: View {
@Bindable var store: TheMetStore
List($store.objects, id: \.objectID) { $object in
You declare and instantiate the view model object in the app struct or in a view, then inject it into the environment of the app or the parent view’s subtree. An environment object is read-only, but you can create a @Bindable version of it in the view:
// In TheMetApp
struct TheMetApp: App {
@State var store = TheMetStore()
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
// In ContentView
@Environment(TheMetStore.self) var store
VStack {
@Bindable var twoWayStore = store
List($twoWayStore.objects, id: \.objectID) { $object in
NavigationLink(object.title) {
ObjectView(object: $object) // ObjectView modifies object.isFavorite
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