Vision Framework

Sep 18 2024 · Swift 5.10, 6.0, iOS 17.5, 18b4, Xcode 15.4, 16b6

Lesson 02: Building Basic Vision Requests

Demo 02

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Here’s the app you’ve been working with. In this demo, you’ll update the faces tab to recognize faces in an image and draw red rectangles on them. Build and run the app. The classification tab works the same as the last demo, but when you tap the “Detect faces” button, nothing happens.

let rectangles: [CGRect] = request.results?.compactMap { obs in
  guard let observation = obs as? VNFaceObservation else
    { return nil }
  return observation.boundingBox
} ?? []
DispatchQueue.main.async {
  self?.faceRectangles = rectangles
  self?.errorMessage = rectangles.isEmpty
    ? "No faces detected" : nil
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