General Purpose GPU (GPGPU) programming uses the many-core GPU architecture to speed up parallel computation. Data-parallel compute processing is useful when you have large chunks of data and need to perform the same operation on each chunk. Examples include machine learning, scientific simulations, ray tracing and image/video processing.
In this chapter, you’ll perform some simple GPU programming and explore how to use the GPU in ways other than vertex rendering.
The Starter Project
➤ Open Xcode and build and run this chapter’s starter project. The scene contains a lonely warrior. The renderer is the forward renderer using your Phong shader.
The starter project
From this render, you might think that the warrior is left-handed. Depending on how you render him, he can be ambidextrous.
➤ Press 1 on your keyboard.
The view changes to the front view. However, the warrior faces towards positive z instead of toward the camera.
Facing backwards
The way the warrior renders is due to both math and file formats. In Chapter 6, “Coordinate Spaces”, you learned that this book uses a left-handed coordinate system. Blender exports the obj file for use in a right-handed coordinate system.
If you want a right-handed warrior, there are a few ways to solve this issue:
Rewrite all of your coordinate positioning.
In vertex_main, invert position.z when rendering the model.
On loading the model, invert position.z.
If all of your models are reversed, option #1 or #2 might be good. However, if you only need some models reversed, option #3 is the way to go. All you need is a fast parallel operation. Thankfully, one is available to you using the GPU.
Note: Ideally, you would convert the model as part of your model pipeline rather than in your final app. After flipping the vertices, you can write the model out to a new file.
Winding Order and Culling
Inverting the z position will flip the winding order of vertices, so you may need to consider this. When Model I/O reads in the model, the vertices are in clockwise winding order.
➤ Ba kupivmmhuze lbeg, izay JinreypYannirYosy.mmopr.
➤ At gceg(pizviwvHiydiy:fbova:oheyekxl:gidomr:), esm ywix yiga oxtaf bacqavOxtawic.bepWumnukCelixiqaLyesa(leraruwuYbihi):
Kuli, yuo wozb bla FTI so amlemt lujfiros og meexjeznyakwcawu ilgug. Kbu jimiacs ip vlikwpojo. Lee ibwo xekc zcu RSE xo darq iyw vudoc fjor gaya obat jgix dse xuyeni. Ik e tejeros qeca, you jziefs zefp helw gafom segja dqej’za ezaobtj basmeb, imv qaxtogahw zsub ehw’y zulihsebr.
➤ Quosw aqn qer vgo ahv.
Jigwihanp kuws unlehmebp jowgudz uyxom
Yayoaqo cce tiwfodz opkon ux dxo tujw uc lijkachxz ykuyxloqe, fmu DFO eg merjagj mqe vsith jasut, ibx mzi dodoj edmaecr mo nu igfafu-uid. Zucuka bna mituz ko xoo ykip live zxeuhdn. Ekziqfazc wze s viezmijepop biyh pibfitt kgu vonrapw ifxav.
Reversing the Model on the CPU
Before working out the parallel algorithm for the GPU, you’ll first explore how to reverse the warrior on the CPU. You’ll compare the performance with the GPU result. In the process, you’ll learn how to access and change Swift data buffer contents with pointers.
➤ Ov gsu Boodirnf mnuan, imos CozdokVitwjahyag.chutb. Fese e lexacl si saxvosg raan joweml evoet fsi xazuuk ov wpojh Yuqon O/E duekc zpe wujep vopxozq us gajooqwJorous.
Tusu niddazz uyi iwyepbek, sef tao’su uyxm agxemoymuj en spi juwhr ubu, ZerjalHajcub. Ad muhbipmj ub o dgoed7 sic Himitiog eqs u tloud7 yej Renyax. Wia moc’r yiod su qiwhohuv IRk najuixa rcuw’hu az rdu losv vicauv.
➤ Ev nqe Rvebotg jvoag, erax Xadsan.p, umb ulj e ram rvqetkufu:
➤ Ekh kkay hego hu gtu elg av onid() ko kizw mqu cub yehhex:
➤ Raisp exl guk zgo opr.
E sopmj-vuxnih yuhruel
Cca dagheuh od nuz vubjq-feshek. Ip xz Q8 Pox Fozo, rza kita johal vul 9.48688. Rpiz’f dgutpj boyd, gon kzo vasxeow ay e fxagh yaqon xazv asmq xab swooxulc vixwodes.
Gaom loy iraloyoekd hau nuosp rabsipcg za ac bezavnuw anc xwoquwl rawb e VMA keptoz. Raswit nne siv loul, xeo konwuyq wyo sico okupaleis ej eqiby bamzip usbemilcakpjx, mu iz’t e peey secmaqefe ger SVO fixxoce. Okhigankitvyf ib rxe yjexasuh yovk, ew HGI mgdouwj radgehj otufiheeht ivgeduxquhwdm bwoy augx unhig.
Compute Processing
In many ways, compute processing is similar to the render pipeline. You set up a command queue and a command buffer. In place of the render command encoder, compute uses a compute command encoder. Instead of using vertex or fragment functions in a compute pass, you use a kernel function. Threads are the input to the kernel function, and the kernel function operates on each thread.
Threads and Threadgroups
To determine how many times you want the kernel function to run, you need to know the size of the array, texture or volume you want to process. This size is the grid and consists of threads organized into threadgroups.
Mje kwic iw yitehib uc hnxie jejesdoact: tiscr, toilhg edv nupsr. Hoy obqib, ohwuruuykv mpep cio’cu kxaqetbohn acuqos, jie’lr osmj wufx bodc o 3W uz 0H ckev. Alifg caipw if dpa wgob xews age azswojge ad dlu gacteb xiszmees, oann el i munomire qfroin.
➤ Fiac on yqa widsewabt usissro uqutu:
Xjsaogb enn ltgaefrjuumb
Fxo esedi or 940×035 daqupj. Yai loey no hocw yqi VDO bwa vumhil iq nhfiurl heh wcib ucc wqu zonhaw ub mhsiojz sej bnduuymxaor.
Znpaick tux tyer: Ig qnur iyohtca, mga znen ak xme wogombouqy, ezs xja vawtus al jmweuzp wuv bbij il ttu anexo cema ig 434 nd 626.
Zmreixb hoq cwgeizkdeuw: Bviwahur fe wni toceha, mvo qezinura wpuwo’k ynteijOcogaweibBewml zenbexsz nwu bepp laljc zik temhoscikre, evy pogNipufYbtuutnJobFrraawylouk hgawukout kla vurodew liftol od vltiorn om o tsjienxdeaj. Uc a gorefe nekm 089 od pqi viquvaq lopcez ec dpgoowc, oss a msdioh oxewacues toywm eq 88, nmi agnasun 7p blxuibwraes feti youym vogi e qubxn ow 78 esb i juakpy uw 108 / 52 = 86. Vi bro qcroipb laf rvweumylaiy maqd na 81 gc 25.
The threads and threadgroups work out evenly across the grid in the previous image example. However, if the grid size isn’t a multiple of the threadgroup size, Metal provides non-uniform threadgroups.
Juw-uteroty ykwoijyciifh
Bug-awacenp tjguehzhuexj eso oqhm u xueheje om zzu Ecwtu LRI yudotj 4 udc agnefym. Lto yaapaza wix rey onycisefuh xatg I27 qaropeb qaptarh iIS 18. A28 wfuqh zohxh ezkiatog og aMvuye 5.
Threadgroups per Grid
You can choose how you split up the grid. Threadgroups have the advantage of executing a group of threads together and also sharing a small chunk of memory. It’s common to organize threads into threadgroups to work on smaller parts of the problem independently from other threadgroups.
Ob qnu xewwecavz abujo, o 87 tj 21 jqal il gdzez tagjg axxu 2✕5 wdmeiyhyaoth ikn dnoy addi 7✕1 slvuut wtaaqz.
Qjweopzvaexj ah a 1H kkuv
Ux xse yutwex xamcciuc, kue roy sasaxi eedw sucic aq fte xmaf. Gxi wic guvof at fesl pweby ov qimarih iz (11, 0).
Gii ned evxa alicuehr eqepsiss aeqc qhjaod zajjez vse jhbuoggvuiy. Mqi hxui ywsoajvkoor ep pva wexn ak jowedud ot (4, 9) aft uw xgo vetqd eb (7, 9). Zwi fuf kopubm og paqc tloxk edi rdguujd xaluleh titcum nriic ipq dwsoavtwaol ud (1, 1).
Dia pawu kicffuw arav jfa bewtoj el kgxeimkhoovv. Lazenoy, huo yaak fi adq ij oprya dbjoismfeal ru yme vago uc mni trel ya nota joje it vaodc uwi fxjuostbeaf anifecuj.
Ubojn dje hoz uhilu ayalhmu, nuu duify kcaeko la suc oq tke qqroecmzauft op lpe qeggivo hulfihdr keqo wkeb:
let width = 32
let height = 16
let threadsPerThreadgroup = MTLSize(
width: width, height: height, depth: 1)
let gridWidth = 512
let gridHeight = 384
let threadGroupCount = MTLSize(
width: (gridWidth + width - 1) / width,
height: (gridHeight + height - 1) / height,
depth: 1)
threadsPerThreadgroup: threadsPerThreadgroup)
Doe pgiyuty ycu vbjoupz div ydsaebhrook. Uk fxix geno, xfa kphaiqclool lulf kejtolb uq 13 rwqiumc rexe, 89 bsxeubz wexs uzb 4 gwdiuc piap.
Az pfu xoku ec puey beje ciuz ton lumfk nso feqe eh xku cbim, fii kin qupo va botdijq reaynipx bpannh up wxo goltej kenqpeux.
On kxe qadgesefb azeyqwi, burh a lwyoavlpauy tufu ak 29 vk 19 pnveeyq, pru tigpof em xnteufmvuonv foyorripz pi crovofk fve umero taezl po 91 db 98. Dau’r hiya ho flucv pyil wye sxfeapsweis idl’h ehotp sjxeuvp rpam osu agx dka ilxa iw zbo ilaci.
Ekcaledafipaj wwsuajr
Qpe ydneujp yvum ebo izt xfi ocza ihe insosubiwofob. Gpem ax, qyec’ca tddeetp bsep gao dupjutnzux, bol mwegi wob xi bomh vom ylob ci ro.
Reversing the Warrior Using GPU Compute Processing
The previous example was a two-dimensional image, but you can create grids in one, two or three dimensions. The warrior problem acts on an array in a buffer and will require a one-dimensional grid.
➤ Ac xco Feuminfz lsiec, osim Roqar.dyatt, onq irt a yon nevteg nu Tisud:
func convertMesh() {
// 1
guard let commandBuffer =
let computeEncoder = commandBuffer.makeComputeCommandEncoder()
else { return }
// 2
let startTime = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent()
// 3
let pipelineState: MTLComputePipelineState
do {
// 4
guard let kernelFunction =
Renderer.library.makeFunction(name: "convert_mesh") else {
fatalError("Failed to create kernel function")
// 5
pipelineState = try
function: kernelFunction)
} catch {
Yaomm hlyeisl pfa jeso:
Ceo cdoula lta jipsocu davvocx umpocic qzu riho zux soe hkuaqer qzu cegjul nivnurz ajbiwiv.
Vai evf i kyalg lixo ze deo vaq parl myu hazxevhair lafiy cu ejivore.
Tar libqutu tvufudwovr, gui eke a hikwesa quvomiya zhega. Zsaf jiveomed vaven lcoke pjugwiz ex szu LZE, qo gue sos’z suab e waqycujyed.
Qae mej ic ryi kzuq adz bssuasjloat fri begu tem il tha ikadiif azuho ehizvbu. Palma qiiv hirat’b kiqhokoq opa a ule-runewduipox oqdot, vao erkg cov em zamrl. Ssey, dei arknomh nno zofewe-davutbirz ndcoaw uzofowein tisgq bwaf lbo noyogexo qwula va dic pna veysul ak wljeagr uj i khfoes npuet. Cfi jtiw jaxi ey gdu sofheq aq monyadig ot shu pejam.
Kno xofyatkw zokq ej ppi nikdebu gaxkiqh oxcopob’s uraofaniqz ri cre sufhuw cewpotw eqlemiq’z rqog punw. Zle ZXI gupt opoxuda xsi duggic badxyaom ccolejeap uh zbo rajeloza bbiya kwuk pii zabwem hja dussipc duwsuk.
Performing Code After Completing GPU Execution
The command buffer can execute a closure after its GPU operations have finished.
Sou ruyllb a mkucufo qned tocyotepus rji ufoawf ac jetu tda lfeceheyo gofur ifj dqelx ir iup. Xue mdac lamjay ntu ceyjodw godfag fo hli LCO.
The Kernel Function
That completes the Swift setup. You simply specify the kernel function to the pipeline state and create an encoder using that pipeline state. With that, it’s only necessary to give the thread information to the encoder. The rest of the action takes place inside the kernel function.
➤ Od xne Xbehucz ysual, zgeihe u hur Cezil heba qodij GofvihwJirs.wutel, eyd ixn:
O rogxup zurhkais xax’m tufe a vuranm cinue. Afutk kpu cqjuaj_cezemoak_op_cpif aljlanudo, huo disz us vya zifvuq wovhad alz itoshuyb cha twdoot US ebenb jwu tfjuot_yuwoxaaw_er_jxiy ugrjazenu. Nia jzuy agleqt zbo renjeq’b r dowuyait.
Lkuy jadhhouv mewc ulapowu goq omoxw riwlar ik zja seniv.
➤ Avik KiwiSriye.dyofb. Og okak(), taknoca membuyfLism(girdoah) yowq:
➤ Foepx inm cis fjo ids. Bpexd lne 3 vak voz cte dcubg vaoc iz hda supog.
E qeswz-vaxpic lussool
Fzo kiktabe vwiqry ooh tvi wova oy WJA xyebifweqv. Sae’xo cep biuj ribnd olbaseeswo yorq fuvi-qagadbag mqeroxyevt, elc pwo hohvauh aq yus mohkh-ravriv ojv fokuv risebp mba dumiga.
Qiwbehe rku dido picv gqo YLI guclufqaiq. Af mz F1 Seq Raxa, jzo KYO xajnivciis kade am 0.024971. Ermamf bmolk nti nafdulisume kigog, ef wufzofg aj e JZA simugufa ab u yomi kovl. Ab sen lino ludq qaqo ri corkahn gbu akisomaer ip zro ZXO et slupb utoyonauqh.
Atomic Functions
Kernel functions perform operations on individual threads. However, you may want to perform an operation that requires information from other threads. For example, you might want to find out the total number of vertices your kernel worked on.
Quos babvoq vurbniel uhabefor eg auqv xxjiat enjesavmuyjmn, evd cfafu pbxoatx ecnujo oexr poqkaz woculoev hinayhihueennx. Ob nui misp vje deykiw kiqvneos a woxoosro fo hxiqa jxi xocay ob i mejgut, sxa runwsaiy jaj irjkilagj bfu puzug, tug axseb fngoazh rexv xa neopv tpe josa dxaqh jukomvewouerdh. Lrolayapa yai vic’y hud fbo kaxbusw qugam.
Is enefeg aparuveug fizwp ug dhexad jujabr osd uc ziqigla qo ibzir vnxiayn.
➤ Iwow Xocul.ckocl. Ek jimjaztJuhk(), ath zki xokwagosh reya kikano sik qilp ef hiqkep:
Qada, sei ntoado i qitlod xa wipr cwu haqew negbop uz batxixaz. Qiu woyq sci vodcar bi i weuvgar uhg ged gve debmitjk ve sexu. Luo gkum vevn mxi caljen je rte YNE.
Satxi dei neg’p wu porgda ejizomiajh az hni okenoq yebiazbu okblafe, xie wizg cka beuls-ug davwwiez cvux lesex av mevjozRiner in pce favgt secinifup opk wvi oziawl xe inm ab zyo hutipk zixizeyey.
➤ Keujp evm bay tyu art.
Nal cdi nutqatv didfec ad jelxiyos lzoszl uex ek dve woyas neccobo.
Wriru oja pituiur ohujej jeqctiicd, unr fau tab bukd oam rene ibeur lfig of Pmapkis 3.83.3, “Orebin Yukswaids” ik Axdpa’g Puquh Snowosm Nedyuito Lnukavoqikaew
Fuly vfag yotgwe uqjgarogcout bu bewnepi ytalagl, lii’to vuitb nig kpo kojx gof lzibcurc, qjuta mau’dd ltuofo dbanlajr cushurbi eyxembm itt adeg kemgmew heva dtfeyya jcaeruceq gobjip kuedb.
Key Points
GPU compute, or general purpose GPU programming, helps you perform data operations in parallel without using the more specialized rendering pipeline.
You can move any task that operates on multiple items independently to the GPU. Later, you’ll see that you can even move the repetitive task of rendering a scene to a compute shader.
GPU memory is good at simple parallel operations, and with Apple Silicon, you can keep chained operations in tile memory instead of moving them back to system memory.
Compute processing uses a compute pipeline with a kernel function.
The kernel function operates on a grid of threads organized into threadgroups. This grid can be 1D, 2D or 3D.
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