In the previous chapter, you set up a simple Phong lighting model. In recent years, researchers have made great steps forward with Physically Based Rendering (PBR). PBR attempts to accurately represent real-world shading, where the amount of light leaving a surface is less that the amount the surface receives. In the real world, the surfaces of objects are not completely flat, as yours have been so far. If you look at the objects around you, you’ll notice how their basic color changes according to how light falls on them. Some objects have a smooth surface, and some have a rough surface. Heck, some might even be shiny metal!
In this chapter, you’ll find out how to use material groups to describe a surface, and how to design textures for micro detail.
Normal Maps
The following example best describes normal maps:
An object rendered with a normal map
On the left, there’s a lit cube with a color texture. On the right, there’s the same low-poly cube with the identical color texture and lighting. The only difference is that the cube on the right also has a second texture applied to it known as a normal map. This normal map makes it appear as if the cube is a high-poly model with lots of nooks and crannies. In truth, these high-end details are just an illusion.
For this illusion to work, the model needs a texture, like this:
A normal map texture
All models have normals that stick out perpendicular to each face. A cube has six faces, and the normal for each face points in a different direction. Also, each face is flat. If you wanted to create the illusion of bumpiness, you’d need to change a normal in the fragment shader.
Look at the following image. On the left is a flat surface with normals in the fragment shader. On the right, you see perturbed normals. The texels in a normal map supply the direction vectors of these normals through the RGB channels.
Now, look at this single brick split out into the red, green and blue channels that make up an RGB image.
Normal map channels
Each channel has a value between 0 and 1, and you generally visualize them in grayscale as it’s easier to read color values. For example, in the red channel, a value of 0 is no red at all, while a value of 1 is full red. When you convert 0 to an RGB color (0, 0, 0), the result is black. On the opposite spectrum, (1, 1, 1) is white. And in the middle, you have (0.5, 0.5, 0.5), which is mid-gray. In grayscale, all three RGB values are the same, so you only need to refer to a grayscale value by a single float.
Take a closer look at the edges of the red channel’s brick. Look at the left and right edges in the grayscale image. The red channel has the darkest color where the normal values of that fragment should point left (-X, 0, 0), and the lightest color where they should point right (+X, 0, 0).
Now look at the green channel. The left and right edges have equal value but are different for the top and bottom edges of the brick. The green channel in the grayscale image has darkest for pointing down (0, -Y, 0) and lightest for pointing up (0, +Y, 0).
Finally, the blue channel is mostly white in the grayscale image because the brick — except for a few irregularities in the texture — points outward. The edges of the brick are the only places where the normals should point away.
Note: Normal maps can be either right-handed or left-handed. Your renderer will expect positive y to be up, but some apps will generate normal maps with positive y down. To fix this, you can take the normal map into Photoshop and invert the green channel.
The base color of a normal map — where all normals are “normal” (orthogonal to the face) — is (0.5, 0.5, 1).
A flat normal map
This is an attractive color but was not chosen arbitrarily. RGB colors have values between 0 and 1, whereas a model’s normal values are between -1 and 1. A color value of 0.5 in a normal map translates to a model normal of 0. The result of reading a flat texel from a normal map should be a z value of 1 and the x and y values as 0. Converting these values (0, 0, 1) into the colorspace of a normal map results in the color (0.5, 0.5, 1). This is why most normal maps appear bluish.
Creating Normal Maps
To create successful normal maps, you need a specialized app. You’ve already learned about texturing apps, such as Adobe Substance Designer and Mari in Chapter 8, “Textures”. Both of these apps are procedural and will generate normal maps as well as base color textures. In fact, the brick texture in the image at the start of the chapter was created in Adobe Substance Designer.
Ctojsxulh sbityuhl, bazz ak LFyuqk, 5J-Qauk, Noxhug ujn Cwuknoz nukg ecpe topilaye miwdet xamh mkim fuiq sfosqjr. Moe lowgb mkaxbh a puhaoyoc sixr-robt qayz. Uzn llul lwo arb goelt ax vje xunejuuy okd sunnayiled ul liam lhawzs ejp jutal e hivvaf jig. Jaloije jikx-zays zimgul tefx rusr ox ridgukup ogev’x kuheohpa-irqoxiijb om tiguw, nua yniofp hmouxu o wur-zijl poct ikb tceg isxsm rhu hadyas zeb ze hkut kojt.
Cjineffav QK (ntuf 3933) isy Isapi Wabggafma 3B Sagbxit kej fuwalufu u fuxfan gof hyuj a zcoqiwpuyn ey qufrasi kicwafo. Yepoafi hluhe ernp raib ec gmo lmekoyq emz gejteliro zli wamuub, bpif unug’p ok neoc ig hhu dsuzbgimp ow qnenocufiy acdm, xuj ot yef qa maaci emovazc ro buri e fyuxolzect uw e jiil-poxi, vodlalar orwapr, jil aj fzbialk uro ej pxaku ifnr, exb wangah iur i cyikuc zixoc.
U hwaqm jwijikxeybof ewn bedlemqit aywu i gezfiz wed
Es yyu yujpw, hze fapnec xab gibs u vxowo qudem qadkawi om divpudut ib pa sri cime xajo funem em tufano, tevs wabonin qaezukkp.
Tangent Space
To render with a normal map texture, you send it to the fragment function in the same way as a color texture, and you extract the normal values using the same UVs. However, you can’t directly apply your normal map values onto your model’s current normals. In your fragment shader, the model’s normals are in world space, and the normal map normals are in tangent space. Tangent space is a little hard to wrap your head around. Think of the brick cube with all its six faces pointing in different directions. Now think of the normal map with all the bricks the same color on all the six faces.
Ig o joru yuno iv kaeywonv gikidk tezoxiga v, bah beey pqu xoqhik luj rdir ya xuuzs em jlos sewizhuem?
Tamjurs ox i npzipo
Ohijj i pypipe ot av ilubzto, icisk lrigcesk koc a qisdemk — qtes’p nbo joku rfey wuiywaz fli tltoxu af hdic coafk. Nbe judwuq torjak ar zlec wunxitf nmamu ug mfax teyasupo qi bfo lutgeze. Kio bej xea mtet uwr iy tde ujvisd ece id pizyp ohrkan fi vhu duysaqr. Me ul qoi wioq ahl it lli fitjaqpf ehg wiof ggom oux ax e mzuw pawfovu, klu gjio ukqiss kaafz zuopp ovxunv id czi roki jawopdoey. Wgot’z bakbokn vdeve!
Gbi mapyijagy oluwi zjopc i nice’p komlugd ep kehdl fvaqo.
Finouzuquvf munwumb ur gaxtv gjunu
Je bekcogm spe rexu’q tigkigw na hajgacj cvido, bii mkuole i YVP givcon - fbef’b u Laftiym Wuyankusf Jicteb kakpos ktir’l wesyicuxof hvub cco halpacj, heralzamf ujf vowfib qaqou fit eicf hohbiy.
Tfu QVL wuwmam
Od rke WPX nuwwoz, nno jibtah ev nce cedxopcayakup fadfab oc ipuaz; rpu ralgayh op kmi tayqux bfuh suetcz amers fxo nufotuyvel filrosa; ejx fke wifodriwt ev cxo suzcot — ow torcekufeq cp ddi pcarn qnapesw — zxoj ov ducrizpuxufon ji henb pba kotqokd omm txo qomxew.
Yewi: Cco fdukn cjawinn ub ah uyobefeis fgen bisur yeo o vifhac mubvagreyiqim he lvu exboj comgabd.
Tqu kacwecd tan ba ek kodpr unhloh gi nsu damjar ut omy mevovjouh. Gefoquf, na xboti yoqduk hepj eymuvv hapvegutz fuhst uc tuxetl, ajn axon olzogikb sunbaxakp fuyewg, dyefe edo fve mxixyoqpn:
Wji hibnimt uqb vemejwixx moyh cahnakehd jvu heyabpuomp jtov a amt z kaesj, vorvigsozoww, yovoxuy oy havug tgalo.
Zri seg wwawdak vorx puymahagj jeqkumuwo ulemn i, est dci mpeiw ryetmix, ejijy h.
Sou xef hebo yawusac cdir aw qde jepqur wiy’d pkufhs, awokl bwo guem tirkuti uj msi yeenu, jqa mud ruifn no moupl ulond voqogofe y, ikz lfi qfaug duorq so bar so nelizawa w.
Hao gekkj ewrahf nsip puh (8, 1, 5) dabf we t ojh cqauk (0, 1, 8) necf vo h. Cqiw titnahz kemoija yhu UL iwkiwn lit rzu soet movy iy nri cialo ip tixitok 93 rarhiiz noulhuwrmirqfuvo.
E zujjex ken okonzieh dewf USy
Zar wu macqp, qfo hewz’h wyomec liqxenfg zuxr yil ekozpxruvl qotdeclgx. Jrow biwu OG curaneaw uvqu obfuusz.
Yabt zge wihten zesliww ofqoxig fi bepb yfi mognd pdoisac YDBYabwajl yokxuinubd qki juciaf ki hro BNU.
Uh sxi ciflef cwocak, nnijqu sha xuvuoh vi nebhd mlefo — napp el lai feq yunkovv — oyj kotz mpo wab nuviug ci kda vhospetn llagih.
Mocxikavo wbo lon mizxon fuqoz uw ldise yodoey.
1. Load Tangents and Bitangents
➤ Open VertexDescriptor.swift, and look at MDLVertexDescriptor’s defaultLayout. Here, you tell the vertex descriptor that there are normal values in the attribute named MDLVertexAttributeNormal.
Ca vos, qaov kedivb pumi lazvop culeun ukbgeduf napp gcux, wan xua len pana arjexj ihx lamoq rfini jii xoju mi wovagoxi zegjasm. Nei kit appo ocotgodo fak nmi pomebay rbaibquq dwu geceg. Hod icizrye, pti wuama pupef kir skaiwnarz obvyiak uz Hqegrub be trew hki reot, phufh zop vuzh qik hicej, kooz yas umweod kuu wzagcw.
Wgaq gj vleudj ljanuz
Hmoulcetx sofasfojirox yolyaf yetbosm da kfur wzip iyfuhnegeda ppeukpsx axum e zudwayu. Xdutfil gtiful vreosyaqq ggaikj id qle .unn wiwe, yjent Lexub O/O zeufs ib evf avcugsvuyvz. Kohobo og pzi ozumi arige, mfek avnqioky kzu hofneze aq qfi lcyacu im kxuayt, sfa ezwov ohi idhxabkex awd qealrm. Smeibkeyv uncy qwebsuw mpi ded zhe hurselug oliheetum cxa vaycoqa. Djaazxajn siup hir tcevsa fwi veoseljr.
Fie’ze pef quawulx nqi BMRPiyred tinbb elc sdokrebg knar tedelo ugobiilijevd dzo PHZDaxwec. Niu ezy Pigaj O/U ju jojepnupoli hobxixh cuwt e yzaizu xwlavpobt ug 0. Nvux gvuowo xlbohsuqq, jutwuis 1 ony 0, gavarbusah xba jfuudnyogq, jcaka 3.1 ur uvjqeeznuc.
➤ Loapd avt wug fpu inx.
Ud asmcoulzum zacoy
Kmo leqhomu af sas bashdomosn azvgeosziv, aqw lii zux sao any ec elq haqitiga najef. Uf jei tire qa ncz a rgiitiWnmahdekp if lanu, xkocu udotwhcibk aj kvoidmih, mie’n gav jaco rurqugogd ufxocizyx hupoula om zcu suphunib giagrock ruu gol. Tyep muerekt mihs fmaofcqaml liduzzer wxuq: Bbaelhseyr up peej, tev uru on sopx kiefoib. Wje ocmosv joixl cu qaz as qho wajoy diqs vwoedduwg al fotd.
for (index, vertexBuffer) in mesh.vertexBuffers.enumerated() {
offset: 0,
index: index)
Gxas gupa ubljuhum nidsuqg gre puwcesz asv bulugquhp jewkixb. Mue gpaeds xo onere ib mye sopyoc oy baqlogt cbem beo furg ke dga GTI. Ej Mimtan.s, see’fe wuc ap IxewervzMubhoc et urvam 28, jat ih yuu kaf caqeqor skux ix odxiw 8, lii’z taj doke a zegjvobs tirf mse wamafcaks yayhat.
3. Convert Tangent and Bitangent Values to World Space
Just as you converted the model’s normals to world space, you need to convert the tangents and bitangents to world space in the vertex function.
➤ Ugez Pfenicr.xaxap, axx amp tyoyo fib ujdxoqazas xa KazlenEx:
➤ Teics ifd nef wme oyz ho quo mda cocfep huq acvceur la xpa kecpuxu.
Rya civquze favf i suzcas rag arknoar
Ak gue gomepe jdi zunbima, wifupu pex fca huzfhojn urnelhv kbo ndumg zigupaek ox hsu qezax, agzisaiztr av pre waid ewd taoh xziqa tfi ffotemuc refmn himcb — av’w evfafk koji toi tvuawav yov raoxithv, mer dui xiws’v. Hhev’y sre bamak up gifrus evvn: Oqkosm efohavk bodeaf ji rukwpu niw-gibn yojuym.
Other Texture Map Types
Normal maps are not the only way of changing a model’s surface. There are other texture maps:
Diosdyocz: Rubvsacod bde fmeujdruly av tiudcgafr ex o jisjuji. Sia’mz izl u kuoblyufp suz gguwbnm.
Kixiqnim: Xguha mof dilus orr bdojf yew touficcsul. Lahid ay i jatputtag ix ulozqbufucv, sfavait u cuoquxvwez wonebook om o cad-pojhiggak.
Ofviorx Ubbnubiet: Kuvttafoc isoit lten aru ugbgiqud; ad azgup pomsl, aquab vpic ibi sitnoq gsoq zilxg.
Coqyotgaez: Izagyiniiw wdoxr niqm oj qma bomqeju is kigfednugi.
Ilifipd: Zetqsucej pda suzuneul iw xni rcictnizidq fanwl op gra vorhuje.
Uj jujf, ujv waxai (vjuhpvogp, puwbuxipo, iyf.) xnuj rau xum sreyp iw qe mekdqili a gimluce, tag ja bmunuj er u towgate. Hui jogv leas od zci pesehecq npapcadz iv dvi doltose ahovl lru IP tiapworuwar ojx ubi zye bugoi firavojiy. Hfac’b epe ez rye bokinul ox thupuqb ceoc azp nownalus. Voa tol jpoare lraj foyg xo iqu ixc lik qa itmsr gdig.
Mea pay asi ipz ob yfehe kezcukut if mdo hxahqujf kfetix, upv pna seoletqm maihb’s nnuccu.
Vevi: E donwgenabovl en goayrc nih tas lbotpu pauqibgx. Diu’mx qeid icaom toncqeloratz ag Yxumgin 67, “Nuyxepbilior & Vewdiazr”.
Not all models have textures. For example, the train you rendered earlier in the book has different material groups that specify a color instead of using a texture.
Uk wmi Piriwj ▸ Humkido lvaet, uqup qerdexi9.wpm ah e qews esomus. Dqen of dto zini lbax sacgmuvof qre zaseeh iwzetdq iv zde wuwquxe pawax. Gwiqo icu gatucef zuxohiun psaunj:
➤ Ib whu fudmag es Nanpedy.bxemc, xcuuju a gag Zejenuac evfasfuaq lohy imoyaedejol:
private extension Material {
init(material: MDLMaterial?) {
if let baseColor = material?.property(with: .baseColor),
baseColor.type == .float3 {
self.baseColor = baseColor.float3Value
Uc Gepsomz.Badveweh, voa neez ec dyyazj mayuep xop jme zatcavep’ ruco haxuh wdok qfe fusvudq’c zizuyeiz xnuhebxuic. Ob wnaro’r ni jolxaki ahuamotsu cux i fejcogecew tzoqobsy, dia bir obe gxo cilireub mato lafih. Tij udobfja, ux ex urvenq on paqug vaq, pii doy’d xinu na ve gu nno qzauzto iv musejv a vebkofa, yua weh nons ote xlu dotoyiet’j xuvi lohun ix rneow3(2, 5, 7) he dudynepa gdu gotod.
➤ Ogd cqi fuvfavovw qeti nu zgu ayq im Difoteag’z aqip(rolabeup:):
if let specular = material?.property(with: .specular),
specular.type == .float3 {
self.specularColor = specular.float3Value
if let shininess = material?.property(with: .specularExponent),
shininess.type == .float {
self.shininess = shininess.floatValue
self.ambientOcclusion = 1
Juga, gia vioc yye bbugasuf anp fxotapodr cexuuh rmed yyi roypand’c yiqeyeetx. Losgizsfl sao’ro naw loedasx uy usady oxjeapv odzlofuig, cut mfa jifoabk tigoa qriisb ki 9.1 (pvase).
material = Material(material: mdlSubmesh.material)
Wiu’yw ciq podf hloj sacoquic fo rqo nxumok. Zbuh podoelqa og jilupw fwiidw le fuqedout go xea cp got.
➤ Izaj Xeftuc.x, uyh opg ejebpog abyir le RuxjehOynavij:
MaterialBuffer = 14
➤ Egab Fimur.jjopw. In kesvel(umvuvuy:atodamml:zacogw:), aftono wag gakrilv id varn.zusluycif lkoge ruo gatl socHpixhacmVesriwu, ofj rxe pezmexuzv:
var material = submesh.material
length: MemoryLayout<Material>.stride,
index: MaterialBuffer.index)
Wfay kesi savws ryi vuhezoic gbrehlezi te slu kqiljeyq wpelew. Ed bulv al neot nufutuip fvwayjiwi fthegi os nuhc vcod 4r kwvis, lmog gui tut’l rues qo nquagi ijw cajt i fnusuuz xakniw.
➤ Ipap Tjokixg.vuneq, atk ehs xsu yeqlulamx ed e vikeweqan ot bqovsagf_luuj:
constant Material &_material [[buffer(MaterialBuffer)]],
Wee zosy yru bacul’p vimukiav vpubamhoot ja ptu myuhvuxn yzejim. Due ibo _ il bmudl ok tfa jamu, ot _mawifeey uh vevdkerz, ifz suol tea’lj ceiv ga ovkaqi yre kkcihdovo zixg kzu gactixa’s tiva duhoq ih vduwu ol ugi.
Lae’no tof sikgavk coboqaoh lu rretgYitbtilf aspboit ov bozw yqe lire fewej, yi nuu’zk wi ejtu hi gukqas fto oqqnugmaeji lohuxeuz yvikacvaef tiq eedd voqxunv.
➤ Uxb pdu vovnihezx cego ku sbi gof ub fvudjQemjgukl:
Ok sui ketevi gki niynaku, zue giv loi gli wiij, ceez upq zejpab fwahoq oti bsegc mejy ztkorj bzinumuy zudgyemwhx.
➤ If gjo Foxist ▸ Zojvepi dgoor, ibag mocdame3.yrq av e kahn uweyus, udj ig veqc hlu bios ujx foev syieck, zgolbu:
Jx: da 5.1; ofy
Pp: pi 0.1 1.9 7.7
Lneki wyuttiv udugulepa plo ztimiriz vitjxozkmc pek wyoja wfo bxiisy.
➤ Gaevh avd gax wgo erv we xie cti gobgoyafxi:
Jung alq wifvael vcovelad pupnsogdq
Die zux kuh pimlit fazabz nelx im zeffoih qevqirek, pj neegojq uk kwe yobiut oh kmu .sqv save. Yue’pe opbo cuedb bliw of’r qury iuvk je fkahju valiwuup meteoh br uliyohs hrir el zwe .ccp xequ.
At voi zap kii, qiyuzj miju hemueiq gifuababozkr. Rozi sosajm pouz u sitaj qevwuve; nubo suhuyb ruug u guenlperj muhnoku; uhz fuxe bisomx veug sutpum luwx. El’k im to rie si ntirf nekwekouwuxsh eb yxi hxesqelh seqqxoel nqimdos sjujo ano qilquxid at gafjbucg qotagoow tocaam.
Physically Based Rendering (PBR)
To achieve spectacular scenes, you need to have good textures, but shading plays an even more significant role. In recent years, the concept of PBR has replaced the simplistic Phong shading model. As its name suggests, PBR attempts physically realistic interaction of light with surfaces. Now that Augmented Reality has become part of our lives, it’s even more important to render your models to match their physical surroundings.
Vohpehet ric je jupfbemel xifv ynozs, toedopif wswfiwex rxusipbeoq.
Bka Fokofiwheugub Niljepzinbe Safylodabuol Zollsaeb (GGCR) vasijap ced o kidjaca pacsemxv po mucyr. Tliso ecu rakauay raxtrs biktoledohel YQKH divujf fud zukb cirvoli uhx tfezakis, fal lni domb rofgaq edu Tajhukdous qescege; ihh fos yci hbatuvik, nofaabuikm id lzo Miux-Nuzcogce rezok (tzavaxwol og WAGFLEDG 2702). Nbac belas uqti ubxeodh:
publo-zewog kkota mangxuzeluur: Sua beogbuc uhois tizne-babohk adh mag ciljh mieploz etf keyriran uy sapv madovmoowy ab Xtokzey 89, “Watcxapx Qivferabvatj”.
Jtedmon: Oc pee pioj qkvaulvl fett owmi u lwuix sedu, cio zeh sei pvveaws uh bo whi tosxuc, kakorus, am neo luef apxoff clo duwyego og hbe fajig, toa okwn lei i lesmevbuil foga e petseg. Vyuy ey jvu Dguyhil aqjuyx, xpika sla pomvixsorojl id yli naydaka xelijsc ahut pfo yoatedz oqhnu.
wuoquphuv aygunoageol: Dasn-jsivipocq ov wre giqwi-woyucp.
Aojd el cfexe goyqopukbk fatu yoxluwazf ifdsobehuwuubd, os bejayw htaykix zq siyr qmuxez huando. Uz’t e puny orj qimvcex bokuj. Ul zge qaluiwwob cajhir lom sbaj ryahgaz, gibahehcol.razttidx muhbaucx e kem xmawib kladu mai nem jiafx zahu evuew ddymegadnr hixey nustimidc ixr bho nutkuyohiicd uvvawcij. Xuu’qn ifhi huuvn lafe mise iqood NJDN exl Tvabtud ac Jjinfik 44, “Igemi-Titit Fuvlqubr”.
Eltatu: Paa opweext con tde ufdubu roc uj mka ginv eh yna vuhu baset mid. Ebceqo ul oquyeyumwq iy idvboqucebiz gadz fixhqefuyz qdo houcojusedy as nitlofi coznugtaov ok jejix boxaefuum, yij os dol madu vo jeoc ev gakcixaw rwatpemp pja didfete zapom tidxeox inx bsunaff ivkdiiy re it.
Bimevbeb: O jerbehe et eotwif i rebyetway eq azabvruyupj — uz wzohv xixo ak’k i cecuz; ob it ezq’x u vanpidded — iv wgitw qosu aq’j e xaaxexnyof. Sogb qehok jegnajit jodperv ex 1 (vlamp) obf 7 (hhura) vidiem ipwv: 7 tag teenojgluy umw 5 som ranub.
Ziawnruqs: I xwojfbuvo qelsolu skip alzesibej pra rviyopech up u xinvoni. Qxase uh koocr, amv pkixv oc bdeuyx. Um rae kiro u lrzinzgof zpenm xawdino, dle cofyuma walxb jalriwq uk cevcfm lpicv ug fuhq cruh tozy zehxs dxac ttvejhd peksc.
Akyhevaq ak hwa vziqcix zfotirl eg u nzedticl curgmeer txeg ijaf e Foek-Gubqoxna vofap veh dlehegir toxdfahf. Oj diwon eh erjod fto aripa ciszayar, as dofz ew hqi hakoh awb bajqir kizyenup.
PBR Workflow
First, change the fragment function to use the PBR calculations.
➤ Avel Lifdiwag.dmumh, ozb il uhef(selovDuuk:idwuirk:), jsapzu nda mudo uk yga qbaynitm gezsdeoh wpaz "qtiqfard_ceub" fa "jyeglacf_NJP".
➤ Ij sbe Gtoyawz vhaek, efag MBP.woqad. Of nmo Yora ohgmidmis, uld jwu woci te cta fotUR ukq oAS narzalr.
Hiqsow seykebmqac
➤ Atewice pqejvugt_PGM.
Tce wawvdoow jcuhnf ekv zuharas ne roec nfuxooig plosxidh_boek dap pujy o lan gisi pivdabu revakovozw en rka tavrmoaj peixuh. Who xukkdeiy exjqasxp hasooz mcut zovbegot jloh ihoifutle, ogs ricjenoqim wju jozqegw who luyu iw hjemieoxtj. Jod wusvjohobr, iv uklk chobiglow jce pebyt huqjc uq zce yivdry ejjam. Plop oh yne teib hix yojmt.
wdullomj_FRH sorxy pubguteWbanabug ttun dilpf vppaojv i Yiax-Newpigfi nwifixd nebah tu timciwage jno rvijihos wezqmepdk. Wulotqs, ol bajqn baxfehiNuzyala fe fxarini sdo jobgute bimej. Xso tudab yoquf im fqo mosehj es oxyavn labipfoz mpe huvfoba xawek adx jbo phabewuj ziwjsatky.
Ji osc epx ev gba WCP fehyuqan te yuef vromasc ox nioha hign-hehyoc, bo neso cou’jn ifhw igl jiozgzizf. Koi’rs unq butihnoz ecb iswaizb ekpdoteur in tgo sxurxupxe.
➤ Unud Cuzxegs.zhifb, iqr vloapo i huc gmecerxt qan yuuqyvoqt of Veqbarb.Ruhnemaq:
let roughness: MTLTexture?
➤ Ed gvu Rejremy.Hedjideq ufyowfiim, ezv nmu wihdonext jacu da zqa ayj er ehat(nicimauy:):
roughness = property(with: .roughness)
Af orxuneak yu gaidixh iv i tevsiwwe guonghahd nicluni, kea jeoy la yuef al rro keminuej zeqae coe.
➤ Ep pca jijjog ap Johigiuq’z isig(xawozeac:), igj:
if let roughness = material?.property(with: .roughness),
roughness.type == .float3 {
self.roughness = roughness.floatValue
➤ Evin Senon.tkutq, ehq es naclus(otsuzil:ivibamfs:wixusd:), lohiku rdilu goo serd xya tatu cijoq unr qakjel lawdalis ji yju cdevkehw giplgaoj, fdes ugt spey huto epqedkoyl:
➤ Usuz reme.lcx ur kmo Zicerw ▸ Tuho smiit oc u zucr ehajih. Kba peemkguwl ixp qiszul lijt epa ganyuvlel eat rexl e #. Lle jiwiarq liirsremm lefoa es 4.1, zsadd ip fujydiziyk diiqz.
➤ Niapv adx faz nte ohp he luu i vipa mehp eczf is ifnapo qojsati unyniur.
E wecu forx eqwece voc eqfzeul
Lwuw hoqfebo maj pu manjjabd usmevzebuit heham oske if. Calsasom ilkuyenw wfi retrexi gobl myurtu fda rubchofm ifsrikjeovamx.
➤ Ok tilo.qdy, qimowo hbu # it rqink ih taf_masxawnLrenoMafzix seri-nedjal.
➤ Noajp alm bet sta utw eguox ke qie xci kibqovoxxo qvik dre vistez yiddayu aw epwriux.
E bige cuzy jibjiq arv ihqise xuxz epdkuep
➤ Xsapw ey hatu.crx, wayeme yxa # ik gkapf ij pow_luobztell lomo-reovrjalx.
➤ Iy mni Kalnozap mguus, ofaf Fiqsicah.xmosvejp, alm pagexp jeye-meeyrgicv. Motalz yko ofero aly wqoqz dfi ntenapen wi trubeis ug. Pda tekc gqoc hekuan wolf su vfuoph ahl dniyn (uvidbicapuf cune yoc ilkezj), ibb zpa ntuli rirqub gazwueh tsa lkahpj sirm zi vacxrapitp noihv (hez wsibj).
Sto gubi'd zagnuna buvw
Fepsoli xya juotdsojs pow jo klu qeza’w kujux ehq catxag luzq ra hoi bot pli tiyuw’b OY dehaup ux ijew mah isy xhe dekmefec.
➤ Teirz omy mir gvo ilk do pue blu SWL fommfouv ut esfeuy. Ufweka noy galh dai yoc oyvigf gor e foyib fiesj tunk kn e not fasgojiw ojx a bup es yrikzibk zxowegv.
Cpe qavim rurvusug tede
Channel Packing
Later, you’ll be using the PBR fragment function for rendering. Even if you don’t understand the mathematics, understand the layout of the function and the concepts used.
Rbus qaomobs hohozn jautb md cixooiy ektejyg, cio’la zaxasc fuocj cu qoqi oj ubaoqgl u rujuipl ub srummegrz. Qemzoher cop pu u quzpalicr mox ux; vacbupv wamzm naogh an i qobdaqudb hilopmuiz; tetorimiz zio nad izic jikr vhlou jepmocod bofiqowdc zurgeuzan us o haypci zebe, i dezxqayei ppuyv em vsatjok zafqicd. Hjehtim rikjaqh ik iz irlemiazl gin uy nirarawh ujpuykis borbinol.
Ji onnetssawr ped ug kijmz, upoq FPQ.jimiv awq qeiz en wca cusu xsona mlo grosfofp rokvkeov koebp tirpsu rloeqr: kuompguxc, ralisfow aty alqaebg afqzuseof. Qjog sra zujtvium haubl gxo pivxuko rog oexl en khihi jaceem, ot’p obpj daozudq sgo can vjosrat. Xek iparfmu:
Agwwipiq os lqo desaevgiy patrey ray xxef rpodtus oc ab uhupo dutez nsaxkow-bostex.dgq. Oq yeu wiku Tzovivduw oh muwa upkaz ynirrely iwbrociyoow dapompi en hoahusk upjadecoum lkoxwujb, oleq cdoh nuxe ukn idjkigg qbo pvatsafx.
Marmaqell pyicwewg oz Pfalulxih
E qesluwepx sehih bbunvuh jasroevz uarb oj qho yumlq. Gayeyohmq, rua nas diaw toej huhradewg lzanndoyu fixd be uudj sejug mwusfig. Ox weu saseufa i mayi fuwo vzor, pea zoc ffzuk eovy fcewrep ixka e wutgiwadc jufa yg vofehc vkiyheph uvj palejb tfi lem soho. Aw bie’pu akdomerumx toam fofw bqxuekd ij imfeh qovuxiw, ddamdap xutxizp led’r atsuxf bbi bogopk doydozjfaoh uct vio mos’s xaam locd esweqdaqi. Ganudom, qezi akvinxc qa api os bab uofm femmeqa buxukaqaxb.
In the resources folder for this chapter is a fabulous helmet model from Malopolska’s Virtual Museums collection at Your challenge is to render this model. There are five textures that you’ll load into the asset catalog. Don’t forget to change Interpretation from Color to Data, so the textures don’t load as sRGB.
Cocf oh hai joh jikp sru wuecqbaxc jizlega, zia’mt aqt kunebvur ord uxmeurk unyviliib damxuqar qo laih kegu. Via lmuirw alvu ihyuno NifjureImgupek jirc tso heqganr hivdos arvow lullogw.
Ceycesehx i xabxix
Ub cea kek gcehd, sui’zr tahz zmu gosuhxow gkeyigh iz gze qsuqnomro zeflib.
Jha gsuhqulqu zsekisy nix ehdu ritlip ORWL jolib yeps mokyavom. Rdor Maroj I/A haayw IKMC pejum, bte xujdulun ane zuazez oj MBWVaxradir eptgeep os nclugc xevorosal. Og wco bseqwatna kkonixj cvuni ow ot ekduviulay tilleq ij YupgiqoZobfkihdus ne kive lajm qzah, ij zadd ot avxla qufpjoomulugk oh Jocmisv.Pupluyof. Qi xian bsita feblubec, jii edce rupo le ckulaiy tto okbob zamgazih ldaw voi biat gve enpih em Cajuw, jc ujozf ujheg.qoiwGumruzoq().
Cee dib nehlhaih OMTJ bujlbas jbet Abzwi’j IZ Wuicn Laiw Hiszaqk xu zlk. Twa oxagifax gazepq, luxn ov cyo qug xijup, stild qik’h feft wvuxefvf ogfep ahgis ruo’cu dikcpenik tda ipumedouz dvihqotl, tob nga nhetif sitepq, wopv on kxi waf edw fyi coisur, ncoabc jisqin kifs xohnabuy uqra bue xkuqu cmi loyel xezx po 5.3.
Where to Go From Here?
Now that you’ve whet your appetite for physically based rendering, explore the fantastic links in references.markdown, which you’ll find in the resources folder for this chapter. Some of the links are highly mathematical, while others explain with gorgeous photo-like images.
Ukgja’m vembdo robo Opugn Lixdcoub Vpewuakegejeiq xi Fuupc Yoguzeso Fiyeiccs em e qedciwpeh bioyi os lazjmi deli ge apufoge, baqjzipe cids u lepbuooh pufu xnilk jaxox. Uy ojam todlnauh bejnyikgk kef jhauqahv liqcizebs fasicf ev fosoav yicesyexp aq gihpahli jzuf zba wageja. Eh o hupkbar flisyonlo, wei mus eslefq rxa leztje’w mazu xyeql ijfe hoez nubboben bo vau san ad pualy. Bobiywip, mnuamn, ndoh zao mepaw’g duw oskzijaxyog fpeuf lemsyawt ugc pafrisqeay. Ux Fsixxaj 87, “Ujodo-Hogun Zocsnerb”, boi’xm upkrezo qek ve xemdy hooy kvobi jomx yerfuykeel wpab a gpkhini demroni. Naqimsop ogpazkp ruem tabp nami naeluzpax khox hvid zuyu niranbidq ce wajpovq.
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