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Living by the Code

First Edition ·

Before You Begin

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Getting to Work

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34. An Interview with Ray Wenderlich
Written by Enrique López-Mañas

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Ray is part of a great team — the team, a group of over 200 developers and editors from across the world. He and the rest of the team are passionate both about making apps and teaching others the techniques to make them. When Ray’s not programming, he’s probably playing video games, role playing games, or board games.

Connect with Ray

Twitter: @RayFromVA

LinkedIn: /in/raywenderlich

Facebook: /raywenderlich


Ray, we would love to hear more about your story. How do you move from writing articles as an indie developer into founding a company with over 200 elite developers and editors? Was there any common pattern along your way in this process?

Before I started as an indie iOS developer, I was working at Electronic Arts on the back-end tools for a game called Warhammer Online. I absolutely loved the job and the people there. But the thing was: I had always wanted to start my own business. And when I got married to my wife Vicki in 2010, I realized if I ever wanted to start my own business, now was the time—before any major responsibilities (like kids) might make it a lot more difficult!

How does your team create an article or tutorial that provides value to the potential readers?

It definitely takes a lot of care to craft a great tutorial. The goal is to make the tutorial fun and easy to understand, and for the instructions to 100% work. The way I see it is developers are busy people with a very limited amount of learning time. If a busy developer trusts you with their limited time, you don’t want to let them down!

We see a rampant term in our industry: ageism. Elders seem to move into management positions or disappear from technical careers. Is there any life after 40? How can we keep ourselves updated and staying technical as we age?

I think part of this is natural. As you become more senior in your field, you also become more experienced and knowledgeable, and those are desirable traits for a leader to have. That’s why there is often pressure for developers to progress from an individual contributor to a team lead to a manager and onwards.

Ray’s Recommendations

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