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Living by the Code

First Edition ·

Before You Begin

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Section 1: 14 chapters
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Getting to Work

Section 2: 17 chapters
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1. An Interview with Britt Barak
Written by Enrique López-Mañas

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Britt is currently a Project Manager at Facebook. In the past, she led the mobile engineering teams of various startup companies in Israel, the “Startup Nation.” Britt is a Google Developer Expert, a worldwide public speaker, who is passionate about developers and startup communities, and diversity in tech.

Connect with Britt

Twitter: @BrittBarak


What is your definition of a good leader?

A good leader demonstrates empathy and humility and finds a balance between vision and execution.

How would you recommend a fellow software engineer transition from Software Engineering to Developer Relations? What are the relevant skills in each field?

Developer Relations, or Developer Experience, which is my focus, is an intersection of many different roles. At least for me, I experience my day-to-day as somewhere between engineering, user experience, product management, support, marketing, community management, and entrepreneurship. And if that’s not enough, you need great people skills! At the heart of it, though, is being a great developer. You have to deeply understand the work process, the way of thinking, and developers’ preferences. The other skills are wrappers on top of your engineering heart.

Describe your work-life balance. How do you stay productive?

It took me time to realize that the secret to productivity is to take a break when you need it. I used to fight with myself to soldier through things. But we’re human beings, and we have physical limitations.

Britt’s Recommendations

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