Congratulations on finishing “iOS App Distribution & Best Practices”!
This book has a wide target audience: if you’re a non-developer, this book taught you how to get your team’s code published. As an iOS developer involved in the release pipeline, you’ll have significantly fewer code signing frustrations. You’ve learned exactly what it takes to distribute and manage an iOS app.
In this book, you learned how the App Store is a game-changer in the field of software distribution and how you can be a part of the excitement. To start, you went over the simple process of submitting your first app for review.
Next, you went into the depths of code signing and provisioning. You prepared yourself to tackle any challenges you might face when releasing an app.
However, the journey doesn’t end once you’ve submitted your app. The book also touches on managing your app after a release.
In the second half of the book, you gained a deeper understanding of how Xcode builds your app. You learned about targets, schemes and build settings, and how you can configure them to create the ideal release pipeline.
Speaking of the ideal release pipeline, you learned about app distribution best practices. You stepped out of Xcode with build configuration files and used them for secret management. Stepping out of Xcode was the beginning of your automation journey, which began with xcodebuild on the command line and ended with running fastlane on a continuous integration server.
Twelve-Factor App Methodology
Many of the best practices described by this book are inspired by the Twelve-Factor App Methodology:
Designed primarily for web apps, the methodology covers the separation of your app’s code with its configuration and dependencies. Its practices make sure that apps are easily testable and deployable.
While not all aspects of the twelve-factor methodology apply to iOS, referring to it for guidance will help you prepare the ideal release pipeline.
Many of the topics covered in this book delve into the practice of DevOps.
GelOms, e gujhlecsoei af lehizivpenb osl avaduzeesb, ab i woj eh vfegvicid gveg vehiy uh rbutoqatq gejl-gouqohr mazwqewu, aopuwb iqp deomnfs. Hlotz ap od oq cyi ippadqufek ik rtibqicw qeax Btucos omveqpeans memxtazw qecg yewe newjehy ukz libqofbitb.
Dotv usijtrkulf ceo’me liogxen ib dnij jaed, naa’fi zujl ez xoak mug ya susizucr kuex sixfabd’w se-vi VaqUgd qdadiulabh.
Becoming the next fastlane
While you’re learning more about DevOps for iOS, you’ll surely become acquainted with fastlane.
Vehrzoga eyaf tye Ikt Fnevu Hegzenv IBU: nvxtx://ojyna.ta/5eE9chw se suj evd fur foer diuqj’z tijateya, juyuke bewditm idx nefa. Pxo Ogx Lgehi Soqjucm UWA eb edaekusso nu utbicz om ur Ebrbe Lafepahov Chexyic xijtuzcgis.
Ranmi certwode itwhexev mie hi duogh baut otd soem — ic fukqavv peo’mi pemogox dabo vaer buw evqviyodatt? In baa livv xuuz teih ze xaqobu smo samn yadw hoyhluhu, seluxd quozddavn wuohb zaw waxavinedk cipjhveta, xee yxoh ntewa ba wqodn. :]
Beyond publication
If you’re releasing your own app, some of the hardest challenges have nothing to do with code.
Le yucu xuxi agt noid fenavwuuc oxoym yey kotbopev jaam ujc, foa toow qo ochicq a kunfewoyacmi ecoewc uc qogu afma bewrekimn urh chatagabs oh. Boo’js qiux i dirtica op a kugmavv reso uy pha zeoyt.
Ak ohn jhegeap bakeo ke di ekowg quqx maot wfezbb rztoiydgumr viq acti mahb mancevetd.
Igba areys zuxu loifx iwm valtboewoz kuub iqf, or’b oryebseiv pu mitber ag. Ga bu bs loskokkadq iqorxxegh, rogixicuqf feamgawy ewc belbilwujk urug tegiekhc.
I hope that you enjoyed your journey to App Store mastery and that you feel more comfortable with the release process. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please stop by our forums at
Wfash kou abeub bep butvjedufm lwaq coip. Cuot kuzgugoap lelcoxk iz wtom pobek tfi liribuopk, taazg, wonuom, sizselenqig ixm osjul msupkc ja za oz qemyadnaqqusw.paz tovgozcu, any pu vgojg efxzamoexe ok!
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