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Data Structures & Algorithms in Swift

Third Edition · iOS 13 · Swift 5.1 · Xcode 11

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9. Queue Data Structure Challenges
Written by Vincent Ngo

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Think you have a handle on queues? In this chapter, you will explore five different problems related to queues. This serves to solidify your fundamental knowledge of data structures in general.

Challenge 1: Stack vs. Queue

Explain the difference between a stack and a queue. Provide two real-life examples for each data structure.

Challenge 2: Step-by-step Diagrams

Given the following queue:


Challenge 3: Whose turn is it?

Open the starter project, and navigate to Challenge 3’s playground page to begin.

protocol BoardGameManager {

  associatedtype Player
  mutating func nextPlayer() -> Player?

Challenge 4: Reverse Queue

Navigate to Challenge 4’s playground page to begin.

extension QueueArray {

  func reversed() -> QueueArray {
    var queue = self
    // Solution here.
    return queue

Challenge 5: Double-ended Queue

A doubled-ended queue — a.k.a. a deque — is, as its name suggests, a queue where elements can be added or removed from the front or back.


In DoubleLinkedList.swift one additional property and function has been added:

enum Direction {
  case front
  case back

protocol Deque {
  associatedtype Element
  var isEmpty: Bool { get }
  func peek(from direction: Direction) -> Element?
  mutating func enqueue(_ element: Element,
                        to direction: Direction) -> Bool
  mutating func dequeue(from direction: Direction) -> Element?


Solution to Challenge 1

Queues have a behavior of first-in-first-out. What comes in first must come out first. Items in the queue are inserted from the rear, and removed from the front.

Solution to Challenge 2


Keep in mind whenever the array is full, and you try to add a new element, a new array will be created with twice the capacity with existing elements being copied over.

Linked list

Ring buffer

Double stack

Solution to Challenge 3

Creating a board game manager is straightforward. All you care about is whose turn it is. A queue data structure is the perfect choice to adopt the BoardGameManager protocol!

extension QueueArray: BoardGameManager {

  public typealias Player = T

  public mutating func nextPlayer() -> T? {
    guard let person = dequeue() else { // 1
      return nil
    enqueue(person) // 2
    return person // 3
var queue = QueueArray<String>()

print("===== boardgame =======")

Solution to Challenge 4

A queue uses first-in-first-out whereas a stack uses last-in-first-out. You can use a stack to help reverse the contents of a queue. By inserting all the contents of the queue into a stack you basically reverse the order once you pop every single element off the stack!

extension QueueArray {

  func reversed() -> QueueArray {
    var queue = self // 1
    var stack = Stack<T>() // 2
    while let element = queue.dequeue() { // 3
    while let element = stack.pop() { // 4
    return queue // 5

var queue = QueueArray<String>()

print("before: \(queue)")
print("after: \(queue.reversed())")

Solution to Challenge 5

Deque is made up of common operations from the Queue and Stack data structures. There are many ways to implement a Deque. You could build one using a circular buffer, two stacks, an array, or a doubly linked-list. The solution below makes use of a doubly linked-list to construct a Deque.

class DequeDoubleLinkedList<Element>: Deque {

  private var list = DoublyLinkedList<Element>()
  public init() {}

var isEmpty: Bool {
func peek(from direction: Direction) -> Element? {
  switch direction {
  case .front:
    return list.first?.value
  case .back:
    return list.last?.value
func enqueue(_ element: Element, to direction: Direction) -> Bool {
  switch direction {
  case .front:
  case .back:
  return true
func dequeue(from direction: Direction) -> Element? {
  let element: Element?
  switch direction {
  case .front:
    guard let first = list.first else { return nil }
    element = list.remove(first)
  case .back:
    guard let last = list.last else { return nil }
    element = list.remove(last)
  return element
extension DequeDoubleLinkedList: CustomStringConvertible {

  public var description: String {
    String(describing: list)
let deque = DequeDoubleLinkedList<Int>()
deque.enqueue(1, to: .back)
deque.enqueue(2, to: .back)
deque.enqueue(3, to: .back)
deque.enqueue(4, to: .back)


deque.enqueue(5, to: .front)


deque.dequeue(from: .back)
deque.dequeue(from: .back)
deque.dequeue(from: .back)
deque.dequeue(from: .front)
deque.dequeue(from: .front)
deque.dequeue(from: .front)

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