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Data Structures & Algorithms in Swift

Third Edition · iOS 13 · Swift 5.1 · Xcode 11

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35. Quicksort Challenges
Written by Vincent Ngo

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Here are a couple of quicksort challenges to make sure you have the topic down. Make sure to try them out yourself before looking at the solutions.

Challenge 1: Iterative quicksort

In this chapter, you learned how to implement quicksort recursively. Your challenge here is to implement it iteratively. Choose any partition strategy you learned in this chapter.

Challenge 2: Merge sort or quicksort

Explain when and why you would use merge sort over quicksort.

Challenge 3: Partitioning with Swift standard library

Implement Quicksort using the partition(by:) function that is part of the Swift Standard Library.


Solution to Challenge 1

In Chapter 34, you implemented quicksort recursively. Let’s look at how you might do it iteratively. This solution uses Lomuto’s partition strategy.

public func quicksortIterativeLomuto<T: Comparable>(_ a: inout [T],
                                                    low: Int,
                                                    high: Int) {
  var stack = Stack<Int>() // 1
  stack.push(low) // 2

  while !stack.isEmpty { // 3
    // 4
    guard let end = stack.pop(),
          let start = stack.pop() else {

    let p = partitionLomuto(&a, low: start, high: end) // 5

    // 6
    if (p - 1) > start {
      stack.push(p - 1)

    // 7
    if (p + 1) < end {
      stack.push(p + 1)

var list = [12, 0, 3, 9, 2, 21, 18, 27, 1, 5, 8, -1, 8]
quicksortIterativeLomuto(&list, low: 0, high: list.count - 1)

Solution to Challenge 2

  • Merge sort is preferable over quicksort when you need stability. Merge sort is a stable sort and guarantees O(n log n). This is not the case with quicksort, which isn’t stable and can perform as bad as O().
  • Merge sort works better for larger data structures or data structures where elements are scattered throughout memory. Quicksort works best when elements are stored in a contiguous block.

Solution to Challenge 3

To perform quicksort on a Collection, the following must hold true:

extension MutableCollection where Self: BidirectionalCollection,
                                  Element: Comparable {
  mutating func quicksort() {
    quicksortLumuto(low: startIndex, high: index(before: endIndex))

  private mutating func quicksortLumuto(low: Index, high: Index) {

private mutating func quicksortLumuto(low: Index, high: Index) {
  if low <= high { // 1
    let pivotValue = self[high] // 2
    var p = self.partition { $0 > pivotValue } // 3

    if p == endIndex { // 4
      p = index(before: p)
    // 5
    self[..<p].quicksortLumuto(low: low, high: index(before: p))
    // 6
    self[p...].quicksortLumuto(low: index(after: p), high: high)
[8 3 2 8]
var numbers = [12, 0, 3, 9, 2, 21, 18, 27, 1, 5, 8, -1, 8]
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