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Android Accessibility by Tutorials

First Edition · Android 11 · Kotlin 1.4 · AS 4.1

Before You Begin

Section 0: 2 chapters
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Section I: Android Accessibility by Tutorials

Section 1: 13 chapters
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Section II: Appendix

Section 2: 1 chapter
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A. Appendix A: Accessibility Checklist
Written by Victoria Gonda

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Use these checklists to remind you what to look out for in your app. You can also pick and choose items for an audit, QA steps, or a PR checklist. While these lists don’t cover all the guidance from WCAG, they provide a good overview of the more common items you’ll see on Android.

Each item references the chapter in this book that covers the topic, so you can easily find where it is in the book.

Quick peek checklist

Use this abbreviated checklist when you only have time to do a quick, initial pass. These are often quick wins and might work well for a PR checklist.

  • Images and icons have content descriptions. “Chapter 2, Hello, Accessibility!” and “Chapter 4, Perceivable — Layout & Labeling”.
  • Screen orientations are supported. “Chapter 4, Perceivable — Layout & Labeling”.
  • Inputs are labeled. “Chapter 4, Perceivable — Layout & Labeling” and “Chapter 9, Understandable”.
  • Text is scalable. “Chapter 4, Perceivable — Layout & Labeling”.
  • Instructions don’t rely on characteristics such as size, shape and color. “Chapter 5, Perceivable — Time-Based Media & Cues”.
  • Text and icons have adequate color contrast. “Chapter 6, Perceivable — Colors”.
  • Touch targets are at least 48dp by 48dp. “Chapter 7, Operable — Navigating the Screen”.
  • There is no flashing. “Chapter 8, Operable — Movement & Timing”.

Image of abbreviated checklist.
Image of abbreviated checklist.

Thorough checklist

Use this checklist when you’re doing a full audit or are trying to remember a rule.

Have a technical question? Want to report a bug? You can ask questions and report bugs to the book authors in our official book forum here.
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