Advanced Object-Oriented Programming in Kotlin

May 22 2024 · Kotlin 1.9, Android 14, Kotlin Playground

Lesson 04: Liskov Substitution, Interface Segregation & Dependency Inversion

Implementing Interface Segregation Principle

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The Interface Segregation Principle states that code shouldn’t be forced to have methods it doesn’t need. Whenever a class implements an interface, it has to implement all its methods. What do you do when a new class appears to need some of the behaviors defined in an interface but not all? In this demo, you’ll learn how to solve this problem in your e-commerce app.

Parent account viewing products...
Product added to the cart (Parent): Laptop
Parent account viewing cart...

Kids account viewing products...
Product added to the cart (Kids): Laptop
Kids account viewing cart...
interface ProductsViewable {
  fun viewProducts()

interface CartViewable {
  fun viewCart()

interface CartAddable {
  fun addToCart(product: Product)
class KidsAccount : ProductsViewable, CartViewable, CartAddable {
  override fun viewProducts() {
    println("Kids account viewing products...")

  override fun addToCart(product: Product) {
    println("Product added to the cart (Kids): ${}")

  override fun viewCart() {
    println("Kids account viewing cart...")
interface PaymentSettingsManageable {
  fun managePaymentSettings()
class ParentAccount : ProductsViewable, CartViewable, CartAddable, PaymentSettingsManageable {
  override fun viewProducts() {
    println("Parent account viewing products...")

  override fun addToCart(product: Product) {
    println("Product added to the cart (Parent): ${}")

  override fun viewCart() {
    println("Parent account viewing cart...")

  override fun managePaymentSettings() {
    println("Parent account managePaymentSettings...")
// TODO: Uncomment manage payment settings behavior
Parent account viewing products...
Product added to the cart (Parent): Laptop
Parent account viewing cart...
Parent account managePaymentSettings...

Kids account viewing products...
Product added to the cart (Kids): Laptop
Kids account viewing cart...
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