Advanced Object-Oriented Programming in Kotlin

May 22 2024 · Kotlin 1.9, Android 14, Kotlin Playground

Lesson 03: Single Responsibility & Open-Closed Principles

Implementing Single Responsibility Principle

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The Single Responsibility Principle states that a class should have only one responsibility and only one reason to change. In this demo, you’ll use this principle to enhance the quality of your e-commerce app.

- You have 2 order items, at the cost of $2000.0
Order created.
Credit card payment was processed with a total amount of $2000.0.
Payment successful.
Invoice generated...
Email sent: Order confirmed.
interface NotificationService {
  fun sendConfirmationEmail()

interface PaymentService {
  fun processPayment(shoppingCart: ShoppingCart): Boolean

interface InvoiceService {
  fun generateInvoice(shoppingCart: ShoppingCart)

interface LoggingService {
  fun logOrderActivity(activity: String)
class EmailNotificationService : NotificationService {
  override fun sendConfirmationEmail() {
    // Logic to send confirmation email
    println("Email sent: Order confirmed.")

class CreditCardPaymentService : PaymentService {
  override fun processPayment(shoppingCart: ShoppingCart): Boolean {
    // Logic to process credit card payment
      "Credit card payment was processed with a total amount of $${
    return true

class InvoiceGenerationService : InvoiceService {
  override fun generateInvoice(shoppingCart: ShoppingCart) {
    // Logic to generate invoice
    println("Invoice generated...")

class ConsoleLoggingService : LoggingService {
  override fun logOrderActivity(activity: String) {
    // Logic to log order activity to console
class OrderService (
  private val notificationService: NotificationService,
  private val paymentService: PaymentService,
  private val invoiceService: InvoiceService,
  private val loggingService: LoggingService
) {
  fun createOrder(shoppingCart: ShoppingCart) {
    // Business logic for creating an order
    loggingService.logOrderActivity("Order created.")

    // Payment processing
    if (paymentService.processPayment(shoppingCart)) {
      loggingService.logOrderActivity("Payment successful.")

      // Invoice generation

      // Notification
    } else {
      loggingService.logOrderActivity("Payment failed.")
// Creating instances of individual services
val emailNotificationService: NotificationService = EmailNotificationService()
val creditCardPaymentService: PaymentService = CreditCardPaymentService()
val invoiceGenerationService: InvoiceService = InvoiceGenerationService()
val consoleLoggingService: LoggingService = ConsoleLoggingService()

// Creating an OrderService with the individual services
val orderService = OrderService(
- You have 2 order items, at the cost of $2000.0
Order created.
Credit card payment processed with a total amount of $2000.0.
Payment successful.
Invoice generated...
Email sent: Order confirmed.
println("Invoice generated successfully...")
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