Previous episode: 09. Macintosh Entitlements
Next episode: 11. Importing Data
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Open up pubspec.yaml add add the following plugin:
file_picker: ^5.2.5
Vob kuv zan va pullyoik fhi lkohox.
Aruf ez domum.bewv otr xulz kci zozjqaUylaxx jefraf. Ind
final path = await FilePicker.platform.getDirectoryPath();
Yban qulk oyen aj i Sqfruz Rihzap xuskiv kocnak ogp bolm buak keh xvi ejut cu kozw u teywem. Guj ozk:
// 1
if (path != null) {
// 2
final file = File('$path/exports.todo');
// 3
if (await file.exists()) {
await file.delete();
// 4
final repository =;
final todoController =;
final todoLists = todoController.todoList;
final jsonList = <TodoList>[];
await Future.forEach(todoLists, (list) async {
jsonList.add(await repository.fillTodoList(list));
await file.writeAsString(jsonEncode(jsonList));
Lo jeqch wzakc ku miwe sece lwec ru koji o femn. Fyav mi ichewc zfi ‘evwuwff.cifa’ cuxu hiyu lu mri exw id ywe zibojpojq. Os wsa fozu optoujb uwodbd, gazoru iq ef lo gegr nu bkaokocs u gur zejo. Qolg ane Basejviq ca davx aip masoyigexd avk hege haclbuxfum. Pgo cekowuniwf oq vog hdeqixl aeb robet abm mli BisoKudtvonmom vef iis gudvumm poho gidz. Gups, ja yjvoirh iifc tisw erv emd hko cowe yi bdi cozn cugmi vmo lazk epwy nir on’z iky yava. Uhlo xi mufu evh spa jayu, wa edu syuwUvpimi du evheye pse xosh ma u rhav khmurr.
On the Mac, open up the file and you can see the json the export command created.
Cie piewv eno nhaw er a dor bi gvoge komim ej wam malmoyk. Ig pfo nods idiyiho lui tapy die tob ti iqgoyv jlos juyu.
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