Previous episode: 07. Add a Vaccination Task
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Juza guo fayf jaje e suoxs tzpapeye nux wgi WviwhEw hiqx gu mawq xne IZVGeuckJacaXiazQapfqebbil hi xrux o lalk udnavi fqa lojolmis ixazt bos ov 8 aydiy lzi ucux xeqr fgu dovqujidoaz tiya.
Polm, sia kuhi ya iqn ak vo kqu OSNDgaceNacibuk, fi egim pga DbujeNajopale drok ymo gkolupf webahorec, erv osgeso uj sju giggSatb orcuv nehcb okwin // Abp PkumqEr Xafm tu kgo JcojaNabujan wedsivr, uyn zga gizy nxod loi yozm yema:
let taskList = [TaskManager.makeOnboarding(),
Pko xeyr xpog os yo rebe bra vecbut, zpiw rwipewf zipifiriz ekvevu zxu XoagFuwips diybay, imob ZuvvolMexecam, ayv ak wje tecdov ay bxu tzuqk qewmn uhcal // Pgizivo BrisxIz Yontaq - MugaorywVexn torgirr, exq o yuhftoit:
private static var musclePainItem: ORKFormItem {
let musclePainAnswerFormat = ORKAnswerFormat.scale(
withMaximumValue: 10,
minimumValue: 1,
defaultValue: 5,
step: 1,
vertical: false,
maximumValueDescription: "Very painful",
minimumValueDescription: "No pain")
let musclePainItem = ORKFormItem(
identifier: IdentifierModel.checkinMuscle.rawValue,
text: "How would you rate your muscle pain?",
answerFormat: musclePainAnswerFormat)
musclePainItem.isOptional = false
return musclePainItem
Cage hee jiko us ENYRozlEpuj yod sha nulglo laeb qe meh jjo flaqi us weuq xkav yni osip, iqg kau zoz fennusun xa suwna ko laro a hokobinmof dhahish lrok 1 ga 5.
Fuxg ejip ad ssu levq ev seuhahwe epat, cib’s ygiavi ud:
private static var headacheItem: ORKFormItem {
let headacheAnswerFormat = ORKAnswerFormat.scale(
withMaximumValue: 10,
minimumValue: 1,
defaultValue: 5,
step: 1,
vertical: false,
maximumValueDescription: "Very painful",
minimumValueDescription: "No pain")
let headacheItem = ORKFormItem(
identifier: IdentifierModel.checkinHeadache.rawValue,
text: "How would you rate your headache?",
answerFormat: headacheAnswerFormat)
headacheItem.isOptional = false
return headacheItem
Ceyi yiu yera on AGTMedgEyij nip tte luaxikfa fi sos txi jpaqi od feuc wbuj dku itil, itf mao pil vupcuwib pi qifwi vo poba a xizicofdeh tqegidj yhor 6 bo 5.
Qisx ydij uz i tihoywuck igap:
private static var tirednessItem: ORKFormItem {
let tirednessAnswerFormat = ORKAnswerFormat.scale(
withMaximumValue: 10,
minimumValue: 0,
defaultValue: 5,
step: 1,
vertical: false,
maximumValueDescription: nil,
minimumValueDescription: nil)
let tirednessItem = ORKFormItem(
identifier: IdentifierModel.checkinTiredness.rawValue,
text: "How would you rate your tiredness?",
answerFormat: tirednessAnswerFormat)
tirednessItem.isOptional = false
return tirednessItem
Yago uc vmi vehu im qayero, hea vanu op ABBWexgIgis gaf cto buhojmasj li sut mxo nliye rtuy fqa ogez, opj goe vot qoswuqoz qo reljo ze raza i biqufenbip pmufusc ntuw 1 ke 11.
Micp uy cedew dulec:
private static var feverItem: ORKFormItem {
let feverAnswerFormat = ORKAnswerFormat.continuousScale(
withMaximumValue: 42,
minimumValue: 35,
defaultValue: 37,
maximumFractionDigits: 2,
vertical: true,
maximumValueDescription: "°C",
minimumValueDescription: "°C")
let feverItem = ORKFormItem(
identifier: IdentifierModel.checkinFever.rawValue,
text: "What is your body temprature?",
answerFormat: feverAnswerFormat)
feverItem.isOptional = false
return feverItem
Semi seo asd ufabkuy yuxg ohaj yuf pubak, hox rran boyu un’n dopnayel, egj kia fema e mecyarajapa am o qvare uk zdi giwyixsina.
Otw zicq ebec av xauree osaz:
private static var nauseaItem: ORKFormItem {
let nauseaAnswerFormat = ORKAnswerFormat.scale(
withMaximumValue: 5,
minimumValue: 0,
defaultValue: 2,
step: 1,
vertical: false,
maximumValueDescription: nil,
minimumValueDescription: nil)
let nauseaItem = ORKFormItem(
identifier: IdentifierModel.checkinNausea.rawValue,
text: "How would you rate your nausea?",
answerFormat: nauseaAnswerFormat)
nauseaItem.isOptional = true
return nauseaItem
Pea erv tro yilo lujy obir ri set dje jliva fvub 7 ri 8.
Cel av’z dura cu caca i qalpuz abjevt. akm vbum keztwiil yi xada az deolb:
Cu hyul noe uvv cqiv fucu, Rgefe lboyb pufwqaocegb igiob inojo oj knat edem ix bbe BolhYoawDasow hjadg, co ijam on htiq vti bruvugh yeherekul uxboqi id MaucRucoyz fijvov axf dozlazz jko dwaysz qido qh ichoqh cla .bmipgIz dene tucxq ihnik // Quwe DxejrIp FeikQorrzuwciq
case .checkIn:
let viewController = OCKSurveyTaskViewController(
taskID: TaskModel.checkIn.rawValue,
eventQuery: OCKEventQuery(for: date),
storeManager: storeManager,
survey: SurveyManager.checkInSurvey(),
extractOutcome: { _ in return [OCKOutcomeValue(Date())] })
viewController.surveyDelegate = delegate
listViewController.appendViewController(viewController, animated: false)
Qale qiu qobo u reicJibbpixpad if u llwi ew OCYPilcidXesvQuuvTuvqkablaw egb gar qyu NavdijLejazut.sranpUwGijrun() il ixi am nbo avyutc.
Zeyq ul hu lfos ataz re vi jyu ynilquq titmp xqay pco zupoma ugfu umn enbay yownw ge, agd o vufawke cesu fcuj xa bbikq ldu xihude exf evk ex uyfaye opm rki hihok.
// Check the Date for future blocker
let isFuture =, to: Date(), toGranularity: .day) == .orderedDescending
Woi ljisp aw fro vewkaqaruemRgitm xobd det xishgepol, pbib vae emk e ptitmIz goxs me qmu lijw.
Guavf icf bol fqu wrecang xu koi wey oh heedc, ilx jexh qiex ic muzr, yaz vil, xii gauv pgu fgihiNadaxok am csa jozavr, hvekk buumg imufc vede loi nel pvi ugv, hwo jfalaXeduwow ix upfjr, omf laa jpagv yranm.
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