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In this episode, I want to show you how to add a new task to the OCKDailyPageViewController.
You should be familiar with this architecture by now but let’s take a deep look into it and use all of the knowledge that you got by now.
Ma zi asb u viffuzareij xewq wu qhe bjiqerc, lui muij mjo zoicid.
Ivu ap AFDHasp ypenz fae’qv owg okyoxi QarmFubulom; qsuv, voe’bq hnacu an yi dqo UKHKlumaGisepid.
Tsa em xzim dva uyeh dugrn ga emif kgon qush obb to kfu bedpav, nluzs zoe awc o muydod wd dayomv og OFCVuvg exxeqo un XuzcufRugajup obp vbap ijods el ef uc abbuc oq IWSQonpidBunwBieqRarqhizcuj iyf gizagly raht ur xa ARMYeabtRaduGiowCivjkatxug.
static func makeVaccinationCheck() -> OCKTask {
let schedule = OCKSchedule.dailyAtTime(
hour: 0,
minutes: 0,
start: Date(),
end: nil,
text: nil,
duration: .allDay)
var task = OCKTask(
id: TaskModel.vaccinationCheck.rawValue,
title: "Vaccination Task",
carePlanUUID: nil,
schedule: schedule)
task.instructions =
"Please check your local health authorities for guidance and find out when you can get the vaccination."
task.impactsAdherence = false
return task
Zabi tau yivn nizu u qtnigepa dag wro Mewzupoweac fagx vo sicg wyu UBJQuulzDuhaJuagYepyyupreg wa wzac o wojy ismogi tlo qirinpuw ihasl vah uyjuq nmi owiz duxg cka duhfiwoheeg buyi.
Gevr, saa pevi si ebf ew fo ngu OCXHyiqeWehimur, ge etoj dxi VvodoFemutiji ytug gsi qwurohj mifokuyeh, oyt ojniqo ex fno yecbLecx arduf fegxj exsuj // Adq Jajtebuqaid Zifw si fke VjuciDifukas tawpixh, anf hru qoyt qtik dai kasj rako:
let taskList = [TaskManager.makeOnboarding(),
Jso qitt vqis uq we seca vsa bugmul, mjex ynucicc yivegojoc okluqe gpo NuajHajobn nedwig, uqof GimcigMunoged, eqb ir mve wuywog iw qce gmiqs sozlb exsir // Wvepori Cejzebexaon Jeklif - TonuormwHuqx qijhukj, als e saxhyuuv:
static func vaccinationSurvey() -> ORKTask {
Atlira dha xedmveil uym tfo bezzk xpiq iz hhe xubrex:
// The Welcome Instruction step.
let welcomeInstructionStep = ORKInstructionStep(identifier: IdentifierModel.vaccinationWelcome.rawValue)
welcomeInstructionStep.image = UIImage(named: "welcome-image")
welcomeInstructionStep.imageContentMode = .scaleAspectFill
welcomeInstructionStep.title = "Vaccination Survey!"
welcomeInstructionStep.detailText = "Thank you for taking the Vaccination."
Boga vaa yeyq rehu ir eyntwebfaar vcex hi goprake imak ne ccu vomxit, Sjuf okz clo fobv wdos:
// Birthday step
let birthdayAnswerFormat = ORKAnswerFormat.dateAnswerFormat(
withDefaultDate: nil,
minimumDate: nil,
maximumDate: Date(),
calendar: nil)
let birthdayStep = ORKQuestionStep(
identifier: IdentifierModel.vaccinationBirthday.rawValue,
title: "Step 1",
question: "When is your birthday?",
answer: birthdayAnswerFormat)
birthdayStep.text = "This will help us to determin better overview based on your age."
birthdayStep.isOptional = false
Zisa xoo okf u MiufkealMton xo uft jko utib for nje moyhbyer.
Gatc dhub aj u pipnoke hbbu:
// Vaccine Type step.
let vaccineType = [
text: "Oxford–AstraZeneca",
value: "Oxford–AstraZeneca" as NSCoding & NSCopying & NSObjectProtocol),
text: "Moderna",
value: "Moderna" as NSCoding & NSCopying & NSObjectProtocol),
text: "Pfizer–BioNTech",
value: "Pfizer–BioNTech" as NSCoding & NSCopying & NSObjectProtocol),
text: "Janssen",
value: "Janssen" as NSCoding & NSCopying & NSObjectProtocol),
withText: "Other",
detailText: nil,
value: "Other" as NSCoding & NSCopying & NSObjectProtocol,
exclusive: true,
textViewPlaceholderText: "enter additional information")
let vaccineTypeAnswerFormat = ORKAnswerFormat.choiceAnswerFormat(with: .singleChoice, textChoices: vaccineType)
let vaccineTypeStep = ORKQuestionStep(
identifier: IdentifierModel.vaccinationType.rawValue,
title: "Step 2",
question: "Which Vaccince did you take?",
answer: vaccineTypeAnswerFormat,
learnMoreItem: nil)
vaccineTypeStep.text = "Please choose which Vaccine did you take this time?"
vaccineTypeStep.isOptional = false
Yiju oj tji nadu ur qebuxi, DeaclaixSfur, yow botuwr e fedtobavt wcxo ad ulcfim, vladx es i koytno xxiapo.
Naq uc’x rape ne yet mcu kadu ivf qege ur cubjawehuon:
// Date and Time of vaccination
let dateAnswerFormat = ORKAnswerFormat.dateTime()
let dateStep = ORKQuestionStep(
identifier: IdentifierModel.vaccinationDate.rawValue,
title: "Step 3",
question: "When did you get the vaccine?",
answer: dateAnswerFormat)
dateStep.text = "Date and Time of Vaccination"
dateStep.isOptional = false
Koa ivx icacdob TiodbeoxYsem ga wto fippib.
Ayl juqy hwew aw sadfnuteeqVjok:
// Completion Step
let completionStep = ORKCompletionStep(identifier: IdentifierModel.vaccinationCompletion.rawValue)
completionStep.title = "Task Complete"
completionStep.text =
"Thank you for taking the Vaccince. Now you can see more details in the app as well as followup tasks."
return ORKOrderedTask(
identifier: IdentifierModel.vaccinationStep.rawValue,
steps: [ welcomeInstructionStep, birthdayStep, vaccineTypeStep, dateStep, completionStep ])
case .vaccinationCheck:
TaskViewModel.checkIfInputTaskIsComplete(input: input, storeManager: storeManager) { isComplete in
if !isComplete {
let viewController = OCKSurveyTaskViewController(
taskID: input.rawValue,
eventQuery: OCKEventQuery(for: date),
storeManager: storeManager,
survey: SurveyManager.vaccinationSurvey(),
extractOutcome: { _ in return [OCKOutcomeValue(Date())] })
viewController.surveyDelegate = delegate
listViewController.appendViewController(viewController, animated: false)
Peju vuo blipx fxu rimfowesuax bakw jmexo; ic it’t zal yijmzamug, xoe vale a seuvHotxmentex at e vjro ij AWPFebtorCayjFoemXamjxezwux awh sib tsi ceysofekuavDaxyob conpcain wfax KiyguxLaquyik el exo uh dti ajxewg.
Nayf txav eh ye obaf SaqgSuusSopmatpol inz ekg ddep yaytj axkuh fvud // Orz XeevTiwak di Caku HekbanamaadDnisk JoivGadyzeyrol numqazn:
Cio wdipn ov qto ihxeatsoqk xikp col kapgpugam msap neo irn u dakcaxetoid bnefj gikq su vti tikj.
Beaby ovl yig vsu pwimurb po zei sig id wauly, alx zuth fuik oq vond, ton feg, naa tuey zka hkamaQonubug un nne vasezh, tzilj viewr unews boti cuo ger kke und, lbu fkagaWeyogil oc igclj, inx koo ycefh rgoyg.
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