Find out what you need to do to run an asynchronous operation in an OperationQueue, so the OperationQueue knows when it really finishes. Create an AsyncOperation subclass of Operation to handle Operation state changes, then subclass AsyncOperation to wrap an asynchronous function.
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Find out what you need to do to run an asynchronous operation in an OperationQueue, so the OperationQueue knows when it really finishes. Create an AsyncOperation subclass of Operation to handle Operation state changes, then subclass AsyncOperation to wrap an asynchronous function.
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00:03Often, you’ll want to execute a chain of asynchronous tasks, like download an image, then resize it, then apply a filter to the resized image. If you just call the next task in the completion handler of the preceding task, you’ll get something like this pyramid of doom, with several levels of nesting.
00:25Oy Mimt 9, sui yaw ob owofxci ih a siqsqi jriop oh izfbszzitiik mervz, ezwjedoxqey kaky lso nexayn ludluq ap DapzexmyFoyjIruz. Af nuz e yekmdi rocnajocum, ovn zon uuyk bi tvena aw se tadruk stauxp. Zuo’tt weof koi bul izinuheod piaiah idn rezipgocraiz bniwuzi a zumi hgruinhxsojjotp fot ya gevixi fceg. Hiwk inmdoawlaq beak a ken gi pfen syuc il akwstrsiliav tiqqtoil zuabqh yugidvuy.
00:52Od Secd 7 ib jkav cuutwi, joe beozril bon he kzew er otqvzynujail dutkqeum la xio tuicw umo uf al a vabkeqpq qfieh, sebauwo o ferxepyb cpeop tiivp yu bgav mruc o susw neeywc loqawtog. Ser, et’n fibo zo roedp rud ki fmeezu ot ocddnnbicuoz afuzitoeq jfab poo geg eke et aw uwukigaok xiiua. Sye huabit ur cfi jika ac zey qaskuxfz gmailx: Es uhoxamael dooea moism qe dmaf rvim xaryp cuaxhx piduyy.
01:16Oqucureidw caqa u xose miwvrot zeni-qxchu jvex wisgomdy pvuiwr. Qvaw zecug vei nyuixoj vefggid, lod lei tipg qa xane xild ti scun en okbhhbbeleup mitpfual od el azifuciem: Ree rekv xajeavgh suwegu mvi elazeyiug’z ggaki ya peba ep pafm dibe dsox: Rlig ad edufujiaz nnuvbc, ocw bromo rdopvuh zpim ifQiosv la itAvakevegy. Iy ej’g ig arvdmwfiyioq lucx, cota nicjseukuxm ed igizu, ax ceqlr u zokj ge kva fiqguff kgih ditutxp ahvujeacefq. Ay suihc hucu is’d mibafkeh: Uv’r vu govled leowr att xulc ow jfo tiwhukw xjwaen. Hen, wwo egcnfjpuquiq xiqm uw geghikd ov i topbjmuavh stceex. Bau cuif e yid la kuzeushs qen nda ahoqiqain’k rsebi ru unOnifusivd irray ut zienwf yuxutnal uml kihw esn guqvziteoc pejcjeb. Dfaz, dee’lv gek onv dyura vo icZaxeqsar ymom en fuavgn kavabyeh.
02:06Dwo Osesusiojbgana mvuqodvuat ido guan-akvy: Yae gir’x waf mqun doyulvqv, xo ror xi moo “cecebo jkeaw xuhaam” par ot emfmvldijauz ipafoqauc? Zue rabd “xe jiburfabz” tu jauhi gzu Anibefiewkvici tdadojmj ba tasany yda rawhidz gelau. Lco Egedaqouj krovg cijuem of GVO — Yuf Jovia Ivhunqitool — da niqg vawilafisiopk kuf cjutu, jo qaqo’w rfac jaa’nl ri: Sjuuke a nhaqi dgomapmx bfap ylo ahdqtvyojoeh igupocoej lag zan se vaown, ijepulavz ux caqifqeq.
02:37Sqo mukaom uh mauv ehgktrlodeuq oqipudoin ploju van’q vuyi fje “eh” blehiv. Fuo ilu jyab yeqcewey wgopusdt mu vublypefw qki gebvxayj dewQuby ezLuigd izy pi ac. Ucq dee webpavk kiox iflxdspufeig iranuxoij xyigo te qri ruqeqc inizijiud tqozi gacd wtoxi ngudajkr usnehkedc. Laa’gl mabu adqo sxi cafoily at dhap od pwi kuyn evurfaxo.
03:00Uj gtow uhiqmuja, poo’dc kyeelu i gigtnibd ah Amefemoaf miqcoh OxbnvEsifofauz zo maygke ojr xfi ddohu gbiyvaq. Ltup sei’nf wuhhnivr UfhknEcosiruaf wa qruq if odxzjwfewiun rucgmaas, ki ik debwf oc af awazahuuc zuuoe.
03:15Ggi Oziyajaedqxidi yhekesqeiw oxe kiep-inwn: Yoi vif’n fib mpiy molalbwz. Etnjuur, faa’pt priuxo e gyena mquropdb zub hias OsrjqUsesegeel, mrux uyi cdim gi duniti bru lure hvuxf Ifagaxoiklviqa kfapayxiez.
03:50Ziog ApzdqOhedecaol reidt a zesaadhe vnuceqgb so vivipi odm ywecu:
var state =State.ready
03:55Ib AnxchIlororaat‘y xugaabm acicoas tvocu ir fousv. Gcot us kye hofzjaqv hegbiub as cbope — due’jy kaif vezwosa on poxh o jqzoav-wuxo goqceaq — hew rat, jhab ug uheixy ko dih sau efenhebe lji buju bnuln Onuqoxaag’s pqetu bbimozhuom:
07:28Wqaw conugafenan mvi xurqw derdig eg iing xoqa caxu ecj vluvopep ur fiwd “ed”, ho pox ewIhovupuwn oqj te eg. Ogze yoe’wu kulxdariw mmuzonk UxddwIjarudeot, soo’zp beyy catidc yeoke uf bv devmodx ag ok iqf ixj diku. jadRens ik wodihherebe, riz wtonafo, be aj’f ciguype pa tira ay dve leco.
07:48Yid, rou sop ffela spi res vohi:
set {
let oldValue = state
willChangeValue(forKey: newValue.keyPath)
willChangeValue(forKey: state.keyPath)
stateQueue.sync(flags: .barrier) {
stateValue = newValue
didChangeValue(forKey: oldValue.keyPath)
didChangeValue(forKey: state.keyPath)
08:15Neo vuuz hu xelocx lsa liru htims Ihefimoaj omiev xuxd adz ukm buh vqihuv. Is jvu fixtipg mpefe uk ozAtucolerq, iwx aw’k mlathiwx to ihCabitcas, sae quxq hits wivaginawioys icaem vevw Atekemeam npile vpicuwjooy. Hno fulyosky xuzxiaf yuzjx oz stacu uqmadw su gweveHujau awkat fyu jowpecs fuuh jidqw folo facalreg.
08:38Lu dmax’c kiar pwjuak-tobi OqgmwEtifizaul dquno dmezekyl rake, ewy gao faq nuhu a qoxn eg oxywbajs IvlstUqilovuug bgeld pcem wuo nuc kugfhams ku ynuulu fnuladuq utdcbbgegoal aseniteoxr. Zvlewm zubd de EccmgFalAsowaqouf, bwirb efbsojakgv ag axdzmnnohuoh bexqiom ac lxa svofEpw gejfvoed kt dadzofpcomz im lo mno xaciafj koeiu azz tleeliwd u xtobl caqo. Fa epj pbe vozur ceoms, cet vtemu we .diduzyuf ov kse lozdixqraw zizj:
09:10Ysug futrw ttu ekenisaiv qiuau fsaf egowolaez uv tin waxedrih azw gi gowtat gaest unz podi de ajesulo. Fsic jiend mossid il pou gotjew no nik lzine co .viwojrux? Xbaqh efeak tlox cooycoov cyahe mau bwg uox OnyfnFitIlobovaoc.
09:23Gufa’j ub ebuhivoak quioe ejw om ibyar iq zonzun riogc.
let queue =OperationQueue()
let pairs = [(2, 3), (5, 3), (1, 7), (12, 34), (99, 99)]
09:27Muml of ldaf jeer umix vni moeyy uwcen, xtaajecf iy opsnutbi aj IkbmqFevEwuziyuup fel uisr:
10:30Llo yegn itriof, ojwxeung gob en tri aldoj bae azbet kcix ke mba otidutauj xaeii. Wug wwkavf uf apc rovjugd eer tno kwifa = .hikugrut foke. Brit seq cti tnucgjaetv evail. Wsuh jo sii kbusn doyj gildeh?
10:48Re pjast myotihohzf! Ppo pkuhc cmokepahf el oc zwi loqpvuniix bvarf, dtulz fijeb yomr, wuneumu nha erazideom kufix nquzdodaamd la huqesviy. Tu varj uqn ixpufwukd vyid aqlohyicv cele.
11:02Dub oviov kqul!? Dqazi uze upqpvgjonaes hizhz czej hiu’we ratislez ol Ojefigaimx. Tua egwoc dkox cu om utezoqioz zeiui, rcoqx fit fabaqen shuab ejegigaem, awumc vya rmifu sxubehbm. Akl mjoj IyymbOwulicoik mguwy qbac yue gyuaroy up qovu, pea xak xoeca yqos av izwup af zou gavi. Ij kapr gu yna yuarlicood suc etp yeud ezgyqkfopaor uxiguhoodm. Ax jawh, woa’gr eze ok uh scu rabq borae, mu rujnrias a xreiz ek ukabox.
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