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SwiftUI continues adding features but can’t do everything possible in UIKit or AppKit. That’s because many built-in frameworks don’t have a corresponding component in SwiftUI. Other components exist but don’t offer all the features of the original framework, such as MapKit. When moving an app from UIKit to SwiftUI, you also might need to work with internally developed or third-party controls already in use during the transition.

The good news is that you can access anything from AppKit or UIKit in SwiftUI. SwiftUI includes libraries and integration that help you build on an existing framework and extend it to add features. This capability lets you replicate or extend functionality while building your app in SwiftUI.

In this lesson, you’ll take the timeline from Lesson 2 and see how to integrate it with the feature-rich MapKit control from UIKit.

By the end of this lesson, you’ll be able to:

  • Describe the process of integrating SwiftUI views with UIKit components.
  • Demonstrate the use of UIViewRepresentable and coordinator classes to include UIKit frameworks in SwiftUI projects.

Now that you have a map, it’s time to embark!

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