
Basic Concepts

Understanding the fundamental concepts of machine learning (ML) is essential before diving into more complex topics. These concepts provide the foundation for how ML models work and how they can be applied to solve real-world problems.


  • Definition: Systems that make predictions or decisions based on input data.
  • Example: A model trained to recognize images of fruits can predict whether a given image is an apple or an orange.

Training Data

  • Definition: The dataset used to train ML models, consisting of examples and corresponding labels.
  • Example: A collection of thousands of labeled images of different fruits (e.g., apples, oranges, bananas) used to teach a model to identify each type.

Training Process

  • Definition: The method of feeding data into an ML model to help it learn and improve its accuracy.
  • Example: Adjusting a model’s parameters based on the dataset of fruit images to improve its ability to distinguish between apples, oranges, and bananas.


  • Definition: The phase where the trained model is tested with new data to evaluate its performance.
  • Example: Using a separate set of fruit images that were not part of the training data to check if the model can accurately identify them as apples, oranges, or bananas.


  • Definition: The process of integrating the trained model into applications for real-world use.
  • Example: Incorporating the fruit recognition model into a mobile app that helps users identify fruits by taking a picture.

Apple Frameworks and APIs


Apple offers several frameworks to help developers build and integrate machine learning functionality into their apps. The two primary frameworks are Core ML and Create ML.

  • Core ML: Core ML is a machine learning framework that simplifies the integration of trained machine learning models into your apps. It supports a wide variety of models and provides on-device processing for enhanced privacy and speed. Core ML is compatible with models created using popular ML frameworks like TensorFlow, Keras, Caffe, and ONNX.
  • Create ML: Create ML is a tool designed to make the process of training machine learning models more accessible. It allows developers to create custom models using an easy-to-use interface without requiring deep ML expertise. We’ll dive deeper into Create ML in the next lesson.

These frameworks enable developers to take full advantage of Apple’s powerful hardware and software ecosystem, making it easier to create sophisticated, high-performance ML applications.

Apple ML-Powered APIs

Apple’s domain-specific APIs leverage built-in intelligence and pre-trained models, allowing developers to implement advanced ML features without the need to collect data or build models from scratch. These APIs are designed to be easy to use and highly efficient.

  • Vision: The Vision framework offers a wide range of capabilities for visual intelligence, such as text extraction, face detection, body pose recognition, and more.

  • Speech and Sound Analysis: This API enables apps to analyze and recognize speech and sounds, providing features like voice command recognition and sound classification.

  • Natural Language: The Natural Language framework facilitates tasks such as language identification, tokenization, and sentiment analysis, making it easier to build apps that understand and process human language.

  • Translation: This API allows for seamless translation between multiple languages, enhancing communication and accessibility in your apps.

These ML-powered APIs provide robust, out-of-the-box solutions for integrating advanced machine learning capabilities into your applications, saving time and effort while delivering powerful functionality.

From Server-Side to On-Device: The Benefits of Core ML

Traditional Server-Side ML

Machine learning is often implemented using server-side processing. In this approach, the user’s device collects data and sends it to a server where the machine learning model resides. The server processes the data, makes predictions or analyses, and sends the results back to the device.

This method has been widely used due to the powerful computational resources available on servers. However, it comes with several drawbacks:

  • Privacy Concerns: User data must be transmitted to external servers, raising privacy and security issues. Sensitive information is at risk of interception or unauthorized access during transmission and storage on the server.
  • Latency: Sending data back and forth between the device and the server introduces delays, affecting the responsiveness of the app. Users might experience noticeable lag when interacting with features that rely on server-side processing.
  • Dependency on Internet Connectivity: Server-side processing requires a stable internet connection, making the app less reliable in offline scenarios. Users without consistent internet access may find the app unusable at times.
  • Server Maintenance: Developers must maintain and scale server infrastructure to handle data processing, which can be complex and costly. This includes ensuring server availability, managing load, and securing the infrastructure against attacks.

Core ML for On-Device ML

Core ML revolutionizes the way machine learning is integrated into applications by enabling on-device processing. It allows machine learning models to run directly on Apple devices, such as iPhones, iPads, and Macs. This on-device processing means that all computations, such as analyzing images or interpreting text, happen locally on the user’s device rather than on a remote server.

Using Core ML for on-device machine learning offers several key advantages compared to the traditional server-side approach:

  • Privacy: All processing is done on the device, ensuring user data remains private. There is no need to send sensitive information to external servers, significantly reducing the risk of data breaches and enhancing user trust.
  • Speed: Core ML is hardware-accelerated, allowing for real-time machine learning applications. This means that predictions and analyses happen almost instantaneously, providing a seamless and responsive user experience.
  • Offline Functionality: Models can run without an internet connection, ensuring availability at all times. Users can rely on the app’s functionality regardless of their connectivity status, making it more robust and user-friendly.
  • No Server Required: Eliminates the need for server-side processing, simplifying the deployment and maintenance of ML features. Developers can focus on improving the app itself rather than managing server infrastructure, reducing operational complexity and costs.

By leveraging Core ML, developers can create powerful, efficient, and user-friendly applications that provide a superior experience while addressing many of the challenges associated with traditional server-side machine learning.

Machine Learning Approaches for Apple Platforms

Model Search Model Conversion Model Verification Model Integration Evaluation and Optimization External Model Conversion Approach Model Creation Model Validation Model Optimization Model Integration Evaluation and Optimization Create ML Approach

When deploying machine learning models on Apple platforms, there are two primary approaches to consider:

External Model Conversion Approach

The External Model Conversion Approach is the traditional method used to integrate machine learning models into Apple apps. It involves several distinct steps, each crucial for ensuring that a pre-trained model from external sources works effectively within the Apple ecosystem. This method can be complex, requiring careful handling of each phase to achieve optimal results. Here’s an overview of the process:

  1. Model Search: Identify a pre-trained model from external sources, such as scientific publications, model repositories, or specialized websites.
  2. Model Conversion: Convert the model into Core ML format using tools like Core ML Tools. This step ensures that the model is compatible with Apple devices.
  3. Model Verification and Validation: Test the converted model on the target device to ensure it performs accurately and efficiently.
  4. Model Integration: Incorporate the model into your app using Swift and Xcode.
  5. Evaluation and Optimization: Assess the model’s performance in real-world scenarios and refine it as needed.

This approach requires multiple steps, including finding and converting models, which can be complex and time-consuming.

Create ML Approach

Create ML revolutionizes the machine learning workflow by simplifying and streamlining the process. By providing an integrated, user-friendly environment for model creation, training, and evaluation, Create ML removes the complexity and steep learning curve traditionally associated with machine learning. Developers no longer need to navigate external tools or manually convert models, which accelerates the development process and lowers the barrier to entry.

With Create ML, building sophisticated, high-performing models becomes as accessible as dragging and dropping files, empowering developers to quickly iterate and innovate. This streamlined approach not only enhances productivity but also ensures that machine learning capabilities are more readily available to a broader range of developers, fostering creativity and rapid prototyping in app development.

The new steps are as follows:

  1. Model Creation: Directly build and train models using Create ML’s intuitive interface. This eliminates the need for separate model search and conversion steps.
  2. Validation: Test the model’s performance with validation datasets directly within Create ML.
  3. Optimization: Use Create ML’s built-in features to fine-tune and optimize the model.
  4. Model Integration: Integrate the trained model into your app using Swift and Xcode.
  5. Evaluation and Optimization: Continuously assess and refine the model based on performance metrics.

Phases of Machine Learning on Apple Platforms

Training Data Training Model Core ML Model Final Core ML Model SwiftUI App with ML Optimized SwiftUI App with ML Model Search and Creation Model Conversion Model Verification and Validation Model Integration Evaluation and Optimization 1 2 3 4 5 Search for models in 
publications or repositories Model Conversion Approach Use Core ML Tools for conversion Model Conversion Approach Use Core ML Tools and 
Performance Report Model Conversion Approach Build and train models 
directly in Create ML Create ML Approach Create ML generates models
in Core ML format directly Create ML Approach Use Evaluation and 
Preview in Create ML Create ML Approach Input Output

Understanding the phases of the machine learning workflow is crucial for both approaches. Here’s how each phase connects to the two approaches:

Phase 1: Model Search and Creation

This phase involves locating or creating a machine learning model and gathering the necessary data.

  • External Model Conversion Approach:

    • Model Search: Locate a pre-trained model from sources such as scientific publications, specialized websites, or popular frameworks such as PyTorch, TensorFlow, and Keras. Identifying a model that fits your specific needs is crucial for the success of your application. Resources for model search include:

    • Model Creation: Not applicable, as this approach typically uses existing models rather than creating new ones from scratch.

  • Create ML Approach:

    • Data Gathering: Collect and prepare data relevant to your model, ensuring it is comprehensive and representative.
    • Model Creation: Build and train a model directly within Create ML. For instance, you can create a model to classify different types of fruits, such as apples and oranges, from scratch.

Phase 2: Model Conversion

This phase involves transforming the model into a format compatible with Core ML for Apple devices.

  • External Model Conversion Approach: Convert the pre-trained model into Core ML format using tools like Core ML Tools. This step is essential for compatibility with Apple devices.

  • Create ML Approach Model conversion is not necessary as Create ML generates models in Core ML format directly.

Phase 3: Model Verification and Validation

This phase ensures that the model performs effectively on the target device and meets the desired requirements.

  • External Model Conversion Approach:

    • Performance Report: Use Xcode to analyze the model’s performance, including metrics such as speed and accuracy.
    • Core ML Tools: Validate the model’s functionality on the device.
  • Create ML Approach:

    • Evaluation: Assess the model’s performance with validation datasets within Create ML.
    • Preview: Test the model in a simulated environment to verify that it meets your requirements.

Phase 4: Model Integration

In this phase, the model is incorporated into your application to enable its functionality within the app.

In both approaches, integrate the model into your application using Swift and Xcode. Write code to interface with Apple frameworks, enabling the model to run on-device and make predictions, such as identifying different types of fruit from user photos.

Phase 5: Evaluation and Optimization

This phase focuses on assessing and refining the model’s performance to ensure optimal results.

  • Evaluation: Continuously evaluate the model’s performance within the app to identify any issues or areas for improvement.
  • Optimization: Fine-tune the model and its integration to enhance performance and ensure a seamless user experience. This may involve iterating on earlier phases if the results are not satisfactory.

In this tutorial, we will focus on using the Create ML approach, starting from creating the model in the next lesson.

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