Translation Framework

Sep 18 2024 · Swift 6.0, iOS 18.0, Xcode 16.0 beta 3

Lesson 03: Advanced Translation Control with TranslationSession


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In the previous lesson, you learned how to translate multiple texts in a single session and display the result at once. Imagine a situation where you have an indefinite number of texts to translate and want to display them as soon as the translation is available.

extension ViewModel {
  func translateSequence(using session: TranslationSession) async {

let cafeNames = cafeReviews.compactMap { $ }
let requests: [TranslationSession.Request] = cafeNames.enumerated().map
  { (index, string) in
    .init(sourceText: string, clientIdentifier: "\(index)")
do {
  for try await response in session.translate(batch: requests) {
    guard let index = Int(response.clientIdentifier ?? "") else { continue }
} catch {
  print("Error executing translateSequence: \(error)")
cafeReviews[index].name = response.targetText
.translationTask(configuration) { session in
  Task {
    await viewModel.translateSequence(using: session)
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