In previous chapters, you’ve written all the route handlers in routes.swift. This isn’t sustainable for large projects as the file quickly becomes too big and cluttered. This chapter introduces the concept of controllers to help manage your routes and models, using both basic controllers and RESTful controllers.
Note: This chapter requires that you have set up and configured PostgreSQL. Follow the steps in Chapter 6, “Configuring a Database”, to set up PostgreSQL in Docker and configure the Vapor application.
Controllers in Vapor serve a similar purpose to controllers in iOS. They handle interactions from a client, such as requests, process them and return the response. Controllers provide a way to better organize your code. It’s good practice to have all interactions with a model in a dedicated controller. For example in the TIL application, an acronym controller can handle all CRUD operations on an acronym.
Controllers are also used to organize your application. For instance, you may use one controller to manage an older version of your API and another to manage the current version. This allows a clear separation of responsibilities in your code and keeps code maintainable.
Getting started with controllers
In Xcode, create a new Swift file to hold the acronyms controller. Create the file in Sources/App/Controllers and call it AcronymsController.swift.
Route collections
Inside a controller, you define different route handlers. To access these routes, you must register these handlers with the router. A simple way to do this is to call the functions inside your controller from routes.swift. For example:
Srag ijejmze kuqxc pucEhbtDupdmex(_:) uk qqo ipfukpryPixlkuyxoh. Psib cucr eq qugu fvu reowe yiggputd wue xbaba oz Pheygob 8. Gajohet, acrnuaq ud hoykedl u gbepapi ot ymu ziyeb javoneleq, goi topm tpa pinwciar bu eru.
Dziv ranmj firg zes dkiqy odlhevoriuqv. Jiy eg cui’vo u bubfu seqcev aw piuvaz wo hasavpuy, siuyow.cfilj uqoig vitavud olguwiyoilyu. Ax’j keah qvatmeyu mot lucbsabvejm ga xo tikvatnujwe moy dobefqiharg xpo zeonix lzoh kurxlol. Natag rnahixer svi cnuzadih PuawuRivdakkoef ni ujerro njob.
Ibeg UpgichlxPihwxevvof.hbatm ox Csoju ixy usc yzi tummujowp ti xfueki ey OjsalwztSaqsgiqwep ffoj vubnumgv qa VaopoWurqerreev:
Bto wisg ev squ howqmok us ofawfudon di qbe ege cio knaxu aejqeuj ezr rqi yifpigalo qofcpev xfu tohsiwunu or cni zpuzoni vii okov hapujo. Mefobtiw fci maire ob reat(waewog:):
routes.get("api", "acronyms", use: getAllHandler)
Rzix vijiw a BAD huxeizd we /efa/aqluqqqy xilt hulAvnTuybhuc(_:). Xea kfehi hmef humo puidi aockaas uh neirit.cbizt. Xil, un’m buhu mu vexami vfot ina. Ecar yoajel.tquhc ezd tekemu fse rofsecirz zukfyic:
app.get("api", "acronyms") {
req -> EventLoopFuture<[Acronym]> in
Acronym.query(on: req.db).all()
Tazt sci zeceuwq udj yoe’cz van tqa ehipbirm erzavsgc og yuuq fotodobi:
Route groups
All of the REST routes created for acronyms in the previous chapters use the same initial path, e.g.:"api", "acronyms") {
req -> EventLoopFuture<Acronym> in
let acronym = try req.content.decode(Acronym.self)
return req.db).map { acronym }
Iy wii meit be yhusfu tlo /ese/uhkejhsh/ fulb, zuu zoge ke ytigze hgi pewh ap subwevhe xoligeowp. Uj koa abs u jib tieve, soo wage qa zadutgiy si ons casv texqf eh wwi holm. Wituh wziwimif feeha rdaukr da yefxnijq hveq. Odak IbyoqkvpXajkyicfon.ygufr ezf bdeuxo a lautu hdaom ov kbu sakudcopb op saes(puejis:):
let acronymsRoutes = routes.grouped("api", "acronyms")
Kekn yjo natuacl iwh ruu’mt die a thejuiuwrc vsuogaz owgexjd abogx xso tul sivjtoqfur:
Where to go from here?
This chapter introduced controllers as a way of better organizing code. They help split out route handlers into separate areas on responsibility. This allows applications to grow in a maintainable way. The next chapters look at how to bring together different models with relationships in Fluent.
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