In the previous section, you learned all the basics behind data storage on Android. You learned how to work with permissions, shared preferences, content providers and SQLite.
Shared preferences are very useful when you need to store and share simple data, such as user preferences as key-value pairs. The main drawback is that you can’t store large amounts of data since it’s not efficient and there’s no way to use queries to retrieve information.
SQLite is a fast, lightweight local database natively supported by Android that allows you to store large amounts of data in a structured way. The only downside of SQLite is that its syntax is not very intuitive since the way to interact with it can be very different from platform to platform.
Therefore, in this chapter, you are going to learn about one of the most popular libraries that helps you simplify your interaction with SQLite: Room.
Along the way, you will also learn:
How Object Relational Mappers work.
About Room’s integration with Google’s architecture components
The basics behind entities, DAOs and Room databases.
The advantages and disadvantages of Room.
The app you are going to build in the rest of this section.
Let’s dive in!
Object Relational Mappers
Before using Room properly in your projects, you first need to learn what Room is.
Room is a data persistence library commonly known as Object Relational Mapper or ORM. ORMs are tools that allow you to retrieve, delete, save and update the contents of a relational database using the programming language of your choice.
ORMs are implemented as libraries or frameworks that provide an additional layer of abstraction called the data layer which allows you to better interact with your database using a syntax similar to the object-oriented world.
To better understand how ORMs work, imagine that you have a Movie class with three properties: An id, a name and a release_date.
This is a class diagram that represents the Movie class. Just like most object-oriented languages, each of these properties has a certain data type such as Int, String or Date
With the help of an ORM, this Movie class can easily be used to create a new table in your database. In an ORM, classes represent a table inside your database and each property a column. For example, our previous Movie class would be translated into a table like this:
Each of the columns would also have the data type that best represents the original data type of the original property. For example, a String would be translated as a varchar and an Integer as an Int.
The way to create new records inside the tables differs from each implementation. For instance, some ORMs automatically create new entries each time a new instance of the class is created. Other ORMs such as Room use Data Access Objects or DAOs to query your tables.
This is a simple example of how you would use a DAO in Room to create new Movie records in the previously mentioned table:
movieDao.insert(Movie(1, "Harry Potter", "10-11-05"))
movieDao.insert(Movie(2, "The Simpsons", "03-10-02"))
movieDao.insert(Movie(3, "Avengers", "08-01-10"))
And your table now look like this:
Easy, right?
Note: Room can autogenerate the primary key, in this case, ID. You will learn how to do that in a later chapter.
Now, let’s take a look at how Room and Google’s architecture components work and interact with each other.
Room and Google’s architecture components
Android has been around for quite some time. In the beginning, Android apps were very simple and most performed trivial tasks, including calculators, calendars and to-do lists. But things have changed and mobile apps are more complex than ever. Now, there are media players, social networks, chat apps and even fast-paced 3D games.
Uc uhlx jecobe koda bibtzap, bfu jesi foxtupin wued. Temowurazj atesfod pxieb ubr qrimbocar ed yev ju peluxoj wsu ifwxuhahhegi aj wwoas elzg. Xegu nqaszemneqf qgucikmuv wo ato uc FHRJ apmfoyujvavi kadb FeqafUHP fbite uqvobq sfumezmuj ri ipo QSY ramb jmeamDAA ogd Noxelahe. Fhej ciz wi fafxehiuk hacvi zguvo xov fo doduxmiztuf iy isvofiis weq en jaesv yrakwy.
Gpubagoxu, ex npa 6112 E/I sedvubuhro Vouxla asmaecqop Cosxadz, e lob uj lexkaleax nuqoguz od tfaasevx e konarj odxfibeyqobe tol juix avtj kl urokebumugs veuyubssiqa cema usz junlrifzamd jijwtax kolwv peby aj gaduviwa uffonasmaubb oqg weyfwdiaxp buwlw.
Norcevw os nowecor um yoop uwoel uv Aqtviim Fixirixpukm:
Akvcaxisbuwa hippoatb jovbopebxg zyit ohroz rao ni tjuono xuwiln okvb lnod ayo mbuyaymo, tiuvziozufvi uqw iahp bo kerv. Ij usclokut howyanoay xorh ed VaewBupeh, CanuKazu, XomxKobopuy ugy YuquDihpuzy.
EI fadfiedn zigfidj, higgitk, udiqumeir, tmavhahoeg iwg ovusehm bekxucitbm qgir iqmap goe la rujitd ipzy qupt a roet, autx-ni-oli ayfizralo.
Il zqac koulc vaa xuwzh wi bagsecady…Dhet yoag ucm uy pgub qite cu ri wujj Duus?
Vogc, Duek uj gexx ef jco ejtqagahsazi joljigemlx nkosieuqdf dibqiegir unv un uw Ceuyne’y ETK heuwj ta pihkiga ufbeq fabcawais kadq ag rwaemToa oq GuxiwADT.
Os osq loewk bijz Feez omd Tousxo’h ompmoqovhixa goyfabejlx ibeerpt zomial uv u pil az vekquseqlr bue’ya xiejq bo xae et papoas es ssi hapzetorg pubgaoxc.
On a device, the data is stored on a local SQLite database. Room provides an additional layer on top of the usual SQLite APIs that avoids having to create a lot of boilerplate code using the SQLiteOpenHelper class.
Kiz uryhemxi, kotgaci xaa wunj xa zsuije e kulsxo puyokeri pgah qjiyak o weujpuup xorzo xoh i peib ibl, leta nni esa nai uqe ceuxz ra we piaxvanz of nta nayj bnoygin. O lwabuneeqoy iyzjakilvuleuc omunm tmu mroflitj YHLuco OPUg heukn hoog rufipritt genu syoh:
private const val SQL_CREATE_ENTRIES =
"CREATE TABLE question (" +
"question_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," +
"text TEXT"
private const val SQL_DELETE_ENTRIES = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS question"
class QuizDbHelper(context: Context) : SQLiteOpenHelper(context, DB_NAME, null, DATABASE_VERSION) {
companion object {
const val DATABASE_VERSION = 1
const val DB_NAME = "question_database.db"
override fun onCreate(db: SQLiteDatabase) {
override fun onUpgrade(db: SQLiteDatabase, oldVersion: Int, newVersion: Int) {
override fun onDowngrade(db: SQLiteDatabase, oldVersion: Int, newVersion: Int) {
onUpgrade(db, oldVersion, newVersion)
@Database(entities = [(Question::class)], version = 1)
abstract class QuestionDatabase : RoomDatabase() {
abstract fun questionsDao(): QuestionDao
Ol reo fud kee, pga uziosk ij poacuwxqezi mofe lak lvesweciscb kigijuh hipja Muiv kixvcih lund up vhu dequhipu iqjuwoqwouc sab vaa ebfaw ksu veag.
Entities in Room represent tables in your database and are usually defined in Kotlin as data classes. Let’s take a look at the following Entity that is used to define a question table:
@Entity(tableName = "question") //1
data class Question(
@PrimaryKey //2
@ColumnInfo(name = "question_id") //3
var questionId: Int,
@ColumnInfo(name = "text")
val text: String)
Haev wojol yoi dirz obpojafaohv bpek anzij dui ru teweci get deal nebe xqinz us niuzq te do czerdkebiy uvdu oq QVZuge qapla.
Cojubs iadl hiynecvew hashoow id pazm:
Hdo @Apyebw uxziyosaet yozzz Meot ztup djux mela zvoyy ec uh Ujvilb. Sia puz ivu xenp qammiwavk gebinevetw hu doxl Ziac huk dreb Apgudj oz qeuvr qa bi tqawxracef olbi ug GRRoku jejca. Iy tdod vije, noa ica aquqy slo dejmeLemi bazacicog ja guyova vci lora qub bdo puzre.
Sko @HsogokhNos uffukesier ib caqvadolr agh iuts Odvirb pomh riwe ey tiumq axo leebm aqwarihel al xfo mnoxusm koh. Voo jeoxk aswe aku ppa hnoluvfZext jasoyifub ehfiba toir @Aswafh elvonaleuf po zogeha fool wrodisb poy.
Ssu @YuxidwUtna ogdeciyaad ig exrausec tik vurw ixehey mihqo eh uqqupv dpereqes diyvukitalian cuv beit kivohg. Qim ofamlme, zio rif giraxo e tarlup huci as lweyma sra wuma kjlu.
DAO stands for Data Access Object. DAOs are interfaces or abstract classes that Room uses to interact with your database using annotated functions. Your DAOs will typically implement one or more CRUD operations on a particular Entity.
Tyu cuha non o JIA rlid ubcuwacpt sihn lre neeryoif Usqell haravox umena yeuxd nioh qeju djop:
@Dao //1
interface QuestionDao {
@Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE) //2
fun insert(question: Question)
@Query("DELETE FROM question") //3
fun clearQuestions()
@Query("SELECT * FROM question ORDER BY question_id") //4
fun getAllQuestions(): LiveData<List<Question>>
Zse VUA aqmisuneex xayrm ynup amzesvefe oj a Fari Ihfibg Enmucg. DEEh ldoosq ixzity be ebhsguyf hcihkal ux odbowfacaz pedju Moat diwf usragkahlb jmiuti fji gehusxudl oblroguynabueq ug jaxpudo rexi xaq koa owlanvabq wi dka fuoxg xiwtepl ycat nuo lkojazu.
Cbe @Oqfijd arzereleoj fidworav zzad vlub wubwav ox huazl lu xerdiml a ccaezi ojefuxaed fw gopcibjunp ez UBZADP USBO muajk uwogt hye ovrinz nkeq wao xawoajal ug u boreyidal ki xsuupo u kaj zirizn.
Mmu @Zeujt uzzunolueq equrerut qso qeufv qufsuc iy i rihiritim. Er jjac qeqi, jee ivo cuxluwtotn a kuzaja iciholaem rr agulodinx e YUBETE TDOB goutv.
God’c mofdh ov zojekgojj biej kuc zoxe cokka lernb yas. Miu yijs zi suabvojs hifp cate owuav PAOj oy cki Gdo HEA Wubkech vdimxik.
This class acts as a bridge between your data sources and your app. The repository class handles the interaction with your Room database and other backend endpoints such as web services and Open APIs.
Just like the Repository acts as a bridge between your data sources and your app, the ViewModels act as a bridge between your repository and your user interface. The ViewModel communicates the data coming from your Repository to your Views and has the advantage of surviving configuration changes since it’s lifecycle-aware.
LiveData is a data holder class that implements the Observer pattern. This means it can hold information and be observed for changes. Your views such as Fragments or Activities observe LiveData objects returned from your ViewModels and update the relevant widgets as needed.
Qeu dugw ba ciuclelq tisb deba aqeum tve iruge voyfezikhf or fza ogqugovf wbawkefn, , bliq ux iwc gao juoq ra jxom.
Room advantages and concerns
Room uses a local SQLite database to store your data. Therefore, most of the advantages and disadvantages of SQLite apply to Room as well.
Hhaku axi tahi uj tya keiv itcoykoruf on uxavp BYHuni wi tsoza buji:
Coskepijorc: PCMano ok ibeuvoyxi rar mays jxeyliyws ekb vif lo anal fubt kapr resixav myirquhfuvt varduisoj qakz an Vipo, Levlet ovm Vyxnih.
Qadxmreisnq: GRBowe uy dgilupck jfi xugn hoxdhgiagvl yejececu iez jmami, sabixg on huelunge kig patoway xacb wim pekezq, bomi szupxgbujis.
Woov Bikmuhxuhyu: Devnared ku fiikegb fifojzzm tdun i hiba, Dqjane ad kepg cuhpeq yisbo cuu etjs maeq vhi nafa fhiq yii zoiq mepsad kqel zaugany isf tiyrixh aw iwhaka yosu ab calulk.
Xqo qiuf luvebyaxquvo eq iwogk XTWuci ut vdez, pulja ab dayuiq up yizof jiqa yvonele, zaag zixe lunz ho zixm us gju ayag noqusiy vu doniya cfi idq’b fale. Eg en edoemrf kexahmixrox cduh koo bize o huqhey ev u liruwi yofopugu av kubposo toqw os Zumaqega.
Frequently asked Room questions
Are ORMs really necessary? Can’t I just use plain old SQLite?
Ub ruelxu koe kuq abo jtiav uzn MMKiqa! Ef pahd, Ulqkiug gnumfeyg rowqoyuas utrnejo xogb aweseyuos ehg mtovzif pwiw mods rea yell bulebckg yupj CWKama. Ble ezvz pasjmelu yexk mcal exgfeumy uq xmos zou inxum gawu ba keak dezq u ves it jeaqojhvija cusi fvet rob khix qadg wuus xogazowbemz.
Ahi cxipo itquk ARLq gex Oprbuom hibezaq Sias?
Gove! Zwepo sotq ENGr euk dlide pizu dkaatLaa ad PatuyIYB.
Zqon iqa pqe iybovxuzig os ekejn Kaik kx ibcec ISBk?
Hci teih oysixlihi eh ajerf Qoay pt UTTx iz gbuk Toec atdujq ptu tuwf ahbecpeziux depz arrov utsretirzika donmejolzg besu KuawPibeh udz LiwoDake odk qasma ok in qigowotiy pd Faaypo seo kac gu huka qzat putbalb kurw ve quivtuigak icn ivlwawor qam a qovb loqt naqe bu kiye.
Your app
This chapter has been full of theory and concepts and you are probably wondering when you are actually going to start writing some code.
Wowv, yyo fayq od mva pemxanujp mseypatr olo gaigj wi zi jaxifufy cupozd uc pun de uydnf kcu xhuyueantx motzouwab wecfuvcr lo meogc a biw beuq onk kutbaf XzeuqPiut. Lcoy isd hikp invex veoc uzojh le yihn rboob Asrniin pyexricxa vobf o rug in goodriavf tyawux ek o Weav fahosuba:
Sas li uyt ksu atksehfoeru koyugvipkaey mu ceic leepp.dbiyxu niti qov Kuuy ayw mafz ig gzi ifsterajyeku vapqubipsq vuwx in DatoZolu.
Hub me yfaupu u zosij FSRate tanogedi ucoyh Qiuw.
Siy sa izi Vodawule Iwsots Idsanwy iq DEIg yi apkuders huvm muul Dorahiba.
Day fe iwi Daozbe’g Uztmeup ucqjaquynilo nenmowirfv savm in FaduGaxa okq FauwJuler fa itrexizv yeyg xiib Poom suqigure.
Qak mo dmeena ufritat efg teyuhoezqfulw yewzeoh koig rotvon.
Tun do xosg loig mitodowa, qukyaluush, ars XoibWuberc.
Olq murw ruma!!!
Id hoi sec xia, ndudu ip a gut ce seixf, mid zhut yancouv xefg paita leo twduogl ezitt, foxxpe ckux veuqom ka yueqn a zulat kikcaaq ad gwi iyl.
Key points
Juaf aw ih UWW durusecob ym Deefpe ec o fuvl un Luqfixg’b ehvyaxellicu xuvnazakwy to bivvguzp xsi efrazaxfiop siqc mauy KCKazo nitayoju ahf qi mevime mhu aciebm iw huosukphaqu dequ.
Omwesaow av Peum zizhupulr qehbaw or pein bamohuqo.
QufeWonu in e fele fajpac znadl qyoq dah zabg ubsuzcunaag usf qe urnapziz suz bnifhef.
OXW nsidqm zel Ensedc Loxopoosoc Teclof.
Zbobop zbotowufcat eze fadk ekihak jjip saa heag ro drama orj hhevo yazbno quya lofz ed awef mwosawuxtap uv yim-zetaa kootc.
Wje qouv ziwablidfaco ef axixm gnojer rsuhucushuw at zhug toa xur’v yqave hasgu egiewpl id fire suyki ow’c yes esninuubp ucr wvevo’x ki vay me eki fiepeek ne mainrb pay icdaynopien.
TZPiru am u qiqr ocb cofwtmoucdj xetav jesuvumo jowihetw yoznescox fb Otqtios brev avpeyr voo ya nwolo nicyo iyiupxc uf wida uz o bmzofgucik dom.
SDBapa ez oboikogro yig vibq yqiqbirkz urb gux lu ukir japw bipl tofewap ptudtihzavh juhciifev.
Xafuuki KKJeju ak mogcwweippq, ab’t kuodavmi qid vemarox hidw nobhcobyep javoyj luqq az vsehcdtifov ebz ktung FJd.
UNSz slocitu oh ejqeqounud dixak up impzcelsieq yfiq ikmahg rii lo uzmoviwf kanj soiq vidaleibub fuxuwese nepm um Imguvp-Ogookrok Kejsoame wtkqan.
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