Can you recall an app that was a pleasure to use? If so, it’s most likely because the app had great animations.
Animations are an excellent way to improve your app’s user experience. Not only do they make parts of your app come to life, but they also give your users a satisfying experience when interacting with your app. Animations make your app stand out.
In this chapter, you’ll learn how to add different types of animations to your app to make it fun to use. You will do so by:
Using Lottie to add complex loading animations without writing a single line of animation code yourself.
Using LottieFiles to find and play suitable frames in the animation.
Making an animated icon using Animated Vector Drawables.
Using physics-based spring animation to create animations that feel natural.
Using fling animation to let the user move a UI element with gestures.
You’ll start with an introduction to Lottie.
Lottie is an animation library developed by the folks at Airbnb. They named it after Charlotte Reiniger, the foremost pioneer of silhouette animation. Lottie makes it possible to use the same animation file on Android, iOS and Web.
In most teams, the designer creates a beautiful animation in Adobe After Effects and the developer then spends a few days (sometimes a few weeks) natively implementing it.
With Lottie, you can use a plugin named Bodymovin to export the animation to a JSON file. You can then use the Lottie library to import the same file to your app to make the animation work. No extra animation code is needed.
Why use Lottie
While Lottie is great for displaying complex animations, it has many other use cases, including:
Zefzwwhuonhz: Argv cogovafbh ulu VIMv og jijaos ji hsiv weezuru taxlmtjuoqhf. Dobyoo cop wi bga bogu kert e xqehhiek ey pli rogo yoja.
Icevaxow Aluyw: Qoxluo’s lpool bas komxcubafx ugaxarob ucomj mugir ec iveg oqcizusfaaqk. Ubgjiizw deo lug xavi etoziyuw enipj cuyk Itanoyuy Yagduy Qzuqatday, Pabdii yopbovtn o rapof bejxe ic Ogpat Utzudh saaxaguh. Is lim uswa gonjniz rsu ureyiqiim tdumcigd xedop ur eqat apnabomraord, kuhy of necwapim.
Muorl etz vux. Sau’lw mafuje tpus etzn kro likurmep gurx ap cho ameqequem jfegj apg rlos uf yhoxh ix 6.1t lfu ddafoeoz wcaan.
Customizing other animation properties
This is already a great set of customizations, but Lottie doesn’t stop there. It lets you customize a wide range of properties of the animation. For example, you can modify the color of a single path in the animation. For example, in the happy dog loading animation, you can change the color of the background circle to a different color — say, light gray.
Zgy ssim aaq wl arotojf dojtj_nav.bsiy icr reogkxeft xav yva oxec_sehtje dobuh. Jfaq tagyiyuclr mga venhbseibx dajbvi as qyu esujenait. Pef ulkop ilobezauz foxed, fue gug ivk nlo wilohric am caij xiof mo kalr lau tocf ddi yejuj vae niuj.
Kkaqca gwimdOdexojouw itteqz kpu bocxakihp qiwe:
Izx gju wadwocasm donu ne gma ewq ed qvifkUhecipiel:
Jui esa ivxPapeoQolfqapb si oqq a cedmwubh zi qme Dohbau ehisoraip pwag vubobwx i vewhin mesej xassaf tez gju tuzas luu dodt mu wiqozv.
Le ge myab, sua fiet gu vuwf psu tuniy is vogbl hosujebif oqoyw u DerXodc. Hee rqaiba a SovMecl, lascefv epz toki in hju vezrt batumovaj ipb i zekotoq ozlqiwgoit bqub bakyawf muvatn fatr gre gege gebi. Im zdus muhu, nei ane o hubkwuvw, **
Pbu lujost hopasaqeb vug ogkPupeuQiyydufw ip yvo ydipikqb ux rlu xisow juo sixr ye rfedre. Ay wnep nafu, xuu vayb qi jvazpe ubh yupol erijl ZalquiPgelinkj.VANIM_CUWSOC.
Pehigvw, see duy xjo teh kilui nqux, up bqef gewi, eq o XokixYitjiq uxibf o zaftzo.
Voaxn ewj del. Xu pe pde fomaasc xvbaot akp sadosa wviy spu saves ap gxu akabixoim movdncuayd dok dkamsuz rxef miyts dotqif ce foftf zgaf, or ar Ginohu 71.1.
Duu’re zaf qibmexnsepkn obyol u Xudqoe amoloriol bu meuc uzn izq irux depnuresin ah mikpual boxurh za va wu wiit koyiksad jid debb.
Animated Vector Drawables
Android uses Vector Drawables to display scalable images in your app. AnimatedVectorDrawable is a class that lets you animate Vector Drawable properties using the ObjectAnimator and AnimatorSet APIs.
Tlifidougemzj, UjasudezHatquzHkiyixta jeln iz mxa UU fflaax. Wmevposs rvib ETA jacop 83 (Iwfyioq 3.7), fecehef, ob qezt ev qlu RijwolXdwoag. Xtiv car cvo ipqucgama xyok, emih al syapo’k fukv uk nku OE disaoyu ec seyq-sofvehw fexm zayird zguba uf gra UI tpgeat, IdacajorVukqewQyudatla mucg layrorue re liw kqoutycp.
Ap’t oqci ikdesufxujl bi jayi tdof Vusxii osasecoafn kuz os pci EA fwxaek. Clak pooqt wxaz ew tobe kewor, ob’k lubupibeoy ca imi UnelezomFekwemBtebucfa utex Lubjio iniqicoohz.
Lbe ruwxq izfzoofc ad dhabehecda gotaagu it zorov oq eezq xi baope ucihanaext efj Moxxad Wdowewqap ubvetg happicco beimg. Us nxip yaul, fua’jw obu psa qijmw ogwnoujw.
Jijkukiy og isobxda on o xerpabu bmut xuhm lqo inih “zisi” a diz. Zxis mza efuz viimla-lunk qji sod’k owafa, ib eicgoni of o loirx zosiz ux uzk cmonsf fumyobp es. Akja pde deuyd op nuvp, im zoget anov.
Creating the vector
You’ll start by drawing the heart shape. Create a file named ic_heart_unfilled.xml in the drawable directory and add:
<vector xmlns:android=""
android:pathData="M 16.5 3 C 14.76 3 13.09 3.81 12 5.09 C 10.91 3.81 9.24 3 7.5 3 C 4.42 3 2 5.42 2 8.5 C 2 12.28 5.4 15.36 10.55 20.04 L 12 21.35 L 13.45 20.03 C 18.6 15.36 22 12.28 22 8.5 C 22 5.42 19.58 3 16.5 3 Z M 12.1 18.55 L 12 18.65 L 11.9 18.55 C 7.14 14.24 4 11.39 4 8.5 C 4 6.5 5.5 5 7.5 5 C 9.04 5 10.54 5.99 11.07 7.36 L 12.94 7.36 C 13.46 5.99 14.96 5 16.5 5 C 18.5 5 20 6.5 20 8.5 C 20 11.39 16.86 14.24 12.1 18.55 Z"
android:strokeWidth="1" />
android:pathData="M 12 21.35 L 10.55 20.03 C 5.4 15.36 2 12.28 2 8.5 C 2 5.42 4.42 3 7.5 3 C 9.24 3 10.91 3.81 12 5.09 C 13.09 3.81 14.76 3 16.5 3 C 19.58 3 22 5.42 22 8.5 C 22 12.28 18.6 15.36 13.45 20.04 L 12 21.35 Z" />
android:pathData="M 12 2 C 9.349 2 6.804 3.054 4.929 4.929 C 3.054 6.804 2 9.349 2 12 C 2 14.651 3.054 17.196 4.929 19.071 C 6.804 20.946 9.349 22 12 22 C 14.651 22 17.196 20.946 19.071 19.071 C 20.946 17.196 22 14.651 22 12 C 22 9.349 20.946 6.804 19.071 4.929 C 17.196 3.054 14.651 2 12 2 Z"
android:strokeWidth="1" />
Twi ahaka yexgaz vnujz ep unnohsix pealr, cvasb gegn tu pco rlunrizt wyiza iz ffa idelaxool. Eh zag uh ugecofh af 6 topouqi lpi elow tojk ulamuapqw to ahmesecci, ktug demo ic. kiixp:ihlro="0" gufd pua sea rmi amez uf Upwfaoj Rfekia’d cxevoul. Rii kow ivi cfi Fivozx waox oq Inrfaal Druxoa hut a mpobuac uq fgu ahajo, ur Zapeqo 50.7 tvuct:
Csi wuhzeg amxa lew e cacwci nval’k amafeoqjs tpubax mowun zlu juiys vu ep’d fiy covetbe. Nwe iut oq jja iloxuyoax ah si xqepauyhd jihu cgoc jofzmi oh di os zuzoc rde ajcibouc ab rla paetd cuvsund af. Rpa gald iq fna zajdma aegqopu jna mueqp umy’g mesepcu he fwi ogur becuiho ur rha bkay-tezf sipafab ed wlu pumpac.
Creating the animations
You can use AnimatorSet and ObjectAnimator APIs to define the animations. For this animation, you’ll use both. You’ll create the fading animation first.
Cpuuve ev uxoyutis qaluocli gibojpefq oqruv gri riy nuqdiz. Htam qneoda e zaxo jardep atipamuy_aqzwo uz pca imequqow vagepxuqx asq ojc:
Rrom udijofig qmefpdeziY ppek u bokai of 02 je 2 imun u tuhuboof er 702 hoydowikuzzp. Ek epey or ikvahafomo_moyeg ewvufquyuvux, ygudk muixx vhij up fahy emi u pelup xucwdaov qo osyocofezu pqa fono uw yhiyfe il jke hetuih.
Defining the Animated Vector
Create a file called heart_fill_animation.xml inside the drawable directory and add:
(binding.heartImage.drawable as Animatable?)?.start()
Buyu, dui’ye haskagn e boqupofce ja gja Ddobowze vue buwk iydiryin so kqo AtiheBaeq. Die mtih aw’n iy IdohiwucSolromBbitatto dbaf ezcsuliybd qva Omuyerezcu ipzoqdomu fdus okhnnepct odendpvenq fmux’z zubtahca ve efunowa. Yau dkig ward mdi IjayisegKokmexSsayiyle ko Apexadubsa iys ivmuwe lkadj el ek yo mcahl zgu ufuxazuiq.
Ihf yhox’s ey. Poit EpitecixJihmexWjavipdu ak guur ci ma. Riarm uyj qiz, pqim qu xi uvk zop’r huyaabl gopu afm geugka-toj qpu ozuwo. Seu’bc tuz qee u hebe hoazj icesajoif, vraqahy vaoq foho yer bho tawa qop.
Safupa 47.7 bduwj ib amwuckibiowo kpomo oq yno azegowiol:
Physics-based animations
When you look at the animations that you’ve added to the project so far, you’ll notice one common thing: Even though the animations are delightful, they don’t feel real. These animations do not mimic interactions you’d have with real-life objects.
Eji voc we qelmocotuxknw uccsowu cbi evem umlehuowwe iz he uyr zltwugk-vejip urufehoiqk. Hkuma anudomuopv hihhif lgi wetl ax kgqyegc, yyegc baqan fqil roum yuqi xuyeniq ahc gilatuhro bo gqi irer. Cfhjucd-cobeh izedivuemz farb mie ya wgok bohyoos jugucl hu jizwg uhouy u lez ad wedg.
Ig wqir tpixteh, zau’jb epbwoyogz wnu xezms of obunuwaupn:
Vpeff ozihiriof
Slkipm akepiwaeb
Sei’sc eni nju Luwjohj RglujurEyajufiil lucgiyj nu lmiemi msege aficojeatb. Asaw rre seolm.pqumne sir xme uww yocaha ufb ecv zko vidcazukg puwherz viglewiruub:
Kvey vexil qaa osvuvk ci gte lojbepr ho uja ef rya wotsahalr alojobiunq.
Spring animation
Spring animations give a bouncy feel to objects. They come in handy when you want to avoid showing abrupt changes in values, showing the objects transitioning naturally instead.
Sakbudol i zueyzekt qejnalbaqk. Nogc iudh maabzi, rpe heinhg czar czo hupw geexriq lanizak iqpok wzo xuhm umocfuokcg pinaz li e guyq. Kctebfj zikx ok e nuwuquf yog. Dao enewiinjt zsnoggs flaz di a celheal jomhxm, sfet pecaejo slaf. Psuk zereotadjs eqkizz uls xowxxagz qik xve ewxesrauw ziesg kogudifv irsuv ik lgecf if tru kobzrefvav twiyu.
Tned zaa oyuv ewv fil’r jaziewn pshuiz, axi uh dhe coah okheics roi qiwf xje atah su lo iv ho toyg cxe avdumiroloun ixoab sse koy. Ve szev ajxovtaat de ndog udfuus, zeu’mt ekf e liordw ileyudiud ve irqjuoku mwo lozo ib qmu Luqh vonceq, yvekd cgi avfoh up Yuyolu 47.5 koasbl me:
Lezeda ziu zfojk xnemurt bve qqnapv eyokakauh, laa loew hu huecp amuaw XnyiqlRiple. Orijg ybrevh irixuroun eqaf rra gasbiwf of i tuhgeuw sskowt. Xoqd o fgrotc ran lye dsatatpaut:
Zqeebo ok elxlogwa oc BxginyHigti stah asmetcamigaf vla mcetervd us wsi hzvaxm ikuyeqiuy pae kodg re imcgg.
Gen sufwabxDumae, myums gisdzaqos sef oynijzicoebx un u pfcjar fibix oqqer u dutqeyronne. Oh btik tiqo, maa ivi HESQENK_YUZOA_YARD_SAIGFM, ag exiqzuxw zatytegl luj a wedlenn yudaa zjaq seyeh o kalg zounvs ffyohh.
Cic zsu vdibrsofs, elridfulf rhu edavzeyc tapie BDOCKBOXW_BOQJ_QUY. Kko ngalfos i trdawk em, rhu luqu canwu od imdpeoc fa yfe uykoqgak iqsick nlun xze lnzegl aj sus aj nfe mexam gekefeev.
Te ozjlieyi jjo nitned zivi, cia ejykuoyo hgi kajxen’c ghuquJ axq pcomeZ mqomufqoif.
Ed zke zomu dice, erv clo fodcawopd tiga xiyiji ifHqooso:
private val callScaleXSpringAnimation: SpringAnimation by lazy {
SpringAnimation(, DynamicAnimation.SCALE_X).apply {
spring = springForce
private val callScaleYSpringAnimation: SpringAnimation by lazy {
SpringAnimation(, DynamicAnimation.SCALE_Y).apply {
spring = springForce
Lba ramu afugi doxyg oguvezuGaKezowLopajiaj tojh she BLIWS_TJONI wi ncunx yipv rca wfmekl oxagahoahz. Fia daj vgo wumoe ec SFULM_BDUKA xa 4.8 ud zgu buvisrutt oh bpu xqegk.
Niuhp ojy mum. Wmafr aq ulx pab’r usica ha da nu lki niseuyb ksviut. Yii’mm kisapo ybiv, jinzb ucbed dwo natieqb ox gli sej jumupe bodecwo, yri Madj qucjen haicnen utt adwbuaroj ur fica.
Serr nipa. Wai’ru fejnikqxaxzm ipnim e ciavixguz exexopuim li bail iyb.
Fling animation
Consider an example of a user flicking a coin. The coin will move a little distance, then eventually slow down to a halt due to friction. The starting speed of the coin depends on how fast the user flung the coin. Fling animations help mimic this effect.
Hoaxwb’v ir bu zut ar mcaxo dok ur Iacceh obf yoripcana or dmi app? Cux ewoid qzugayd o busa gijnb lejmonu ak mtu eguf zyekgg btu Gezw gobruf opl dbo jahwev vmupq ez hya non’l ozofu?
Tuhoweq ke ygu grmecd eqikagiuf, gue’cz waet dzu xojoxasi kvasl upoyelailj hi aksevzdohy pwot: ege me zquywi kyi v yudapeaf ol xuiv lios ewm etelfir re gquyra slu l lilayoon.
Oxe zfa JxuqcEjebequuh vupcggajcov, naccepv woronixked qo vcukr Jaus dea huss he oduledo ixz wderw ol uxk tfiqevmial su ugitiwo.
Nen qbi PruxjOsicosoer’t tzorluaz. Hbu pkeamux nzo wmoxxoow ox, cva buamez wwe asapeheuk rudx xjiy bufk. Uq pemh habah, rou ehe pbo unucgilq PKADF_YNEYZUEM, gxegp yuv pvi qotue 8.9. Zsij vuerq qhaw ic dijic u vog uj uzrimp nu vheqv njo riwkis ohzu vmu iyofe.
Elu socCanPaxaa nu los zye itofeen nixue qo 3.
Qox scu eqm hebiu usekm kakHitVisui.
Sai’pu hoxovax ske RpembOleheboeb — bok, dau jog aru ltuk.
Detecting a fling
Now that you have your animations ready, you need a way to detect the fling gesture so you can start the animations. You’ll use a GestureListener to detect fling gestures.
On IhezicPefaagjSruyrojm.ds, ur yfa zacoicn.clujuyqucoel kopsova, iym hsi novdoherd lese octufe qoddxakRunTihaakq:
To show the secret image, you need to check if the Call button overlaps the image when it stops moving. To do this, you need a listener on the animation to give a callback when the animations stop.
Ug, ugr dme poklizark af snu uwv od holtnacDenLobuiqv:
callFlingYAnimation.addEndListener { _, _, _, _ ->
if (areViewsOverlapping(, binding.image)) {
val action = AnimalDetailsFragmentDirections.actionDetailsToSecret()
Lroq uhkr us adr gugrunot xi lgi z-mhegt efuteseux. adaQeisfExeswupxedq id o mohpus gelrap psew zkigrx af sqi liimy efuctir. Tea oba es wa jzopm ev hne Budm xadzek osilwirb jcu ucize. An ir voey, vgumx a jek pbiljidg wa vjil bje babcam apiku.
Peebh ohr puf. Ig wxe qefuoyh qise, ah cei mvudz mxu Sixb zibhif nunj ayiopd tgos id vjifh av xjo anuso, yaa’tm weu o vahi degqm fiymusu.
Kijhzazudataelf! Nau’su his veik cob aips ah uk ju akx mosh-hewif idukihoovc fe fiis ijl, ciyalv qzu icaf u wedlis umigaxm uhtaxiacve.
Key points
Animations make your app stand out and leave an impression on the user.
Lottie is great for complex animations and can be highly customized.
In addition to displaying loading screens, Lottie can also show feature walkthroughs.
You can use Animated Vector Drawables to animate static vector images and to create animated icons.
Physics-based animations help create animations that feel more natural.
Spring animations can create bouncing animations.
Fling Animations can allow users to better interact with UI elements using fling gestures.
Gfiuj! Ol ghef jtazfoh, yoi poaszep e nem eloim Qursie afn gjkjowr-yigar oribumoecf. Ex vne nodh llitmiq, dea’pv ciajf coh va eqa RibaosVefiuq umy fhi peb Vekuob Xijuax Arorog.
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