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Modern Concurrency in Swift

First Edition · iOS 15 · Swift 5.5 · Xcode 13

Section I: Modern Concurrency in Swift

Section 1: 11 chapters
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You’ve made it! You should be super proud of yourself for completing this book. Concurrency can be a challenging topic to master, but that just makes your achievement that much sweeter. With your newly acquired knowledge, you are well poised to move on to trying some of Swift’s new concurrency features in the real world.

As you start incorporating async/await into your app and leveraging the powerful modern concurrency features Swift offers, like tasks and actors, your app will become safer and more predictable when it reads and mutates your data concurrently. It will also become safer to reason about, because your code will “read synchronously” but run asynchronously.

We hope the concepts you’ve learned in this book helped you think differently about how to plan concurrent and parallel code in the modern world, while still keeping your sanity.

If you’ve enjoyed learning about the new modern concurrency features, you might also enjoy our book Combine: Asynchronous Programming with Swift. It showcases another modern variation for modeling and composing asynchronous work.

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– The Modern Concurrency in Swift team

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