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iOS Apprentice

Eighth Edition · iOS 13 · Swift 5.2 · Xcode 11

Before You Begin

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My Locations

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Store Search

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25. The Tag Location Screen
Written by Eli Ganim

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There is a big button on the main screen of the app that says Tag Location. It only becomes active when GPS coordinates have been captured, and you use it to add a description and a photo to that location.

In this chapter, you’ll build the Tag Location screen, but you won’t save the location information anywhere yet, that’s a topic for another chapter!

This chapter covers the following:

  • The Screen: What the finished screen looks like and what it will do.
  • The new view controller: How to add the new view controller for the screen and set up the navigation flow.
  • Make the cells: Create the table view cells for displaying information.
  • Display location info: Display location info on screen via the new view.
  • The category picker: Creating a new screen to allow the user to pick a category for the new location.

The screen

The Tag Location screen is a regular table view controller with static cells. So, this is going to be very similar to what you did already in Bullseye’s highscores screen.

The finished Tag Location screen will look like this:

The Tag Location screen
The Tag Location screen

The description cell (the empty area above the Category cell) at the top contains a UITextView for text. You’ve already used the UITextField control, which is for editing a single line of text; the UITextView is very similar, but for editing multiple lines.

Tapping the Category cell opens a new screen that lets you pick a category from a list. This is very similar to the icon picker from the last app, so no big surprises there either.

The Add Photo cell will let you pick a photo from your device’s photo library or take a new photo using the camera. You’ll skip this feature for now and build that later on. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves and try too much at once!

The other cells are read-only and contain the latitude, longitude, the address information that you just captured, and the current date so you’ll know when it was that you tagged this location.

Exercise: Try to implement this screen by yourself using the description above. You don’t have to make the Category and Add Photo buttons work yet. Yikes, that seems like a big job! It sure is, but you should be able to pull this off. This screen doesn’t do anything you haven’t done previously. So if you feel brave, go ahead!

The new view controller

➤ Add a new file to the project using the Swift File template. Name the file LocationDetailsViewController.

import UIKit

class LocationDetailsViewController: UITableViewController {
  @IBOutlet weak var descriptionTextView: UITextView!
  @IBOutlet weak var categoryLabel: UILabel!
  @IBOutlet weak var latitudeLabel: UILabel!
  @IBOutlet weak var longitudeLabel: UILabel!
  @IBOutlet weak var addressLabel: UILabel!
  @IBOutlet weak var dateLabel: UILabel!

  // MARK:- Actions
  @IBAction func done() {
    navigationController?.popViewController(animated: true)

  @IBAction func cancel() {
    navigationController?.popViewController(animated: true)
The Tag Location screen in the storyboard
Cru Qak Muzasuok wqzuek us rso kyustgeemp

Hiding the navigation bar

You’ll notice that the Tag Scene (the Current Location View Controller) now has an empty navigation bar area. This is because it is now embedded in a Navigation Controller. You can either set the title (and/or make it a large title), or, you can hide the navigation bar altogether for the first view.

override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
  navigationController?.isNavigationBarHidden = true
override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {
  navigationController?.isNavigationBarHidden = false

Adding navigation buttons

Of course, the new screen won’t do anything useful yet. Let’s add some buttons.

Making the cells

There will be three sections in this table view:

Adding a row to a table view section
Ohjejs e dud fa a zuwtu geus hapxaed

The right detail cells

The second row from the first section, and the first, second and fourth rows in the last section will all use a standard cell style.

The cells with the Right Detail style
Sde lunqn goks xmu Momsg Xodiec bngze

The labels in the Tag Location screen
Hxu vimawz at xnu Nej Qecalooh rmjaex

Tappable cells

Only the Category and Add Photo cells should handle taps, so you have to set the cell selection color to None on the other cells.

Category and Add Photo now have a disclosure indicator
Fuqazokp asd Und Shefu mam sago e fixhlesige eqyisoyul

The address cell

The empty cell in the last section is for the Address label. This will look very similar to the cells with the “Right Detail” style, but it’s a custom design under the hood.

The address detail label can have multiple lines
Knu upjzoxd naxaon nayih ral boxa qiydogbi wobik

The description cell

So far, you’ve left the cell at the top empty. This is where the user can type a short description for the captured location. Currently, there is not much room to type anything. So first, you’ll make the cell larger.

Changing the height of a row
Cyemfant hde vuahkt el e fur

The attributes for the text view
Wdo extdixihap lup yni selz feax

Giving the section a header
Wuhuyt sqe wexteul i juupiq

The finished design of the Tag Location screen
Wlu befiwtum ridatn ob ybo Ruc Kumotaav tdveaw

Connecting outlets

➤ Connect the Detail labels and the text view to their respective outlets. It should be obvious which one goes where. (Tip: Control-drag from the round yellow icon that represents the view controller to each of the labels. That’s the quickest way.)

The connections of the Location Details View Controller
Jcu vujhehzuugz ow hbo Hiputeiz Keyoebv Saif Hicmjujvog

Displaying location info

➤ Add two new properties to LocationDetailsViewController.swift:

var coordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 0,
                                       longitude: 0)
var placemark: CLPlacemark?
import CoreLocation


Unlike the objects you’ve seen before, CLLocationCoordinate2D is not a class, instead, it is a struct (short for structure).

struct CLLocationCoordinate2D {
  var latitude: CLLocationDegrees
  var longitude: CLLocationDegrees
typealias CLLocationDegrees = Double
struct CLLocationCoordinate2D {
  var latitude: Double
  var longitude: Double

Pass data to the details view

Back to the new properties that you just added to LocationDetailsViewController. You need to fill in these properties when the user taps the Tag Location button.

// MARK:- Navigation
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue,
                         sender: Any?) {
  if segue.identifier == "TagLocation" {
    let controller = segue.destination
                     as! LocationDetailsViewController
    controller.coordinate = location!.coordinate
    controller.placemark = placemark

Display information on the Tag Location screen

viewDidLoad() is a good place to display the passed in values on screen.

override func viewDidLoad() {

  descriptionTextView.text = ""
  categoryLabel.text = ""

  latitudeLabel.text = String(format: "%.8f",
  longitudeLabel.text = String(format: "%.8f",

  if let placemark = placemark {
    addressLabel.text = string(from: placemark)
  } else {
    addressLabel.text = "No Address Found"

  dateLabel.text = format(date: Date())
// MARK:- Helper Methods
func string(from placemark: CLPlacemark) -> String {
  var text = ""

  if let s = placemark.subThoroughfare {
    text += s + " "
  if let s = placemark.thoroughfare {
    text += s + ", "
  if let s = placemark.locality {
    text += s + ", "
  if let s = placemark.administrativeArea {
    text += s + " "
  if let s = placemark.postalCode {
    text += s + ", "
  if let s = {
    text += s
  return text

Date formatting

To format the date, you’ll use a DateFormatter object. You’ve seen this class at work in the previous app. It converts the date and time that are encapsulated by a Date object into a human-readable string, taking into account the user’s language and locale settings.

private let dateFormatter: DateFormatter = {
  let formatter = DateFormatter()
  formatter.dateStyle = .medium
  formatter.timeStyle = .short
  return formatter
private let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
private let dateFormatter: DateFormatter = {
  // the code that sets up the DateFormatter object
  return formatter
func format(date: Date) -> String {
  return dateFormatter.string(from: date)
The Address label doesn’t fit well
Hce Anzjiby mepem qoimp’w siq sivp

Content Compression Resistance

You earlier configured the label to fit multiple lines of text, but the problem is that the two labels in the addres row don’t know how to get along with each other — the detail label is too full of itself and encroaches on the space of the Address label.

The label is not cut off by the address
Kzo xeven em qev bub efy mw ynu orqyutk

The category picker

When the user taps the Category cell, the app should show a list of category names:

The category picker
Wli yumasixk dasqez

The view controller class

This is a new screen, so you need a new view controller. The way this works is very similar to the icon picker from Checklists. I’m just going to give you the source code and tell you how to hook it up.

import UIKit

class CategoryPickerViewController: UITableViewController {
  var selectedCategoryName = ""

  let categories = [
    "No Category",
    "Apple Store",
    "Grocery Store",
    "Historic Building",
    "Icecream Vendor",

  var selectedIndexPath = IndexPath()

  override func viewDidLoad() {

    for i in 0..<categories.count {
      if categories[i] == selectedCategoryName {
        selectedIndexPath = IndexPath(row: i, section: 0)

  // MARK:- Table View Delegates
  override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView,
        numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
    return categories.count

  override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView,
               cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) ->
               UITableViewCell {
    let cell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(
                         withIdentifier: "Cell",
                                    for: indexPath)

    let categoryName = categories[indexPath.row]
    cell.textLabel!.text = categoryName

    if categoryName == selectedCategoryName {
      cell.accessoryType = .checkmark
    } else {
      cell.accessoryType = .none
    return cell

  override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView,
             didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
    if indexPath.row != selectedIndexPath.row {
      if let newCell = tableView.cellForRow(at: indexPath) {
        newCell.accessoryType = .checkmark
      if let oldCell = tableView.cellForRow(
                       at: selectedIndexPath) {
        oldCell.accessoryType = .none
      selectedIndexPath = indexPath
for category in categories {
for i in 0..<categories.count {
  let category = categories[i]
  . . .
for (i, category) in categories.enumerated() {
  . . .

The storyboard scene

➤ Open the storyboard and drag a new Table View Controller on to the canvas. Set its Class in the Identity inspector to CategoryPickerViewController.

The category picker in the storyboard
Nho cokonigf yoryih iq stu dduqtxeurz

The Segue

➤ Switch back to LocationDetailsViewController.swift and add a new instance variable to temporarily store the chosen category.

var categoryName = "No Category"
override func viewDidLoad() {
  . . .
  categoryLabel.text = categoryName      // change this line
  . . .
// MARK:- Navigation
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue,
                         sender: Any?) {
  if segue.identifier == "PickCategory" {
    let controller = segue.destination as!
    controller.selectedCategoryName = categoryName
Selecting a new category
Sideylaqr u paf wuloqoqc

The unwind segue

In case you were wondering what the orange “Exit” icons in the storyboard are for, you now have your answer: unwind segues.

The Exit icon
Hfe Ogoc eney

@IBAction func categoryPickerDidPickCategory(
                  _ segue: UIStoryboardSegue) {
  let controller = segue.source as! CategoryPickerViewController
  categoryName = controller.selectedCategoryName
  categoryLabel.text = categoryName
Control-dragging to the Exit icon to make an unwind segue
Wanwleb-fjiklefw wa nko Imog uwah ge caha aw asruxv sitie

The pop-up lists the unwind action methods
Tne cit-iz foyxn wwi iprimm ajwiew tuxvokh

// MARK:- Navigation
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue,
                         sender: Any?) {
  if segue.identifier == "PickedCategory" {
    let cell = sender as! UITableViewCell
    if let indexPath = tableView.indexPath(for: cell) {
      selectedCategoryName = categories[indexPath.row]
You can find unwind segues in the Document Outline
Bou yux dujr oblonc heweiv up slo Bitupins Uuxkefi

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