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Flutter Apprentice

First Edition · Flutter 2.2.0 · Dart 2.13.0 · Android Studio 4.2.1

Section IV: Networking, Persistence and State

Section 4: 7 chapters
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Section 6: 2 chapters
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2. Hello, Flutter
Written by Michael Katz

Now that you’ve had a short introduction, you’re ready to start your Flutter apprenticeship. Your first task is to build a basic app from scratch, giving you the chance to get the hang of the tools and the basic Flutter app structure. You’ll customize the app and find out how to use a few popular widgets like ListView and Slider to update its UI in response to changes.

Creating a simple app will let you see just how quick and easy it is to build cross-platform apps with Flutter — and it will give you a quick win.

By the end of the chapter, you’ll have built a lightweight recipe app. Since you’re just starting to learn Flutter, your app will offer a hard-coded list of recipes and let you use a Slider to recalculate quantities based on the number of servings.

Here’s what your finished app will look like:

All you need to start this chapter is to have Flutter set up. If the flutter doctor results show no errors, you’re ready to get started. Otherwise, go back to Chapter 1, “Getting Started”, to set up your environment.

Creating a new app

There are two simple ways to start a new Flutter app. In the last chapter, you created a new app project through the IDE. Alternatively, you can create an app with the flutter command. You’ll use the second option here.

Open a terminal window, then navigate to the location where you want to create a new folder for the project. For example, you can use this book’s materials and go to flta-materials/02-hello-flutter/projects/starter/.

Creating a new project is straightforward. In the terminal, run:

flutter create recipes

This command creates a new app in a new folder, both named recipes. It has the demo app code, as you saw in the previous chapter, with support for running on iOS and Android.

Using your IDE, open the recipes folder as an existing project.

Build and run and you’ll see the same demo app as in Chapter 1, “Getting Started”.

Tapping the + button increments the counter.

Making the app yours

The ready-made app is a good place to start because the flutter create command puts all the boilerplate together for you to get up and running. But this is not your app. It’s literally MyApp, as you can see near the top of main.dart:

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {

This defines a new Dart class named MyApp which extends — or inherits from — StatelessWidget. In Flutter, almost everything that makes up the user interface is a Widget. A StatelessWidget doesn’t change after you build it. You’ll learn a lot more about widgets and state in the next section. For now, just think of MyApp as the container for the app.

Since you’re building a recipe app, you don’t want your main class to be named MyApp — you want it to be RecipeApp.

While you could change it manually in multiple places, you’ll reduce the chance of a copy-and-paste error or typo by using the IDE’s rename action instead. This lets you rename a symbol at its definition and all its callers at the same time.

In Android Studio, you’ll find this either under the Refactor ▸ Rename menu item or by right-clicking on MyApp in class MyApp... and navigating to Refactor ▸ Rename. Rename MyApp to be RecipeApp. The result will look like this:

void main() {
class RecipeApp extends StatelessWidget {

main() is the entry point for the code when the app launches. runApp() tells Flutter which is the top-level widget for the app.

A hot reload won’t work at this point, so to see absolutely no UI changes, perform a full build and run. :]

Note: As mentioned in Chapter 1, “Getting Started”, when you save your changes, hot reload automatically runs and updates the UI. If this doesn’t happen, check your IDE settings for Flutter to make sure it’s enabled.

If you’ve updated code that changes the app state, you have to do a hot restart. If you’ve made significant changes, you must stop and restart the app to rebuild it.

Styling your app

To continue making this into a new app, you’ll customize the the appearance of your widgets next. Replace RecipeApp’s build() with:

// 1
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  // 2
  return MaterialApp(
    // 3
    title: 'Recipe Calculator',
    theme: ThemeData(
      // 4
      primaryColor: Colors.white,
    // 5
    home: MyHomePage(title: 'Recipe Calculator'),

This code changes the appearance of the app:

  1. A widget’s build() method is the entry point for composing together other widgets to make a new widget.
  2. MaterialApp is the top-level widget for an app that uses Material Design.
  3. The title of the app is a description that the device uses to identify the app. The UI won’t display this.
  4. The theme determines visual aspects like color. Here, the primary color is Colors.white and the accent color is
  5. This still uses the same MyHomePage widget as before, but now, you’ve updated the title and displayed it on the device.

When you relaunch the app now, you’ll see the same widgets, but they have a more sophisticated style.

You’ve taken the first step towards making the app your own by customizing the MaterialApp body. You’ll finish cleaning up the app in the next section.

Clearing the app

You’ve themed the app, but it’s still displaying the counter demo. Clearing the screen is your next step. To start, replace the _MyHomePageState class with:

class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    // 1
    return Scaffold(
      // 2
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: Text(widget.title),
      // 3
      body: SafeArea(
        // 4
        child: Container(),

A quick look at what this shows:

  1. A Scaffold provides the high-level structure for an app. In this case, you’re using two properties.
  2. AppBar gets a title property by using a Text widget that has a title passed in from home: MyHomePage(title: 'Recipe Calculator') in the previous step.
  3. body has SafeArea, which keeps the app from getting too close to the operating system interfaces such as the notch or interactive areas.
  4. SafeArea has a child widget, which is an empty Container widget.

One hot reload later, and you’re left with a clean app:

Building a recipe list

An empty recipe app isn’t very useful. The app should have a nice list of recipes for the user to scroll through. Before you can display these, however, you need the data to fill out the UI.

Adding a data model

You’ll use Recipe as the main data structure for recipes in this app.

Create a new Dart file in the lib folder, named recipe.dart.

Add the following class to the file:

class Recipe {
  String label;
  String imageUrl;

  Recipe(this.label, this.imageUrl);

This is the start of a Recipe model with a label and an image.

You’ll also need to supply some data for the app to display. In a full-featured app, you’d load this data either from a local database or a JSON-based API. For the sake of simplicity as you get started with Flutter, however, you’ll use hard-coded data in this chapter.

Add the following method to Recipe:

static List<Recipe> samples = [
  Recipe('Spaghetti and Meatballs',
  Recipe('Tomato Soup',
  Recipe('Grilled Cheese',
  Recipe('Chocolate Chip Cookies',
  Recipe('Taco Salad',
  Recipe('Hawaiian Pizza',

This static List<Recipe> is hard-coded. You’ll add more detail later, but right now, it’s just a list of names and images.

Note: A List is an ordered collection of items; in some programming languages, it’s called an array. List indexes start with 0.

You’ve created a List with images, but you don’t have any images in your project yet. To add them, go to Finder and copy the assets folder from the top level of 02-hello-flutter in the book materials of your project’s folder structure. When you’re done, it should live at the same level as the lib folder. That way, the app will be able to find the images when you run it.

You’ll notice that by copy-pasting in Finder, the folder and images automatically display in the Android Studio project list.

But just adding assets to the project doesn’t display them in the app. To tell the app to include those assets, open pubspec.yaml in the Recipes project root folder.

Under # To add assets to your application... add the following lines:

  - assets/

These lines specify that assets/ is an assets folder and must be included with the app. Make sure that the first line here is aligned with the uses-material-design: true line above it.

Displaying the list

With the data ready to go, your next step is to create a place for the data to go to.

Back in main.dart, you need to import the data file so the code in main.dart can find it. Add the following to the top of the file, under the other import lines:

import 'recipe.dart';

Next, in _MyHomePageState SafeArea’s child, replace the child: Container(), with:

// 4
child: ListView.builder(
  // 5
  itemCount: Recipe.samples.length,
  // 6
  itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {
    // 7
    return Text(Recipe.samples[index].label);

This code does the following:

  1. Builds a list using ListView.
  2. itemCount determines the number of rows the list has. In this case, length is the number of objects in the Recipe.samples list.
  3. itemBuilder builds the widget tree for each row.
  4. A Text widget displays the name of the recipe.

Perform a hot reload now and you’ll see the following list:

Putting the list into a card

It’s great that you’re displaying real data now, but this is barely an app. To spice things up a notch, you need to add images to go along with the titles.

To do this, you’ll use a Card. In Material Design, Cards define an area of the UI where you’ve laid out related information about a specific entity. For example, a Card in a music app might have labels for an album’s title, artist and release date along with an image for the album cover and maybe a control for rating it with stars.

Your recipe Card will have the recipe’s label and image. The widget tree for a Card has the following structure:

In main.dart, at the bottom of _MyHomePageState, add the following to create a custom widget using buildRecipeCard():

Widget buildRecipeCard(Recipe recipe) {
  // 1
  return Card(
    // 2
      child: Column(
        // 3
        children: <Widget>[
          // 4
          Image(image: AssetImage(recipe.imageUrl)),
          // 5

Here’s how you define your new custom Card widget:

  1. You return a Card from buildRecipeCard().
  2. The Card’s child property is a Column. A Column is a widget that defines a vertical layout.
  3. The Column has two children.
  4. The first child is an Image widget. AssetImage states that the image is fetched from the local asset bundle defined in pubspec.yaml.
  5. A Text widget is the second child. It will contain the recipe.label value.

To use the card, go to _MyHomePageState and update the ListView itemBuilder’s return statement to this:

return buildRecipeCard(Recipe.samples[index]);

That instructs the itemBuilder to use the custom Card widget for each recipe in the samples list.

Hot restart the app to see the image and text cards.

Notice that Card doesn’t default to a flat square at the bottom of the widget. Material Design provides a standard corner radius and drop shadow.

Looking at the widget tree

Now’s a good time to think about the widget tree of the overall app. Do you remember that it started with RecipeApp from main()?

RecipeApp built a MaterialApp, which in turn used MyHomePage as its home. That builds a Scaffold with an AppBar and a ListView. You then updated the ListView builder to make a Card for each item.

Thinking about the widget tree helps explain the app as the layout gets more complicated and as you add interactivity. Fortunately, you don’t have to hand-draw a diagram each time.

In Android Studio, open the Flutter Inspector from the View ▸ Tool Windows ▸ Flutter Inspector menu while your app is running. This opens a powerful UI debugging tool.

This view shows you all the widgets onscreen and how they are composed. As you scroll, you can refresh the tree. You might notice the number of cards change. That’s because the List doesn’t keep every item in memory at once to improve performance. You’ll cover more about how that works in a later chapter.

Making it look nice

The default cards look okay, but they’re not as nice as they could be. With a few added extras, you can spiffy the card up. These include wrapping widgets in layout widgets like Padding or specifying additional styling parameters.

Get started by replacing buildRecipeCard() with:

Widget buildRecipeCard(Recipe recipe) {
  return Card(
    // 1
    elevation: 2.0,
    // 2
    shape: RoundedRectangleBorder(
      borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(10.0)),
    // 3
    child: Padding(
      padding: const EdgeInsets.all(16.0),
      // 4
      child: Column(
        children: <Widget>[
          Image(image: AssetImage(recipe.imageUrl)),
          // 5
          const SizedBox(
            height: 14.0,
          // 6
            style: const TextStyle(
              fontSize: 20.0,
              fontWeight: FontWeight.w700,
              fontFamily: 'Palatino',

This has a few updates to look at:

  1. A card’s elevation determines how high off the screen the card is, affecting its shadow.
  2. shape handles the shape of the card. This code defines a rounded rectangle with a 10.0 corner radius.
  3. Padding insets its child’s contents by the specified padding value.
  4. The padding child is still the same vertical Column with the image and text.
  5. Between the image and text is a SizedBox. This is a blank view with a fixed size.
  6. You can customize Text widgets with a style object. In this case, you’ve specified a Palatino font with a size of 20.0 and a bold weight of w700.

Hot reload and you’ll see a more styled list.

You can play around with these values to get the list to look “just right” for you. With hot reload, it’s easy to make changes and instantly see their effect on the running app.

Using the Widget inspector, you’ll see the added Padding and SizedBox widgets. When you select a widget, such as the SizedBox, it shows you all its real-time properties in a separate pane, which includes the ones you set explicitly and those that were inherited or set by default.

Selecting a widget also highlights where it was defined in the source.

Note: You may need to click the Refresh Tree button to reload the widget structure in the inspector. See Chapter 4, “Understanding Widgets” for more details.

Adding a recipe detail page

You now have a pretty list, but the app isn’t interactive yet. What would make it great is to show the user details about a recipe when they tap the card. You’ll start implementing this by making the card react to a tap.

Making a tap response

Inside _MyHomePageState, locate ListView.builder(). Replace the itemBuilder return statement with the following:

// 7
return GestureDetector(
  // 8
  onTap: () {
    // 9
        builder: (context) {
        // 10
        return Text('Detail page');
  // 11
  child: buildRecipeCard(Recipe.samples[index]),

This introduces a few new widgets and concepts. Looking at the lines one at a time:

  1. Introduces a GestureDetector widget, which, as the name implies, detects gestures.
  2. Implements an onTap function, which is the callback called when the widget is tapped.
  3. The Navigator widget manages a stack of pages. Calling push() with a MaterialPageRoute will push a new Material page onto the stack. Section III, “Navigating Between Screens”, will cover navigation in a lot more detail.
  4. builder creates the destination page widget.
  5. GestureDetector’s child widget defines the area where the gesture is active.

Hot reload the app and now each card is tappable.

Creating an actual target page

The resulting page is obviously just a placeholder. Not only is it ugly, but because it doesn’t have all the normal page trappings, the user is now stuck here, at least on iOS devices without a back button. But don’t worry, you can fix that!

In lib, create a new Dart file named recipe_detail.dart.

Now, add this code to the file:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'recipe.dart';

class RecipeDetail extends StatefulWidget {
  final Recipe recipe;

  const RecipeDetail({Key? key, required this.recipe}) : super(key: key);

  _RecipeDetailState createState() {
    return _RecipeDetailState();

This creates a new StatefulWidget which has an initializer that takes the Recipe details to display. This is a StatefulWidget because you’ll add some interactive state to this page later.

You need _RecipeDetailState to build the widget, so add this next:

class _RecipeDetailState extends State<RecipeDetail> {

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    // 1
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: Text(widget.recipe.label),
      // 2
      body: SafeArea(
        // 3
        child: Column(
          children: <Widget>[
            // 4
              height: 300,
              width: double.infinity,
              child: Image(image:
            // 5
            const SizedBox(
              height: 4,
            // 6
              style: const TextStyle(fontSize: 18),

The body of the widget is the same as you’ve already seen. Here are a few things to notice:

  1. Scaffold defines the page’s general structure.
  2. In the body, there’s a SafeArea, a Column with a Container, a SizedBox and Text children.
  3. SafeArea keeps the app from getting too close to the operating system interfaces, such as the notch or the interactive area of most iPhones.
  4. One new thing is the SizedBox around the Image, which defines resizable bounds for the image. Here, the height is fixed at 300 but the width will adjust to fit the aspect ratio. The unit of measurement in Flutter is logical pixels.
  5. There is a spacer SizedBox.
  6. The Text for the label has a style that’s a little different than the main Card, to show you how much customizability is available.

Next, go back to main.dart and add the following line to the top of the file:

import 'recipe_detail.dart';

Then, inside _MyHomePageState, locate GestureDetector’s onTap parameter and replace the MaterialPageRoute’s return statement with:

return RecipeDetail(recipe: Recipe.samples[index]);

Perform a hot restart by choosing Run ▸ Flutter Hot Restart from the menu to set the app state back to the original list. Tapping a recipe card will now show the RecipeDetail page.

Note: You need to use hot restart here because hot reload won’t update the UI after you update the state.

Because you now have a Scaffold with an appBar, Flutter will automatically include a back button to return the user to the main list.

Adding ingredients

To complete the detail page, you’ll need to add additional details to the Recipe class. Before you can do that, you have to add an ingredient list to the recipes.

Open recipe.dart and add the following class:

class Ingredient {
  double quantity;
  String measure;
  String name;

  Ingredient(this.quantity, this.measure,;

This is a simple data container for an ingredient. It has a name, a unit of measure — like “cup” or “tablespoon” — and a quantity.

At the top of the Recipe class, add the following:

int servings;
List<Ingredient> ingredients;

This adds properties to specify that serving is how many people the specified quantity feeds and ingredients is a simple list.

To use these new properties, go to your samples list inside the Recipe class and change the Recipe constructor from:

Recipe(this.label, this.imageUrl);


Recipe(this.label, this.imageUrl, this.servings, this.ingredients);

You’ll see red squiggles under part of your code because the values for servings and ingredients have not been set. You’ll fix that next.

To include the new servings and ingredients properties, replace the existing samples code with the following:

static List<Recipe> samples = [
    'Spaghetti and Meatballs',
      Ingredient(1, 'box', 'Spaghetti'),
      Ingredient(4, '', 'Frozen Meatballs'),
      Ingredient(0.5, 'jar', 'sauce'),
    'Tomato Soup',
      Ingredient(1, 'can', 'Tomato Soup'),
    'Grilled Cheese',
      Ingredient(2, 'slices', 'Cheese'),
      Ingredient(2, 'slices', 'Bread'),
    'Chocolate Chip Cookies',
      Ingredient(4, 'cups', 'flour'),
      Ingredient(2, 'cups', 'sugar'),
      Ingredient(0.5, 'cups', 'chocolate chips'),
    'Taco Salad',
      Ingredient(4, 'oz', 'nachos'),
      Ingredient(3, 'oz', 'taco meat'),
      Ingredient(0.5, 'cup', 'cheese'),
      Ingredient(0.25, 'cup', 'chopped tomatoes'),
    'Hawaiian Pizza',
      Ingredient(1, 'item', 'pizza'),
      Ingredient(1, 'cup', 'pineapple'),
      Ingredient(8, 'oz', 'ham'),

That fills out an ingredient list for these items. Please don’t cook these at home, these are just examples. :]

Hot reload the app now. No changes will be visible, but it should build successfully.

Showing the ingredients

A recipe doesn’t do much good without the ingredients. Now, you’re ready to add a widget to display them.

In recipe_detail.dart, add the following to the Column after the last Text:

// 7
  // 8
  child: ListView.builder(
    padding: const EdgeInsets.all(7.0),
    itemCount: widget.recipe.ingredients.length,
    itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) {
      final ingredient = widget.recipe.ingredients[index];
      // 9
      return Text(
          '${ingredient.quantity} ${ingredient.measure} ${}');

This code adds:

  1. An Expanded widget, which expands to fill the space in a Column. This way, the ingredient list will take up the space not filled by the other widgets.
  2. A ListView, with one row per ingredient.
  3. A Text that uses string interpolation to populate a string with runtime values. You use the ${expression} syntax inside the string literal to denote these.

Hot restart by choosing Run ▸ Flutter Hot Restart and navigate to a detail page to see the ingredients.

Nice job, the screen now shows the recipe name and the ingredients. Next, you’ll add a feature to make it interactive.

Adding a serving slider

You’re currently showing the ingredients for a suggested serving. Wouldn’t it be great if you could change the desired quantity and have the amount of ingredients update automatically?

You’ll do this by adding a Slider widget to allow the user to adjust the number of servings.

First, create an instance variable to store the slider value at the top of _RecipeDetailState:

int _sliderVal = 1;

Within the Column, after the Expanded widget, add the following Slider widget:

  // 10
  min: 1,
  max: 10,
  divisions: 10,
  // 11
  label: '${_sliderVal * widget.recipe.servings} servings',
  // 12
  value: _sliderVal.toDouble(),
  // 13
  onChanged: (newValue) {
    setState(() {
      _sliderVal = newValue.round();
  // 14

Slider presents a round thumb that can be dragged along a track to change a value. Here’s how it works:

  1. You use min, max and divisions to define how the slider moves. In this case, it moves between the values of 1 and 10, with 10 discreet stops. That is, it can only have values of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10.
  2. label updates as the _sliderVal changes and displays a scaled number of servings.
  3. The slider works in double values, so this converts the int variable.
  4. Conversely, when the slider changes, this uses round() to convert the double slider value to an int, then saves it in _sliderVal.
  5. This sets the slider’s colors to something more “on brand”. The activeColor is the section between the minimum value and the thumb, and the inactiveColor represents the rest.

Hot reload the app, adjust the slider and see the value reflected in the indicator.

Updating the recipe

It’s great to see the changed value reflected in the slider, but right now, it doesn’t affect the recipe itself.

To do that, you just have to change the Expanded ingredients itemBuilder return statement to include the current value of _sliderVal as a factor for each ingredient:

return Text('${ingredient.quantity * _sliderVal} '
                      '${ingredient.measure} '

After a hot reload, you’ll see that the recipe’s ingredients change when you move the slider.

That’s it! You’ve now built a cool, interactive Flutter app that works just the same on iOS and Android.

In the next few sections, you’ll continue to explore how widgets and state work. You’ll also learn about important functionality like networking.

Key points

  • Build a new app with flutter create.
  • Use widgets to compose a screen with controls and layout.
  • Use widget parameters for styling.
  • A MaterialApp widget specifies the app, and Scaffold specifies the high-level structure of a given screen.
  • State allows for interactive widgets.
  • When state changes, you usually need to hot restart the app instead of hot reload. In some case, you may also need to rebuild and restart the app entirely.

Where to go from here?

Congratulations, you’ve written your first app!

To get a sense of all the widget options available, the documentation at should be your starting point. In particular, the Material library and Widgets library will cover most of what you can put onscreen. Those pages list all the parameters, and often have in-browser interactive sections where you can experiment.

Chapter 3, “Basic Widgets”, is all about using widgets and Chapter 4, “Understanding Widgets”, goes into more detail on the theory behind widgets. Future chapters will go into more depth about other concepts briefly introduced in this chapter.

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