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Data Structures & Algorithms in Swift

Fourth Edition · iOS 15 · Swift 5.5 · Xcode 13

41. Depth-First Search Challenges
Written by Vincent Ngo

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Challenge 1: BFS or DFS

For each of the following two examples, which traversal (depth-first or breadth-first) is better for discovering if a path exists between the two nodes? Explain why.


  • Path from A to F.
  • Path from A to G.

Challenge 2: Recursive DFS

In this chapter, you went over an iterative implementation of depth-first search. Now write a recursive implementation.

Challenge 3: Detect a cycle

Add a method to Graph to detect if a directed graph has a cycle.


Solution to Challenge 1

  • Path from A to F: Use depth-first because the path you are looking for is deeper in the graph.
  • Path from A to G: Use breadth-first because the path you are looking for is near the root.

Solution to Challenge 2

In the depth-first search chapter, you learned how to implement the algorithm iteratively. Let’s take a look at how you would implement it recursively.

extension Graph where Element: Hashable {

  func depthFirstSearch(from start: Vertex<Element>)
                        -> [Vertex<Element>] {
    var visited: [Vertex<Element>] = [] // 1
    var pushed: Set<Vertex<Element>> = [] // 2
    depthFirstSearch(from: start, // 3
                     visited: &visited,
                     pushed: &pushed)
    return visited
func depthFirstSearch(from source: Vertex<Element>,
                      visited: inout [Vertex<Element>],
                      pushed: inout Set<Vertex<Element>>) {
  pushed.insert(source) // 1

  let neighbors = edges(from: source)
  for edge in neighbors { // 2
    if !pushed.contains(edge.destination) {
      depthFirstSearch(from: edge.destination, // 3
                       visited: &visited,
                       pushed: &pushed)

Solution to Challenge 3

A graph has a cycle when a path of edges and vertices leads back to the same source.

extension Graph where Element: Hashable {

  func hasCycle(from source: Vertex<Element>) -> Bool  {
    var pushed: Set<Vertex<Element>> = [] // 1
    return hasCycle(from: source, pushed: &pushed) // 2
func hasCycle(from source: Vertex<Element>,
              pushed: inout Set<Vertex<Element>>) -> Bool {
  pushed.insert(source) // 1

  let neighbors = edges(from: source) // 2
  for edge in neighbors {
    if !pushed.contains(edge.destination) &&
       hasCycle(from: edge.destination, pushed: &pushed) { // 3
      return true
    } else if pushed.contains(edge.destination) { // 4
      return true
  pushed.remove(source) // 5
  return false // 6
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