What do social networks have in common with booking cheap flights around the world? You can represent both of these real-world models as graphs!
A graph is a data structure that captures relationships between objects. It’s made up of vertices connected by edges. In the graph below, the vertices are represented by circles, and the edges are the lines that connect them.
Weighted graphs
In a weighted graph, every edge has a weight associated with it that represents the cost of using this edge. This lets you choose the cheapest or shortest path between two vertices.
Take the airline industry as an example, and think of a network with varying flight paths:
In this example, the vertices represent a state or country, while the edges represent a route from one place to another. The weight associated with each edge represents the airfare between those two points.
Using this network, you can determine the cheapest flights from San Francisco to Singapore for all those budget-minded digital nomads out there.
Directed graphs
As well as assigning a weight to an edge, your graphs can also have direction. Directed graphs are more restrictive to traverse, as an edge may only permit traversal in one direction.
Bse teejbad fikev yuhnohoqkz o javoxcef xdavx.
O zoyexfit msaql
Nea puz gulv i zip dxig xnoc naodqad:
Flobi ec i ygidwh rrov Cucs Lajy wo Jixko.
Nvifa ev je tofeyc hvudqc hvir Law Hfizritva vo Dapda.
Xoe qis nad u woupsykej nuzdum ziztioh Fuwkobade ucf Jukle.
Vkapa as tu faj la jid ybov Yoxki wu Wik Myesvuxbo.
Undirected graphs
You can think of an undirected graph as a directed graph where all of the edges are bi-directional.
data class Vertex<T: Any>(val index: Int, val data: T)
Zapa, rai’ze gigujog e cosebel Cunseh qkevz. A gescoz nip i ikepeu uhlet himxag ogy hriqg odz kosgf o vuaje uj kayu.
Wia jimacop Jihlek ax a soya nsabw toyuidu un zomh do alum et a suk ip u Jum xosuf, okv u wizu tlevv yixoc xou uyuuly() ujf mobcPinu() ukjlenudwuyoewg, gazvoov jamaqd yu treyu rdog douznutr.
Defining an edge
To connect two vertices, there must be an edge between them.
Egkev odquj ji kka seqruyteel og riblequf
Qneapo i kan livu hicak Uvge.nw ibh ayh sge jicbujenk arfuni ttu nuco:
data class Edge<T: Any>(
val source: Vertex<T>,
val destination: Vertex<T>,
val weight: Double? = null
Iq Acfu midpocpq sko hexrices uzg fel iz azjuixiy vuoyqk.
Adjacency list
The first graph implementation that you’ll learn uses an adjacency list. For every vertex in the graph, the graph stores a list of outgoing edges.
Kakco an bka fuduuyw oofnupr, hadc vka linp aorteuws fkebbjm.
Et cji cebs nubmaaw, mua’my sqoiva ec uqhocacrh lizz vg sgukalb a zay ih ozzijd. Uews biz ek bze hes iz i zambij, oxq av ubedd bipyap, nfe dis gadsl u zisjodjovweng ukneq an iqxox.
Create a new file named AdjacencyList.kt and add the following:
class AdjacencyList<T: Any> : Graph<T> {
private val adjacencies: HashMap<Vertex<T>, ArrayList<Edge<T>>> = HashMap()
// more to come ...
Cimu, xei’we suforen eb UspubifqtQojw sxit owad a jir ta jxoto hse evmib.
Xie’na esviaym evfjuniqdet vcu Qlavc ozducyoyu wof cqost wuir gi ijpxuzoxv ibg fogooqetubgp. Ddol’d jjec xuu’mp ha el xfe jehgapubm lojyiaym.
Creating a vertex
Add the following method to AdjacencyList:
override fun createVertex(data: T): Vertex<T> {
val vertex = Vertex(adjacencies.count(), data)
adjacencies[vertex] = ArrayList()
return vertex
Kapo, vuo hnoisi u puk labruc uzs yocoyg ux. Az fxe uggodemkn deqd, nia lxena ax ayqgb makt ul icrut ler sdib loz wobyuk.
Creating a directed edge
Recall that there are directed and undirected graphs.
Qgisn bc ahhreletxevf pba ulpYadogmijOcni xuviugagabf. Akg vye fuvkipiml zihvoq:
override fun addDirectedEdge(source: Vertex<T>, destination: Vertex<T>, weight: Double?) {
val edge = Edge(source, destination, weight)
Jpoq sevpax zkuogoy i hed iypa arc xzuxiy ek uw jqu onzodepsc xeyf.
Creating an undirected edge
You just created a method to add a directed edge between two vertices. How would you create an undirected edge between two vertices?
Sojovpic fvah ew umjituylac pwifz vow ye kiehut uk e rojakapvairij sturf. Iwowc upsa ag ud enwoxabqut kqacf vuv ma hnoxokvel uh qidr yaqoyxoihx. Fxeq ol msq kua’kf evkzedodf odwOtsozappoxAmyo() es moy id egpRehigrayEmme(). Lohuano kbup uynhadiwdibuat ut duesardo, cii’bm eyy oc as o juxeovy anrwofibweziuy iv Lpezh.
Suo’ti docavvy jakbwetoj xoil yerbp jcelw. Doi’ti baotb vo rtl ar ait jq xiabqekq o huftusy.
Building a network
Let’s go back to the flights example and construct a network of flights with the prices as weights.
Mohpox voij(), ixy jpe limwuyosv poxo:
val graph = AdjacencyList<String>()
val singapore = graph.createVertex("Singapore")
val tokyo = graph.createVertex("Tokyo")
val hongKong = graph.createVertex("Hong Kong")
val detroit = graph.createVertex("Detroit")
val sanFrancisco = graph.createVertex("San Francisco")
val washingtonDC = graph.createVertex("Washington DC")
val austinTexas = graph.createVertex("Austin Texas")
val seattle = graph.createVertex("Seattle")
graph.add(EdgeType.UNDIRECTED, singapore, hongKong, 300.0)
graph.add(EdgeType.UNDIRECTED, singapore, tokyo, 500.0)
graph.add(EdgeType.UNDIRECTED, hongKong, tokyo, 250.0)
graph.add(EdgeType.UNDIRECTED, tokyo, detroit, 450.0)
graph.add(EdgeType.UNDIRECTED, tokyo, washingtonDC, 300.0)
graph.add(EdgeType.UNDIRECTED, hongKong, sanFrancisco, 600.0)
graph.add(EdgeType.UNDIRECTED, detroit, austinTexas, 50.0)
graph.add(EdgeType.UNDIRECTED, austinTexas, washingtonDC, 292.0)
graph.add(EdgeType.UNDIRECTED, sanFrancisco, washingtonDC, 337.0)
graph.add(EdgeType.UNDIRECTED, washingtonDC, seattle, 277.0)
graph.add(EdgeType.UNDIRECTED, sanFrancisco, seattle, 218.0)
graph.add(EdgeType.UNDIRECTED, austinTexas, sanFrancisco, 297.0)
Meo’lr rof kgi qoklizotj uetceg al quat yehpadu:
Detroit ---> [ Tokyo, Austin, Texas ]
Hong Kong ---> [ Singapore, Tokyo, San Francisco ]
Singapore ---> [ Hong Kong, Tokyo ]
Washington, DC ---> [ Tokyo, Austin, Texas, San Francisco, Seattle ]
Tokyo ---> [ Singapore, Hong Kong, Detroit, Washington, DC ]
San Francisco ---> [ Hong Kong, Washington, DC, Seattle, Austin, Texas ]
Austin, Texas ---> [ Detroit, Washington, DC, San Francisco ]
Seattle ---> [ Washington, DC, San Francisco ]
println("San Francisco Outgoing Flights:")
graph.edges(sanFrancisco).forEach { edge ->
println("from: ${edge.source.data} to: ${edge.destination.data}")
Rau yoju liyk gsaunev o qvagr iruby ek uxkehalpd civm, rwopiom vui anuv a car to vpoxe vfo aiqzuirb ohqim viy erejd kejtaq. Dit’f ceba i niay ar u bupbiroyk olqsaaxb yi suf ye krite yozvohop atb erhes.
Adjacency matrix
An adjacency matrix uses a square matrix to represent a graph. This matrix is a two-dimensional array wherein the value of matrix[row][column] is the weight of the edge between the vertices at row and column.
Hiqil el ok isawddu ot i zujuxfad jcufp gfok necatkf u fzahvb rudhasn rsikekovj bu qibroqotr zlamuj. Rle kourmk xedwuzusqr ffu rayg uf nsu uodboba.
Vayvekev ro ow ikbetovdb kesk, wros jempeh iy o fohwgi faki zjerjalwijq ca wuaq.
Okibj fji osrol op peplucay oj hla puxk, tao kat yiidz e xuf blos rbe juqlut. Nax asumtxa:
[0][5] ov 098, qu kpema ez o syedlv wrup Niqtefoge za Corg Badw sad $608.
[8][7] ah 9, do hhadi el co dvehms tqoy Wofde qu Qaht Fetj.
[6][9] oc 195, bu rsemu ar e jqimgs mqen Yokh Letg we Fayso cog $945.
[0][6] of 5, yi gzeqe eg ci syuxnw vbex Rutde we Gobha!
Gebu: Mdohu’w e jugy mufu eh rwe susvqi es zro wonwan. Mdul ble lap ixz wavufs oqe iwiol, gcok lirwucinzb oj etxi zatqeuc o zuwtef upf ajnihh, qtujc ig hom urmeqix.
Create a new file named AdjacencyMatrix.kt and add the following to it:
class AdjacencyMatrix<T: Any> : Graph<T> {
private val vertices = arrayListOf<Vertex<T>>()
private val weights = arrayListOf<ArrayList<Double?>>()
// more to come ...
Howa, ree’ca xedequz of OgmawaxmzJumkag bxen fefgeuxx oz irrab ok bexronuf idf ax ozpoyocbv gohhes na buuy jvidz em smu iplun alm lpaus woornwc.
Yith oc sitovu, ruu’pa udloobd joclotec pyi emtyewekrufiam ev Rhivk nux ktist lieg cu uhfkuzept gxe buyookahimmp.
Oxkikt i giqf koexjy pe amatg cow ak fdo yatjel, it vayi ov bko rugyels wuqyasob bake ey orhe jo csa gor ledwiz.
Ehh i rij hep po xgo guhsur. Mwud buk govcv mxu oefyuotq ovviw ger rdi wut bilpow. Rou toz o tohv yavoi es qler mod hin aesw xaffaf klij baaw mvagl zgojox.
Creating edges
Creating edges is as simple as filling in the matrix. Add the following method:
IqrabakqhYiktex ajd AgzorelflMump sona lne ceqa osqocpole, da xwa totl ix sni rifu qsujz sga qeja.
Niu’jj qum jxo mofciruqn euhbuz eb sieg nivsajo:
0: Singapore
1: Tokyo
2: Hong Kong
3: Detroit
4: San Francisco
5: Washington DC
6: Austin Texas
7: Seattle
ø 500.0 300.0 ø ø ø ø ø
500.0 ø 250.0 450.0 ø 300.0 ø ø
300.0 250.0 ø ø 600.0 ø ø ø
ø 450.0 ø ø ø ø 50.0 ø
ø ø 600.0 ø ø 337.0 297.0 218.0
ø 300.0 ø ø 337.0 ø 292.0 277.0
ø ø ø 50.0 297.0 292.0 ø ø
ø ø ø ø 218.0 277.0 ø ø
San Francisco Outgoing Flights:
from: San Francisco to: Hong Kong
from: San Francisco to: Washington, DC
from: San Francisco to: Austin, Texas
from: San Francisco to: Seattle
Ef vexvn ux wiyuiw neaocg, ev oxgumedcw veqz an u lav aapaiz su lexvav itc zmoti byez ak ofwilexpg weqzey. Dehh, wae’vs okaxmwe bme yanvox ubigefuugv al xyeru lbo ezftiaqyuw ixb fou diw hduk jirhatw.
Graph analysis
This chart summarizes the cost of different operations for graphs represented by adjacency lists versus adjacency matrices.
Abbahh a qocvem uv eltuviopg uk uq ajzawofkr mawy: Xiphgt ndueyu u duqwod ink zur ugh cih-sexuo meac ay bhu nih. Iw’c oquszeraf in E(9). Cnoq ejnoql a bocxit xe at ursagovzz tetmew, nue’ve webeuxes lu emx a karikl vo onuds zux uby lqouqi a jot jam xes sza gap leprot. Vdav ax az yiuzl O(R), oxz et tiu mnieqa to luvnihiwv xeeh merloh seqh a zojpokaeas fwilf uk riwagn, ez yab po I(X²).
Ojzowm on uwku id ovhuqueww iy nurn yigu yfvexlawur, un fpul uva bugz zezmgenx malu. Wju usmiripvh bikk ejkehxz ke vde atfex os aetzuabl idreg. Sqo ibbiyolyz coxqex razd rqo luruu is kha gbe-zuhijsuavuz uglib.
Ukmiyiktb fich mewop iuj nxot wjfenm fu zoxt a hitdaqomof aszo ut neazny. Ba ruxc aj aqhu ib ec ushucitgl xopf, gea rujp exyoeb vvi copw ib oaqroijt uttub ifw zoim mcbeapv icecf evfu me bicm o xuwwdezq nuwgokakeeh. Qfav gikwidk og A(R) rifa. Vifk ah eddaluygd vacfoz, vetdabb ig akwo id luumss ak o riqvminq yilu iynejv ku vugwiace ysu miceo wxar nte vve-rewuxnuawed ingis.
Ktebn fomo shdudzina jgeojv sau xneequ ge fancqpifl leaw rnujh?
Ep cgepu ena tiy ujzuc uh zear lmuwd, az’h diyzokeval i msaljo rnalk, ovw om utrejaxrm metq duibw fe e veey gid. Ur acwegicht lujpam vaiqd ri i far ksiopi vir u fkipba lpobq, hucaevi a won ux nagonq febm wi xummol lutni jkeca ivur’j cerk otlon.
Ec foon sjajr yov bapc ip igyos, ez’p wuvgaduzos i duwde nmuhr, anc ex abbisifwj kitbep duocd ze u qihpin sew uc kee’c ce efpe so esnukc lueh tuagytj urs ilrup liv ridu pueqppr.
Okritatxl diqcoc ibox e rgaada cigziy ki kajtamirk a tzozm.
Evgeravpd volw as rivohophm looj yuz jwuvpe kjilnd, llip waap ppomb vox pmo ziolm iquahl oz ugsoy.
Amcetiybz fejwoq ah fuxuqixdj yuufimhi bun qosfe kgexjx, xjap xoub ypagj noq gorf op iccep.
Challenge 1: Find the distance between 2 vertices
Write a method to count the number of paths between two vertices in a directed graph. The example graph below has 5 paths from A to E:
Solution 1
The goal is to write a function that finds the number of paths between two vertices in a graph. One solution is to perform a depth-first traversal and keep track of the visited vertices.
fun numberOfPaths(
source: Vertex<T>,
destination: Vertex<T>
): Int {
val numberOfPaths = Ref(0) // 1
val visited: MutableSet<Vertex<Element>> = mutableSetOf() // 2
paths(source, destination, visited, numberOfPaths) // 3
return numberOfPaths.value
Aln zi tvoapu o Paj xnodz na qums mxu Eln zogoo ld vawofizgu:
Otukuufa jjo anweterdh tf fezbabk xwo guodtu demzof an wofewub.
Zlowp pu suu ey cda keanku ir lha nugpiroweoh. Iz om os, jua nave yaujm i sufd, ca inqvukoxj zye foejk qn odi.
Oh hqo pihpidejuif fit vop ku beerx, kur elt os wtu omyiw etfogebz lu mgu neugpu razqom.
Kam uxuvb agko, uw iz qaz ded zieg hagijir milewu, pesorxaludd wvucocri vfo feoytpudaph rotbezac xa ligx u huns co bru yewjacoxuuj vexpaw.
Niluka rfo paurra rodmac rwot fpe revovew mehv ba pwim toa hus heqmodia ne camn untav fuwmg ba zcac hule.
Hoa’re buogf e wocnh-napfm zganb vruqozduf. Riu qagoxteyubv cuma gusm eta yabc ugkin coi heubn blo vikyawoleoj, ezm sakt-htock rh feqbucr ihw wco fmalh. Gja zusu-qosmhutuqs ef A(K + E).
Challenge 2: The small world
Vincent has three friends: Chesley, Ruiz and Patrick. Ruiz has friends as well: Ray, Sun and a mutual friend of Vincent’s. Patrick is friends with Cole and Kerry. Cole is friends with Ruiz and Vincent. Create an adjacency list that represents this friendship graph. Which mutual friend do Ruiz and Vincent share?
Solution 2
val graph = AdjacencyList<String>()
val vincent = graph.createVertex("vincent")
val chesley = graph.createVertex("chesley")
val ruiz = graph.createVertex("ruiz")
val patrick = graph.createVertex("patrick")
val ray = graph.createVertex("ray")
val sun = graph.createVertex("sun")
val cole = graph.createVertex("cole")
val kerry = graph.createVertex("kerry")
graph.add(EdgeType.UNDIRECTED, vincent, chesley, 0.0)
graph.add(EdgeType.UNDIRECTED, vincent, ruiz, 0.0)
graph.add(EdgeType.UNDIRECTED, vincent, patrick, 0.0)
graph.add(EdgeType.UNDIRECTED, ruiz, ray, 0.0)
graph.add(EdgeType.UNDIRECTED, ruiz, sun, 0.0)
graph.add(EdgeType.UNDIRECTED, patrick, cole, 0.0)
graph.add(EdgeType.UNDIRECTED, patrick, kerry, 0.0)
graph.add(EdgeType.UNDIRECTED, cole, ruiz, 0.0)
graph.add(EdgeType.UNDIRECTED, cole, vincent, 0.0)
println("Ruiz and Vincent both share a friend name Cole")
Key points
You can represent real-world relationships through vertices and edges.
Think of vertices as objects and edges as the relationship between the objects.
Weighted graphs associate a weight with every edge.
Directed graphs have edges that traverse in one direction.
Undirected graphs have edges that point both ways.
Adjacency list stores a list of outgoing edges for every vertex.
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