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Dart Apprentice: Beyond the Basics

First Edition · Flutter · Dart 2.18 · VS Code 1.71

Dart Apprentice: Beyond the Basics

Section 1: 15 chapters
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About the Authors

Jonathan Sande knows what it’s like to bang his head against a wall because his app isn’t working. He also understands the all-too-frequent feeling of still being completely lost even with twenty-seven browser tabs open. Once he finally does understand a topic, though, he enjoys writing the explanations and directions he wishes he had had when he started. Online he usually goes by the name Suragch, which is a Mongolian word meaning “student”, a reminder to never stop learning. After recently deciding to follow Jesus for real rather than just pretending to, he’s still trying to figure out if and how coding fits in.

About the Editors

John Bennedict (JB) Lorenzo is a tech editor of this book. He is a mobile expert currently based in Berlin, but was born in the Philippines, where he began his career in tech. In his free time, he does Latin dancing, calisthenics and traveling. He enjoys experiencing different cultures via food, language, stories and travel.

John Hagemann is an editor of this book. He is a government program and policy analyst, technical writer, and editor, and has worked as a journalist and a writing instructor.

Pablo Mateo is the final pass editor for this book. He is Head of the Onboarding & Mobile Center of Excellence at one of the biggest banks in the world and was also the founder and CTO of a technology development company in Madrid. His expertise is focused on web and mobile app development, although he first started as a creative arts director. He was for many years the main professor of the iOS and Android Mobile Development Masters Degree at a well-known technology school in Madrid (CICE). He has a master’s degree in Artificial Intelligence & Machine-Learning and a Certificate in Quantum Computing at MIT.

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