Meet the Busso App
Written by Massimo Carli
In the first chapter of this book, you learned what dependency means, what the different types of dependencies are and how they’re represented in code. You learned details about:
- Implementation Inheritance
- Composition
- Aggregation
- Interface Inheritance
You saw examples of each type of dependency and you understood which works better in various situations. Using UML diagrams, you also learned why dependency is something you need to control if you want your code to be maintainable. You saw why applying these principles using design patterns is important to make your code testable.
So far, this book has contained a lot of theory with many concepts you need to master if you want to successfully use libraries like Dagger or Hilt for Dependency Injection (DI) on Android. Now, it’s time to move beyond theory and start coding.
In this chapter, you’ll get to know the Busso App, which you’ll work on and improve throughout this book. It’s a client-server app where the server is implemented using Ktor.
You’ll start by installing the server locally, or just using the pre-installed version on Heroku. Then you’ll configure, build and run the Busso Android App.
The version of the app you start with is basic, not something to be proud of. You’ll spend the last part of the chapter understanding why and taking the first steps to improve it.
The Busso App
Throughout this book, you’ll implement the Busso App, which allows you to find bus stops near you and information about arrival times. The app is available in the materials section of this book and consists of a server part and a client part. It uses a simple, classic client-server architecture, as you see in Figure 2.1:
The UML diagram in Figure 2.1 is a deployment diagram that shows you many interesting bits of information:
- The big boxes represent physical machines like computers, devices or servers. You call them nodes.
- The boxes with the two small rectangles on the left edge are components. The Busso App component lives in the device while the Busso Server lives on a server machine, probably in the cloud.
- The Busso Server exposes an interface you represent using something called a lollipop. You can use a label to give information about the specific protocol used in the communication — in this case, HTTP.
- The Busso App interacts with the HTTP interface the Busso Server provides. Represent this with a semicircle embracing the lollipop.
Before going into the details of these components, run the app using the following steps.
Installing and running the Busso Server
Busso Server uses Ktor, which you can open using IntelliJ.
Note: You don’t need to know the details now, but if you’re curious, you can read more about Busso Server in the Appendix of this book.
Note: If you don’t want to run the Busso Server locally, there’s an existing installation running on Heroku. Just skip to the next section to find out how to use it.
Open the BussoServer project and you’ll get the following structure of directories:
Now, open Application.kt and find main
function, which looks like this:
fun main(args: Array<String>): Unit = io.ktor.server.netty.EngineMain.main(args)
Click on the arrow on the left of the code, as in Figure 2.3:
Alternatively, you can use the same icon in the Configurations section of the IntelliJ toolbar, as shown in Figure 2.4:
Now the server starts and you’ll see some log messages in the Run section of IntelliJ, ending with something like:
2020-07-30 01:12:01.177 [main] INFO Application - No ktor.deployment.watch patterns specified, automatic reload is not active
2020-07-30 01:12:03.320 [main] INFO Application - Responding at
If you get this, the Busso Server is running. Congratulations!
Now, your next step is to connect the server to the Busso Android App.
Building and running the Busso Android App
In the previous section, you started the Busso Server. Now it’s time to build and run the Busso Android App. For this, you need to:
- Define the address of the server
- Configure network security
- Build and run the app
Note: If you use the Busso Server on Heroku, you can skip this configuration and follow the instructions in the section, “Running the Busso Server on Heroku”.
Defining the server address
Use Android Studio to open the Busso project in the starter folder of the material for this chapter. You’ll see the file structure in Figure 2.5.
Configuration.kt contains the following code:
const val BUSSO_SERVER_BASE_URL = "http://<YOUR SERVER IP>:8080/api/v1/"
The Busso App doesn’t know where to connect yet. You need to change this to include the IP of your server. But how do you determine what that IP is? You need to find the IP of your server machine in your local network.
Note: You can’t just use localhost or because that would be the IP address of your Android device, not the device where the Busso Server is running.
If you’re using a Mac, open a terminal and run the following command if you’re using ethernet:
# ipconfig getifaddr en0
Or this, if you’re on wireless:
# ipconfig getifaddr en1
You’ll get an IP like this:
Remember that your specific IP will be different from the one shown above.
On Windows, run the ifconfig
command to get the same information from a terminal prompt.
Now, in Configuration.kt, replace <YOUR SERVER IP>
with your IP. With the previous value, your code would be:
const val BUSSO_SERVER_BASE_URL = ""
Great, you’ve completed the first step!
Configuring network security
As you can see, the local server uses the HTTP protocol, which requires additional configuration on the client side. Locate and open network_security_config.xml as a resource of XML type, like in Figure 2.6:
You’ll get the following XML content:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<domain-config cleartextTrafficPermitted="true">
<domain includeSubdomains="true"><!-- YOUR SERVER IP --></domain>
Next, replace <!-- YOUR SERVER IP -->
with the same IP you got earlier.
Using the IP value from the previous example, you’d end up with:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<domain-config cleartextTrafficPermitted="true">
<domain includeSubdomains="true"></domain>
Now, everything’s set up and you’re ready to build and run.
Building and running the app
Now, you can run the app using an emulator or a real device by selecting the arrow shown in Figure 2.7:
When the app starts for the first time, it’ll show the Splash Screen and then the dialog asking for location permissions, as in Figure 2.8:
Of course, if you want to use the app, you have to select the Allow while using the app option. This will bring you to the screen shown in Figure 2.9:
If you have a similar result, great job! You’ve successfully run the Busso Android App.
You’re getting fake data — you’re not necessarily in London :] — but that data comes from the Busso Server. For each bus stop, you’ll see something similar to Figure 2.10:
You can see:
- An indicator of the bus stop, like M in the picture.
- Your distance from the bus stop in meters, like 114 m.
- The name of the bus stop. For example, Piccadilly Circus Haymarket.
- The destination: RW Office
Now, select one of the cards and you’ll come to a second screen:
Below the information regarding the selected bus stop in the header, you can see a list of all the lines with their destinations, as well as a list of arrival times. Again, the data is fake but comes from the Busso Server.
The Busso App is now running and you’re ready to start the journey through design principles and, specifically, dependency injection.
Running the Busso Server on Heroku
As mentioned earlier, you might not want to build and run the Busso Server on your own machine. Instead, you can use a running app that’s available on Heroku at the following address:
Using this server has two main advantages:
- You don’t overload your machine running the Busso Server Process.
- The app can use the HTTPS protocol, while the local installation uses HTTP. Using the HTTPS protocol, you don’t need the configuration in Figure 2.6 anymore.
You can easily verify that the server is up and running by accessing the previous URL with your favorite browser. If you use Chrome, you’ll get what is shown in Figure 2.12:
Configuring the Busso App for the Heroku server
To use the server installation on Heroku, you need to enter the following code into Configuration.kt:
const val BUSSO_SERVER_BASE_URL = "https://busso-server.herokuapp.com/api/v1/"
Next, you need to put a valid value into the xml resource folder in network_security_config.xml, like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<domain-config cleartextTrafficPermitted="true">
<domain includeSubdomains="true"></domain>
The specific IP you use here isn’t important as long as it’s a valid IP address.
Improving the Busso App
Do you like the Busso App? Well, it works, but you can’t say the quality is the best. But what are the problems, and how can you fix them?
Specifically, the Busso App has:
- A lot of copied and pasted code that leads to repetition you should avoid.
- No concept of lifecycle or scope.
- No unit tests.
In the following sections, you’ll learn more about these problems and get some ideas for solving them.
Reducing repetition
SplashActivity.kt contains the following code:
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
// 1
locationManager = getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE) as LocationManager
// 2
locationObservable = provideRxLocationObservable(locationManager, permissionChecker)
// 3
navigator = NavigatorImpl(this)
Here, you:
- Get the reference to
. - Invoke
to get a reference toObservable<LocationEvent>
, which you’ll subscribe to later. This will provide location events. - Instantiate
, passing the reference toActivity
as the primary constructor parameter.
In BusStopFragment.kt, you’ll find the following code:
override fun onAttach(context: Context) {
// 1
locationManager = context.getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE) as LocationManager
// 2
locationObservable = provideRxLocationObservable(locationManager, grantedPermissionChecker)
navigator = NavigatorImpl(context as Activity)
The code in onAttach()
does basically the same thing as the previous example, because it:
- Gets the reference to
. - Invokes
to getObservable<LocationEvent>
. - Creates another instance of
, passing the reference to the sameActivity
as in the previous example.
Better would be to share some of the objects between different components to reduce code duplication. This is a problem that dependency injection helps solve, as you’ll see in the following chapters.
Taking scope and lifecycle into consideration
In any Android app, all the other components of the same app should share some objects, while other objects should exist while a specific Activity
or Fragment
exists. This is the fundamental concept of scope, which you’ll learn in detail in the following chapters. Scope is a vital part of resource management.
Adding application scope
Look at useLocation()
in BusStopFragment.kt:
private fun useLocation(location: GeoLocation) {
context?.let { ctx ->
provideBussoEndPoint(ctx) // HERE
.findBusStopByLocation(location.latitude, location.longitude, 500)
.subscribe(busStopAdapter::submitList, ::handleBusStopError)
Every time you invoke provideBussoEndPoint(ctx)
, you create a different instance of the implementation of the BussoEndpoint
interface that Retrofit provides.
Note: Retrofit is a library created by Square that allows you to implement the network layer in a declarative and easy way.
This also happens in getBusArrivals()
in BusArrivalFragment.kt.
private fun getBusArrivals() {
val busStopId = arguments?.getString(BUS_STOP_ID) ?: ""
context?.let { ctx ->
.subscribe(::handleBusArrival, ::handleBusArrivalError)
Only one instance of a BussoEndpoint
implementation should exist, and BusStopFragment
, BusArrivalFragment
and all the other places where you need to access the server should all share it.
should have the same lifecycle as the app.
Adding activity scope
Other objects should have a different lifecycle, such as the Navigator
implementation in NavigatorImpl.kt located in libs/ui/navigation, as shown in Figure 2.13:
class NavigatorImpl(private val activity: Activity) : Navigator {
override fun navigateTo(destination: Destination, params: Bundle?) {
// ...
As you can see, NavigatorImpl
depends on the Activity
that it accepts as the parameter in its primary constructor.
This means that NavigatorImpl
should have the same lifecycle as the Activity
you use for its creation. This currently isn’t happening, as you can see in onAttach()
in BusStopFragment.kt:
override fun onAttach(context: Context) {
locationManager = context.getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE) as LocationManager
locationObservable = provideRxLocationObservable(locationManager, grantedPermissionChecker)
navigator = NavigatorImpl(context as Activity) // HERE
This is something else you’ll fix in the following chapters.
The importance of scope
The concept of scope is fundamental, and you’ll read a lot about it in the following chapters.
The diagram in Figure 2.14 gives you an idea about what the scope of the Busso App should be. BussoEndpoint
should have the same scope as the app, while the Navigator
should have the same scope as the Activity
What isn’t obvious in the diagram is that each component living within a scope should have access to the instance living in an external scope.
For instance, any component should be able to access the same BussoEndpoint
implementation, Fragment
s living in a specific Activity
should share the same instance of the Navigator
implementation, and so on.
Don’t worry if this isn’t clear yet. You’ll learn a lot about this concept in the following chapters.
Adding unit tests
The current implementation of the Busso App doesn’t contain any unit tests at all. What a shame! Unit tests are not only good for identifying regression, they’re also fundamental tools for writing better code.
Note: As you’ll see later in this chapter, the Rx Module for Location contains some tests. They’re in a different module, though.
As it is now, the Busso App is almost impossible to test. Just have a look at BusStopFragment.kt. How would you test a function like this?
private fun useLocation(location: GeoLocation) {
context?.let { ctx ->
.findBusStopByLocation(location.latitude, location.longitude, 500)
.subscribe(busStopAdapter::submitList, ::handleBusStopError)
In the following chapters, you’ll see how using dependency injection and other design patterns will make the Busso App easy to test.
The Rx Module for location
The Busso App uses a module that provides location data using the RxJava library. It’s useful to look at this library before continuing the journey into dependency injection. It’s the module located in the directory structure in Figure 2.15.
The same module also contains some unit tests, implemented in RxLocationObservableKtTest, which uses the Robot Pattern. This is actually the only module with some tests in the project so far.
The Rx module contains an implementation of the APIs defined in the location/api module in the libs folder, as you can see in Figure 2.16:
The API contains some basic definitions and abstractions that all the different implementations can use. In the api module, you’ll find the GeoLocation
data class, which describes a location in terms of latitude and longitude.
data class GeoLocation(
val latitude: Double,
val longitude: Double
Every API implementation should provide some events of the LocationEvent
type in LocationEvent.kt. This is a sealed class that defines the following specific subtypes:
The events’ names are self-explanatory but it’s important to note that LocationPermissionRequest
is an event that fires when the permission to access the user’s location is missing, and that you need to put some request permission procedure in place.
On the other hand, LocationPermissionGranted
fires if you’ve already obtained the permission.
The most important event is LocationData
, which contains the information about the location in an object of type GeoLocation
Permission can be granted in many ways, so you need an abstraction like the one defined by:
interface GeoLocationPermissionChecker {
val isPermissionGiven: Boolean
The Rx module contains an implementation of the previous APIs that use RxJava or RxKotlin. You can take a look at its logic in RxLocationObservable.kt.
Note: RxJava is a library that implements the React specification. It’s used in many commercial apps. This book is not about RxJava, but you can learn all about it in the Reactive Programming With Kotlin book.
Testing the RxLocation module
The Rx module is fairly well tested. Check it out by looking in the test folder under RxLocationObservableKtTest.kt and taking a quick look at the following test:
fun whenPermissionIsDeniedLocationPermissionRequestIsSentAndThenCompletes() {
rxLocationTest(context) {
Given {
When {
Then {
It verifies that you receive a LocationPermissionRequest
when you subscribe to the RxLocationObservable
without having the necessary permissions. After that, Observable
will complete.
Note: The Robot Pattern is a useful testing pattern that allows you to write more readable tests. You can learn all about the Robot pattern and other testing procedures in the Android Test-Driven Development by Tutorials book.
Challenge: Some unit tests as a warm-up
After building and running the Busso App, it’s time for a nice challenge. As you know, the Busso App doesn’t have unit tests. Can you write some for the code related to the BusStopMapper.kt and BusArrivalMapper.kt files, as shown in Figure 2.17?
These files contain simple functions for mapping the Model
you get from the network, with the ViewModel
you use to display information in the UI.
Challenge solution: Some unit tests as a warm-up
BusStopMapper.kt contains mapBusStop()
, which you use to convert a BusStop
model into a BusStopViewModel
. What’s the difference?
contains pure data about a bus stop, which you get from the server. It looks like this:
data class BusStop(
val id: String,
val name: String,
val location: GeoLocation,
val direction: String?,
val indicator: String?,
val distance: Float?
contains the information that’s actually displayed in the app, such as information about the locale or some I18N (Internationalization) Strings. In this case, it’s:
data class BusStopViewModel(
val stopId: String,
val stopName: String,
val stopDirection: String,
val stopIndicator: String,
val stopDistance: String
For instance, BusModel
’s distance property is mapped onto the stopDistance
property of BusStopViewModel
. The former is an optional Float
and the latter is a String
. Why do you need to test these?
Tests allow you to write better code. In this case, mapBusStop()
is pure, so you have to verify that for a given input, the output is what you expect.
Open BusStopMapper.kt and select the name of mapBusStop()
. Now, open the quick actions menu with Control - Enter to what’s shown in Figure 2.18:
Select the Test… menu item and the dialog in Figure 2.19 will appear:
Now, press the OK button and a new dialog will appear, asking where to put the test you’re going to create. In this case, you’re creating a unit test, so select the test folder and select the OK button again:
Now, Android Studio will create a new file for you, like this:
class BusStopMapperKtTest {
fun mapBusStop() {
fun testMapBusStop() {
The first question you need to ask yourself when writing a unit test is: What am I testing?
In this case, the answer is that, given a BusStop
, you need to get the expected BusStopViewModel
. This must be true in the happy case and in all the edge cases.
Now, replace the existing mapBusStop()
with the following code:
fun mapBusStop_givenCompleteBusStop_returnsCompleteBusStopViewModel() {
// 1
val inputBusStop = BusStop(
GeoLocation(1.0, 2.0),
// 2
val expectedViewModel = BusStopViewModel(
"123 m"
// 3
assertEquals(expectedViewModel, mapBusStop(inputBusStop))
In this test, you:
- Create a
object to use as input for the function. - Define an instance of
like the one you expect as result. - Use JUnit to verify the result is what you expected.
Now, you can run the test selecting the arrow as in Figure 2.21:
If everything is fine, you’ll get a checkmarks as a result like the following:
Congratulations and thank you! You’ve improved the Busso App — but there’s still a lot to do.
As an exercise, add the missing tests and check if they’re similar to the ones you’ll find in the final project for this chapter.
Key points
- The Busso App is a client-server app.
- The Busso Server has been implemented with Ktor. You can run it locally or use the existing Heroku installation.
- The Busso App works, but you can improve it by removing code duplication and adding unit tests.
- The concept of scope or lifecycle is fundamental and you’ll learn much more about it throughout this book.