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Core Data by Tutorials

Eighth Edition · iOS 14 · Swift 5.3 · Xcode 12

Core Data by Tutorials

Section 1: 11 chapters
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We hope this book has helped you get up to speed with Core Data and Swift! You’re well on your way to developing your own high-performance apps with well-designed models and unit tests.

As you’ve seen, you can use Core Data to model all kinds of data — from names and addresses to images and the relationships in between. We encourage you to find where Core Data and its object graph-based persistence can work for you and give it a try.

If you have any questions or comments as you continue to use Core Data, please stop by our forums at

Thank you again for purchasing this book. Your continued support is what makes the tutorials, books, videos and other things we do at possible — we truly appreciate it!

Wishing you speed, stability and smooth migrations in all your Core Data adventures,

– Pietro, Aaron, Matthew, Rich, Darren and Sandra

The Core Data by Tutorials team

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